Beautiful Nightmares and Horrible Dreams Plot in Deabros | World Anvil

Beautiful Nightmares and Horrible Dreams

Nightmares and dreams kicked off the grand quest on which the party has now embarked. However, none of them seemed to suspect more dreams and nightmares to visit upon them. Visit they are. An unexplainable vision once heard described by Grace Lightbringer. The memories of party members taking the form of nightly shared dreams.   What is going on?

Plot points/Scenes

Act I


The Unknown

The party witnesses something lift a good person into light after reviewing the contents of their whole lives. They then witness the same creature consume whole a person who commited terrible acts in their lifetime. The Party later learns clues that the "Beast" may be responsible for this phenomenon.  


The party witnesses the day Kezias and Grace Lightbringer discovered Grace was afflicted with Wurvblight. It also came to light that Grace once had a "nightmare" about herself sending a good person on their way in light and consuming someone who did evil acts. The Party learns that Grace did not survive. This was Kezias's worst day.  


The party witnesses the day Thubbo lost his whole tribe, the Unkar Tribe, to an ambush carried out by the Habzun Tribe. The party witnesses the last time Thubbo saw his father, Dhogim Warsinger. The party learns it was the last day he saw his tribe alive and the first day of his long isolation before being found by the Thunder Tribe. This was one of the worst day's Thubbo's life.  


The party witnesses the day the Circle of Ithil told Dagda there was nothing they can do for the nightmares he witnessed each night. Dagda left the Circle that day. It was the beginning of his isolation from the Circle of Ithil. The party also learned that unlike the Vesynites, Dagda is not a fan of these nightmares. This was a significant turning point for Dagda.  


The party witnesses the day Be'llor Stormcaller completed his Hunt at the Great Roc Mountain and received his volatile blessing from the Storm Mother, where he was struck by lightning. This was one of Be'llor's proudest moments.


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