Sacking of Lucis

As the Vesynites forces prepared to lay siege to Lucis, they approached the impending conflict with a unique perspective shaped by their belief in Bedorah's prophecy. While the goal remained to breach the city's defenses and claim victory, the Vesynites also saw the war as a necessary step towards ushering in the transformative Night of Vesyna.   Guided by this newfound understanding, the Vesynite commanders devised a strategic plan that incorporated both military tactics and spiritual fervor. The alderwoman's prophecy had instilled a sense of purpose and unity among the Vesynite warriors, as they viewed their actions not merely as acts of aggression but as part of a greater cosmic design.   Prior to the assault, the Vesynites, led by their visionary leaders, unleashed the "skirmish and the feint" strategy. They employed the Shadows, an elite group known for their stealth and precision, to silence or scatter sentries, preventing the sounding of alarm horns within Lucis. This early disruption allowed the main Vesynite army to approach the city's gates undetected, edging ever closer to the realization of the prophecy.   Once the assault began, the Vesynite Vanguard, the foremost warriors on the frontline, surged forward, engaging the unsuspecting Lenosites with a flurry of blades and arrows. The Vesynites fought with a sense of purpose, believing that their actions were paving the way for the imminent Night of Vesyna.   However, the execution of the Vesynite strategy was not flawless. A handful of Lenosite sentries managed to escape and alert their comrades within the city. As a result, the Lenosite defenders rallied, and their resistance grew stronger. The Vesynites encountered a formidable challenge as they faced Lenosite warriors equipped with unfamiliar weapons and armor, which left them puzzled and unsure of how to counter this unexpected adversary.   Meanwhile, the Shadows, who had broken off from the main Vesynite force to execute their part in the plan, found themselves embroiled in the chaos of the city. They swiftly infiltrated Lucis, cutting down unsuspecting Lenosites and seizing valuable goods. However, amidst the plunder, the Shadows discovered weapons of a unique nature, distinct from anything they had encountered before. Fascinated by the unknown, they discarded their hoarded gold in favor of these newfound tools.   As the battle raged on, a schism within the Vesynite ranks deepened. Some members of the Vanguard, aware of Bedorah's prophecy, became convinced that a retreat was necessary to fulfill the greater purpose of the Night of Vesyna. However, communication breakdowns and differing interpretations led to confusion, and the truth of who retreated first remained a mystery. Regardless, the Lenosite defense stiffened, forcing the Vesynites to reassess their plans.   In the midst of the chaos, one thing became certain—the fate of Lucis. The once-glorious city would not escape unscathed. Fires blazed, consuming the structures, and darkness shrouded the night sky. The Vesynites and Lenosites clashed with an intensity fueled by their respective convictions and the belief that their actions would shape the future.   In the aftermath of the sacking, amidst the smoldering ruins, the Vesynites carried with them the hope that their efforts had brought them closer to the realization of the Night of Vesyna. The events of that night, while marred by the realities of war and the complexities of human nature, remained a pivotal chapter in their ongoing spiritual journey.   With the prophecy of Bedorah as their guiding light, the Vesynites were determined to emerge from the ashes of the Sacking of Lucis, stronger and more resolute in their pursuit of the transformative Night of Vesyna—a celestial event that promised unity, enlightenment, and a profound connection to the divine.

The Conflict


The Lenosites rallied and launched a full scale attack on the Vesynites.
Included under Conflict
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
November 12th of 250
Ending Date
November 13th of 250
Conflict Result
The Great Vesynite - Lenosite War began due to this event.




  • Skirmishers
  • Shadows
  • Vanguard
  • Civilians
  • Soldiers
  • City Guard


300 deaths; 400 wounded
2,000 dead; 2,500 wounded


To strike fear in the heart of Lenosite territory and to trigger the Great War that would bring about the Night of Vesyna.
To defend their capital city and home.


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