Lonysus, God of Light Character in Deabros | World Anvil

Lonysus, God of Light

(a.k.a. Dream)

Lonysus is not just a Champion of Light. He is the Lord of Dreams. To the Followers of Lonysus, this is meant to be as metaphorical as it is literal. Aspirations and goals fall well into his realm, which is especially important during the Dreamless Era. He is often revered as the God who protects those while they sleep. For Lenosites, His original worshipers, dreams from Lonysus came as prophetic guidance to the future. They guided his followers to pursue certain paths over others. Indeed, even personal dreams of pursuit are considered impulses delivered by Lonysus.   The Lenosites and a significant portion of the exiled Kalashtar used to be the sole worshipers of Lonysus.   In the Twilight Faith, worship of Lonysus has radically changed. Whereas it was once believe Vesyna and Lonysus were natural born enemies, revelations from the Thalantir of Old proclaimed them to be entities tied together. The Twilight Faith challenges its worshipers to believe in both and to strike a balance between light and dark.

Divine Domains

  • Light
  • Life
  • Protection
  • Justice
  • Dream
  • Divine

Divine Symbols & Sigils

  • Closed Eyes are often drawn, carved, or etched onto surfaces in honor of Lonysus.
  • Weight scales also often drawn, carved, or etched onto surfaces in honor of Lonysus.
  • Some Followers will set up actual weight scales.

Tenets of Faith

  1. Pursue your dreams. Never settle.
  2. Protect all life.
  3. Never do wrong unto others.
  4. You shall be the light wherever you go.
  5. Seek justice for those wronged.
  6. Never allow the pursuit of justice to be stained by vengeance. Know the difference.
  7. All shall honor and respect the sanctity of sleep and rest, for it is there Dreams come alive.
  8. Honor the dream seekers and do all you can to help those in pursuit.
  9. You shall lie in the pursuit of goodness and to the benefit of a superlative story.
  10. No law shall be respected which does wrong to any.

Sinful Acts

  1. Suppressing Dreams and the Pursuit of Dreams
  2. Settling for Mediocrity
  3. Causing Harm to the Innocent
  4. Perverting Justice
  5. Misusing Light
  6. Neglecting Rest
  7. Betraying Trust
  8. Succumbing to Darkness
  9. Blocking the Light


Tenets of Lonysus, Twilight Faith

  1. Balance in All Things: Recognize that light and darkness are both essential. Strive for balance in your actions and thoughts.
  2. Unity of Opposites: Understand that dreams and nightmares are intertwined. Both can guide and protect in different ways.
  3. Mutual Respect: Honor the roles of both Lonysus and Vesyna in maintaining the world's harmony.
  4. Guidance Through Shadows: Use light to navigate the dark and use the dark to reveal hidden truths.
  5. Justice Without Vengeance: Seek justice with fairness, acknowledging the role of both protection and trickery in achieving it. Do not let justice fail, especially where you and yours have been wronged.
  6. Harmony in Actions: Let your actions reflect a harmonious blend of light and dark principles.

Divine Classification
Blonde, combed, medium-short
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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