Avenging Warlord Dhogim Warsinger Character in Deabros | World Anvil

Avenging Warlord Dhogim Warsinger

Avenging Warlord Dhogim Warsinger (a.k.a. Avenging Fury)

Biological parent of Thubbo.  

Early Life and Family

Dhogim Warsinger was born in the year 441, under the vast, unforgiving skies of the orcish realm within the Bloodsnow Valley. Even from his earliest moments, Dhogim was marked by destiny to leave a profound impact on orcish history through acts of valor and bloodshed.   In 455, Dhogim's life intertwined with Rofik Hearthwarmer, uniting in marriage and embarking on a shared journey fraught with challenges and strife. Their union was blessed with a son, Thubbo, in 456, marking a new chapter in Dhogim's life as he undertook the joys and responsibilities of fatherhood, imparting the ways of their tribe to his son.   However, destiny had a twisted path laid out for Dhogim. On the ominous date of 15 September 461, he faced a life-altering trial during the Habzun Ambush, marking the last time his son would see him as the orc he once knew.  

Rise to Infamy

Emerging from the shadows of personal tragedy, Dhogim Warsinger transformed into the Avenging Fury in 468, forging a formidable alliance with another tribe to exact brutal vengeance upon the Habzun and their allies. His campaign of retribution was relentless, marked by enslavement, torture, and a gruesome brand of justice that forever etched his name into the annals of orcish history.   Under his fearsome leadership, the alliance grew in size and power, eventually known as the Ukavrike Grand Tribe. Dhogim, now the Avenging Warlord, unified the Shezaag tribes, compelling him to expand his horizons and direct his people toward new conquests.  

The Warlord's Campaign

The Avenging Warlord's ambition led him to challenge the Ranaak Alliance, only to find them formidable opponents bolstered by dwarven technology and defenses. Despite the challenges, his strategic cunning crafted a plan to weaken the Ranaak by disrupting their trade routes, further solidifying his reputation as a relentless and formidable leader.   His march beyond the Batiys Pass into Eandor marked the beginning of a bloody campaign against dwarves, eladrin, gnomes, and fairies. His conquest of the Dokan Dwarf capital of Rikgrasz and the subsequent battle against the armies of Osta'fae were marked by brutality and strategic prowess.  

The Final Encounter

The revelation that the Warlord was his father, Dhogim, shook Thubbo to his core. Led by Thubbo's direction, the Thalantir engaged the Avenging Warlord, culminating in a dramatic confrontation in the Aspen Hills. Despite the Warlord's plea for peace and unity, Thubbo, driven by a desire to end his reign and restore the orcs to their homeland, refused.   The ensuing duel saw Thubbo and the Avenging Warlord locked in combat, a battle that would determine the fate of their people. Despite Thubbo's valor, the Warlord's might overwhelmed him. However, the intervention of the Thalantir and a collective effort of sorrow and rage ultimately led to the Warlord's downfall.  


The death of Dhogim Warsinger, known to the world as the Avenging Warlord, marked the end of a tumultuous chapter in orcish history. His legacy, a complex tapestry of vengeance, leadership, and unyielding determination, continues to echo through the ages, a reminder of the profound impact one individual can have on the destiny of their people.


Avenging Warlord Dhogim Warsinger

spouse (Vital)

Towards Rofik Hearthwarmer



Rofik Hearthwarmer

spouse (Vital)

Towards Avenging Warlord Dhogim Warsinger



Current Status
Date of Death
5 May 475
441 PL 475 PL 34 years old
Circumstances of Death
Killed by Thubbo and the Thalantir in the Aspen Hills.
Unkar tribal lands, Bloodsnow Valley
Place of Death
Near Ranaak Lands, Bloodsnow Valley
Long, black, tied up top in bun, but loose around the sides and back.
240 lbs
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
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