Port Keltia Settlement in Deabros | World Anvil

Port Keltia

Port Keltia, nestled along the gentle shores of the Leon Sea, stands as a beacon of maritime prowess and community spirit within the nation of Keltia. Founded in the year 478 as the third village to emerge in this burgeoning nation, it swiftly grew into a hub of shipbuilding excellence and bountiful fishing grounds.   Strategically positioned south of Unicaro and east of the bustling Channel of Commerce, Port Keltia enjoys a prime location that fosters strong trade and cultural exchanges. To its northwest, across the shimmering waters, lies Sylvanix, a testament to the close ties Port Keltia shares with its neighbors. Meanwhile, Veilwatch is almost directly east, further solidifying Port Keltia's role as a central node in Keltia's network of villages.   The heart of Port Keltia's prosperity lies in its renowned shipwrights and fishermen. The sound of hammers and the scent of fresh sea catch permeate the air, a daily symphony that celebrates the village's dedication to mastery over the sea. Here, ships destined for distant shores are born, each vessel a symbol of Keltia's ambition and exploratory spirit.   Beyond its economic contributions, Port Keltia is a community deeply connected to the rhythms of the sea. Its people, a harmonious blend of Keltians and immigrants from diverse backgrounds, share a collective identity shaped by the waves. Life in Port Keltia is marked by festivals that pay homage to the sea's bounty, where tales of the deep are shared among friends and strangers alike.   As a vital connector between Gossan and Unicaro, Port Keltia plays an indispensable role in the flow of goods and knowledge within Keltia. Its strategic importance and vibrant community spirit make it not just a place of commerce, but a home where the heart of Keltia beats strong against the backdrop of the vast, open sea.


Total Population: 1,164
  • Vesynite: 485 (41.67%)
  • Kalashtar: 272 (23.37%)
  • Elf: 136 (11.68%)
  • Dwarf: 116 (9.97%)
  • Gnome: 68 (5.84%)
  • Eladrin: 39 (3.35%)
  • Lenosite: 19 (1.63%)
  • Orc: 19 (1.63%)
  • Fairy: 10 (0.86%)

Founding Date
Inhabitant Demonym
Port Keltian
Location under
Characters in Location
Deabros Map in 691


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