Mother Sea Geographic Location in Deabros | World Anvil

Mother Sea

The Mother Sea is a vast and tempestuous body of water that stretches to the western horizon of the Storm Grasslands. Named in honor of the Storm Mother, it is a place of relentless beauty and danger. Its restless waves churn with an unceasing energy, crashing against the rocky coastline with a thunderous roar. The sea's deep blue expanse extends as far as the eye can see, its mysteries and treasures hidden beneath the surface. While its waters are teeming with aquatic life, the unpredictable currents and fierce storms that often sweep across its surface make it a perilous realm. Yet, the Mother Sea remains a source of reverence and awe for the people of the region, as they recognize its connection to their divine beliefs and the sacred pilgrimage to the Great Roc Mountain.
Alternative Name(s)
Thunder Ocean; Thunder Sea; Stormseas
Included Locations
Deabros Map in 691

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