Great Roc Mountain Geographic Location in Deabros | World Anvil

Great Roc Mountain

The Great Roc Mountain is a formidable and jagged rocky outcrop situated just off the coast of the Storm Grasslands. Though it may not reach towering heights, its treacherous location amidst the tumultuous waters of the Mother Sea makes it a challenging and perilous destination. Dark, sharp-edged rocks jut from the Grassland coast, vanishing into the unforgiving currents that swirl around the mountain's base. Pilgrims and intrepid hunters venture here to partake in a demanding and dangerous trial. They must swim through the tempestuous sea, navigate treacherous waters, and then ascend the razor-like cliffs of the Great Roc in their quest to hunt the elusive Storm Hawks. It is a place where bravery and skill are tested against the raw power of nature, all in the name of honoring the Storm Mother and seeking her divine blessings.
Alternative Name(s)
Mother's Peak
Rock Formation
Location under


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