Vesyna, Goddess of Darkness Character in Deabros | World Anvil

Vesyna, Goddess of Darkness

(a.k.a. Ves; Vesna; Veshna; Nightmare)

The Lady of Darkness was originally solely worshipped by the Vesynites and a significant portion of exiled Kalashtar, though they prefer to call her the Goddess of Death, Twilight, and Nightmares. For the Kalashtar, worship typically came in the form of fear. Rituals and prayers that kept her wrath away. The Vesynites believed that her nightmares were prophetic warnings of the future to help protect her followers.   The faith of Vesyna alone is called "Vesyndra". Those who worship Vesyna are known as "Vesynists".   In the Twilight Faith, worship of Vesyna has radically changed. Whereas it was once believe Vesyna and Lonysus were natural born enemies, revelations from the Thalantir of Old proclaimed them to be entities tied together. The Twilight Faith challenges its worshipers to believe in both and to strike a balance between light and dark.

Divine Domains

  • Death
  • Trickery
  • Twilight
  • Grave
  • Vengeance
  • Nightmare

Divine Symbols & Sigils

  • Statue of a cloaked person with one hand forward and the other hand clutching a knife behind their back.
  • Skulls are highly revered by Followers of Vesyna, especially those of passed Followers.

Tenets of Faith

  1. In all things, you shall adhere to the following order of importance and respect: Vesyna, Self, Family, Tribe.
  2. You shall use trickery to get what is needed for you and your tribe.
  3. You shall respect yourself and your tribe above others.
  4. You shall trust no one above yourself, and none above your tribe.
  5. You shall use the dark and nightmares to instill fear in those who are not of your tribe.
  6. You shall kill to protect yourself and your tribe. There are no innocent outside of your tribe.
  7. You shall steal to advance you and your tribe.
  8. You shall seek vengeance when you or your tribe are wronged. If another of your tribe wrongs you, you shall seek vengeance.
  9. Act in the Twilight, for the Light of Day is where the enemy prevails.
  10. You shall honor your Dead.
  11. You shall not waste your Life.

Sinful Acts

  1. Betraying the Tribe
  2. Neglecting Self
  3. Trusting Outsiders
  4. Avoiding Trickery
  5. Shying from Nightmares
  6. Refusing Vengeance
  7. Sparing Enemies
  8. Neglecting the Dead
  9. Wasting Life


Tenets of Vesyna, Twilight Faith

  1. Balance in All Things: Recognize that light and darkness are both essential. Strive for balance in your actions and thoughts.
  2. Unity of Opposites: Understand that dreams and nightmares are intertwined. Both can guide and protect in different ways.
  3. Mutual Respect: Honor the roles of both Lonysus and Vesyna in maintaining the world's harmony.
  4. Guidance Through Shadows: Use light to navigate the dark and use the dark to reveal hidden truths.
  5. Justice Without Vengeance: Seek justice with fairness, acknowledging the role of both protection and trickery in achieving it. Do not let justice fail, especially where you and yours have been wronged.
  6. Harmony in Actions: Let your actions reflect a harmonious blend of light and dark principles.

Divine Classification
Long, black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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