Storm Grasslands Geographic Location in Deabros | World Anvil

Storm Grasslands

The Storm Grasslands, a sprawling and untamed expanse, stretch as far as the eye can see, blanketing the land in a sea of swaying grasses and wildflowers. Bordered by imposing natural barriers to the south, these vast plains offer a mesmerizing view of endless horizons. The grasses rustle in the ever-present wind, creating a soothing melody that serenades those who traverse this open terrain.   To the west, the Grasslands meet the tumultuous waters of the Mother Sea, where crashing waves relentlessly pound the rugged coastline, forming a dramatic and unforgiving boundary. Along this rocky coast stands the Great Roc Mountain, a treacherous challenge for those daring enough to venture there, as it beckons with the promise of facing the fierce Storm Hawks that dwell there.   To the north, the Grasslands extend into the unknown, inviting explorers and adventurers to embrace the allure of uncharted territories. The Storm Grasslands are a place of both beauty and danger, where the untamed forces of nature reign supreme, and the Thunder Tribe's annual pilgrimages honor the deep spiritual connection between the land and its people.


The Storm Grasslands, a vast and windswept region, are characterized by gently rolling hills and expansive plains that stretch far into the distance. The land is adorned with vibrant green grasses and a riot of colorful wildflowers, creating a breathtaking tapestry of colors that shift with the seasons. To the south, the imposing natural boundaries of the Yva'illin Mountains, Batiys Pass, and the Westedge Range act as formidable barriers, separating the Grasslands from the rugged terrain beyond. Along the west coast lies the tumultuous Mother Sea, its crashing waves and treacherous currents forming a perilous frontier. Here, the Great Roc Mountain rises abruptly from the sea, a jagged and unforgiving challenge for those who dare to face its rocky slopes in pursuit of the legendary Storm Hawks that call it home. To the north, the Storm Grasslands continue into uncharted territory, inviting intrepid explorers to venture into the unknown.


Though the Thunder Tribe would not consider its journeys a form of tourism, the Tribe completes a pilgrimage annually through the Storm Grasslands to reach the Mother Sea. It is here and in the Sea they believe they may commune to the Storm Mother.
Deabros Map in 691


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