
Branon was an Earth God, the second son of Aranon and Thiana, both exalted Eeirendel and the High Gods of Zerthia. His was an deific childhood in the majestic arms of the House of Aranon during the formative epochs of the Realm of Earth. As the mighty Aranon and radiant Thiana's progeny, he was entrenched in divine affairs, carving the structure of nations, shaping races, and composing the grand symphony of creation alongside his brothers Thanon and Saenon.   As a celestial youth, Branon absorbed the wisdom of his lineage, understanding the elemental rhythms of nature and the cosmos, and shaping his actions in harmony with them. He was a beacon of his divine clan, persistently aligned with the tenet of employing his extraordinary capabilities for universal prosperity and balance.   Unfurling his celestial potential, Branon was recognized as a ferocious warrior god. The fields of battle were his grand arena, his essence shimmered in the chaos of combat, leadership, and adventure. The fervor of his pursuits painted him in a resolute and commanding light, yet his actions were always directed towards establishing order, shielding the wilderness from corruption, and honoring the code of the Drandsia Vatar.   Branon was not merely a figure of warfare and leadership; he bore the mantle of a creator. His thirst was not for knowledge, but for crafting life, erecting nations, and imposing cosmic order. Even the daunting hardships he encountered were seen as stepping stones towards the grand design he was helping to shape, a testament to his devotion towards his familial house and the Drandsia Vatar.   His journey through the celestial cycles was marked by his unwavering exploration of the physical realm. Magic did not call to him, for its emergence, brought about by his son Bron, challenged the very fabric of divine governance as prescribed by the Drandsia Vatar. Branon held a silent respect for the laws that his divine heritage followed, even when his own flesh and blood chose to defy them.   The prismatic sheen of Branon's character was not confined to the divine plane. His influence swept across Zerthia like a gust of celestial wind, touching the lives of mortals and beasts alike. In later epochs, disillusioned by the tyranny of Thanon, Branon became the shadowy patron of the northern beast races, their unseen protector and benefactor.   Despite his celestial grandeur, Branon did not bask in the glow of his divine prowess. Instead, his true strength lay in his resilience, his ability to adapt to the changing times. His alignment, Lawful Neutral, was the core principle guiding his actions, never swaying amidst the celestial turmoil.   A defining epoch in the lives of Aranon's three sons was the legendary adventuring period that spanned about 300 Years. This era, a golden age preceding the Black Fire Wars, saw the trio accomplish feats that would forever echo in the realms of myth and song, carving a path of legendary tales in their wake.   As the tides of time churned, the Black Fire Wars ignited, casting long shadows over the celestial landscape. Branon, however, did not succumb to the darkness. Instead, he rose as a beacon of hope amidst the ashes and ruins, guiding the Northern Elves of Helebost towards a new dawn.   Branon's ascension as the divine guide of the Northern Elves was born out of necessity rather than desire. With the leadership decimated, he took on the mantle of their celestial patron, infusing their society with a renewed spirit of resilience and harmony, guiding them towards the path of reconstruction.   Branon also bore witness to a personal disappointment. His son with Nera, Bron, had failed to live up to his expectations. This perceived failure led to Bron's exile and subsequent transformation into Zastor, the God of Magick.   The emergence of Zastor was an affront to the established truths of the Aina Continuum. Bestowing mortals with Magick was seen as a defiance of the Drandsia Vatar, the foundational laws laid by Te Vevutur and the Ayn Auline. Yet, Branon, amidst the sting of betrayal, remained steadfast in his principles.   The fall from grace of Thanon, Branon's kin, brought about a profound transformation in the warrior god. Thanon's relentless tyranny and persecution of mortal races led Branon to renounce his leadership of the Zervesi nation of Helebost, thus stepping away from the celestial theatre and the ensuing conflicts.   Shrouded in the guise of a mortal, Branon chose solitude, wandering through the realms, away from the celestial conflicts. Despite his retreat, Branon remained deeply connected to the ebb and flow of life, pondering the intent of his Grandfather Te Vevutur in creating the Aina Continuum.   The wanderings of Branon led him to Aeirina, a mortal Hangardian woman from Clan Bael. A profound love affair blossomed between the two, short-lived yet intense, ultimately culminating in the birth of Bruinan Lifthraisir, a new divine entity in the Aina Continuum.   Even in the latter Years of his existence, Branon found a kinship with mortals, particularly the beast races of the north. These ties, though unanticipated, bore fruit in the form of his son Bruinan Lifthraisir, a demi-god who would carry the legacy of Branon forward.   As the celestial cycles unfolded, Branon's influence transcended the confines of Zerthia, spreading across the myriad realms of the Aina Continuum. His wisdom, gleaned from his experiences both as a god and as a mortal, served as a beacon for scholars and leaders from different realms.   The legacy of Branon is one of resilience and adaptability. Despite the trials and tribulations he faced, he never faltered in his pursuit of cosmic order and universal prosperity. His journey is a testament to the indomitable spirit of a god who continued to strive for the greater good.   Even in the far reaches of the future, in the War of The Mad God, Branon would stand alongside a reincarnation of his son Zastor, his grandfather Te Vevutur (then known as Veniasonis), his son Bruinan Lifthraisir, and his distant descendant Bruin Lifthraisir, a lineage of demi-god half-mortal descendants from Clan Bael.   Through these bonds and alliances, Branon would continue to influence the cosmos, his spirit resilient in the face of an ever-changing world. His involvement in such monumental conflicts speaks volumes of his unyielding dedication towards safeguarding the balance of the Aina Continuum.   Post the dissolution of the Drandsia Vatar, Branon retained his solitary existence, bearing the weight of cosmic events with a quiet, unseen grace. This state of self-imposed solitude marked a distinct chapter in Branon's existence, reinforcing his alignment towards Lawful Neutral.   The legend of Branon, the god born of celestial entities, the fierce warrior, the lover of creation, leadership, wilderness, hardship, and order, continues to resound in the annals of divine history.   Triumphs and tribulations, a testament to his resilience and steadfastness. His story offers a profound insight into the eternal struggle between divinity and mortal pursuits, underlining the cyclical nature of existence in the Aina Continuum.   His association with mortals, especially with the Hangardian woman Aeirina, demonstrates his willingness to bridge the chasm between the divine and mortal worlds. This willingness goes beyond mere interaction and manifests itself in the form of his offspring, Bruinan, a demi-god who encapsulates the legacy of Branon.




Towards Branon




Towards Thanon




Towards Branon




Towards Nera




Towards Saenon




Towards Branon




Towards Saenon




Towards Branon




Towards Saenon




Towards Branon


Thanon (Brother)
Saenon (Brother)


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