The Jungle's Claw #002

General Summary

Game date: 12th day of the Crow, Year 13944

Upon entering the foreboding expanse of the Serpent's Mire, Thronn's keen senses were immediately put to the test. A venomous snake known as a Shadow Fang lunged at him. Years of experience in this perilous terrain paid off; his protective boots prevented the fangs from piercing his skin. With a swift, practiced motion, Thronn harvested venom from the defeated snake, storing it in a vial for future use. His familiarity with the swamp's dangers was evident, and the venom added another layer of complexity to the challenges that lay ahead.
The duo pressed on, Thronn's expertise guiding them effortlessly around quicksand and other natural hazards. However, even he wasn't immune to the swamp's treachery. While attempting to collect a water sample to test for contaminants, he fumbled, spilling the poisonous liquid onto his arm. The immediate burning sensation was a grim indicator of the poison's potency. Each morning thereafter, he was compelled to make a Constitution saving throw to gauge the poison's progression, suffering additional damage when the poison intensified. Despite Fouk's attempt to identify the poison, its exact nature remained elusive, adding urgency to their quest for an antidote.   Their journey was further complicated when a wandering giant lizard crossed their path. Both adventurers swiftly climbed a tree and, with remarkable accuracy, eliminated the threat with their bows. While butchering the creature for sustenance, they discovered a mysterious amulet deep within its stomach. The dark, pulsating gemstone set in an unfamiliar metal intrigued them. Despite their attempts, neither could identify its magical properties. Fouk, however, managed to deceive Thronn into letting him keep the amulet, suspecting it was made of a rare material called shadow iron. The amulet's origins and purpose remained a mystery, fueling their curiosity and hinting at future quests.
After a much-needed rest, Fouk faced his own crisis. He discovered that his stash of opium, which he had been carefully rationing, was contaminated, leaving him with only two days' worth of doses. The threat of withdrawal loomed, adding another layer of complexity to their expedition.   As they prepared to venture deeper into the swamp, their immediate goals were clear: find an antidote for Thronn's poison and secure more opium for Fouk. Both were aware that their next destination was the territory of the cannibalistic Kurnok tribe, a dangerous but necessary gamble. Thronn's extensive knowledge of the area, gained from a lifetime spent navigating its perils, would be their guide. Yet, the swamp seemed to watch them, its very vines and trees appearing to shift when unobserved, as if warning them of the greater challenges that lay ahead.   Thus, the adventurers moved cautiously deeper into the Serpent's Mire, each step fraught with danger, each decision a potential turning point between doom and salvation. The swamp had tested their mettle, but the true trials were yet to come. With the Kurnok territory looming ominously ahead, they braced themselves for whatever mysteries and perils awaited them in the heart of the jungle.

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Complete Transcript: Audio file DR000351 1.mp3 Transcript 00:00:01 Speaker 1 Assuming you. 00:00:03 Speaker 1 Agree to being recorded. 00:00:08 Speaker 1 At work they make this. 00:00:12 Speaker 1 Do a disclaimer every time we turn on a recorder. OK, let's see. 00:00:19 Speaker 1 Now we left off with. 00:00:22 Speaker 1 You guys had the two of you had gone outside to test the water, right? 00:00:28 Speaker 2 Yeah. So those other guys took off, right? 00:00:32 Speaker 1 Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Beat feet. 00:00:33 Speaker 2 The guys had attacked us. 00:00:39 Speaker 2 So I wanted to. 00:00:42 Speaker 2 My next uh. 00:00:46 Speaker 2 Get all these to take those ******* out. 00:00:51 Speaker 2 Maybe I'll I'll take a rest overnight and then. 00:00:54 Speaker 2 I wanted to. 00:00:56 Speaker 2 Try that. 00:00:57 Speaker 2 Sneak up on him in the alley and. 00:00:59 Speaker 1 OK. 00:01:00 Speaker 2 Taken down. 00:01:01 Speaker 1 That reminds me, I have a question about. 00:01:04 Speaker 1 The the the rule for resting. 00:01:09 Speaker 1 Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition, the rule is if you get a full night's. 00:01:12 Speaker 1 Rest your hit points and your spells and everything all reset back to Max. 00:01:19 Speaker 1 I'm not sure I like that. You know, like last session foot was down to one hit point. 00:01:21 OK. 00:01:33 Speaker 2 Strong was the one that was what gets I don't think foot even got hit. It was strong. He's down to six right now. 00:01:37 OK. Yeah, yeah. 00:01:38 Speaker 1 You're right, you're right. What do you think about that rule? It's kind of like a video game thing, you know where it's like. As soon as you go to level or as soon as you go to scene 2. 00:01:52 Speaker 1 Everything is all back to. 00:01:54 Speaker 1 Maximum 100. 00:01:56 Speaker 1 Are you cool with that? 00:01:59 Speaker 2 Yeah, I mean. 00:01:59 Speaker 2 That seems a little bit. 00:02:02 Speaker 2 A little bit over exaggerated, but however you want to handle it. My guys are weak right now. 00:02:06 Speaker 1 Well the thing. 00:02:11 Speaker 1 OK, audio I I don't know if my audio is. 00:02:14 Speaker 1 Coming through clear, but yours is. 00:02:16 Speaker 1 You're just getting that kind. 00:02:17 Speaker 1 Of warbly digital buffering sound but. 00:02:21 Speaker 1 If you if you pull up your character sheet. 00:02:26 Speaker 1 Let me see if I can. Also I'm opening. 00:02:30 Speaker 1 Strongs right now. 00:02:34 Speaker 1 And it's slow as ****, but there will be a there's a button on your character sheet to tell it that you've had a full night's sleep. 00:02:44 Speaker 2 That's the one that says heal. 00:02:46 Speaker 2 Short rest, long rest. 00:02:48 Speaker 1 Yes, it would. 00:02:50 Speaker 1 Full nights rest would be long rest. 00:02:56 Speaker 1 So if you hit that. 00:02:56 Speaker 2 Should I hear that then? 00:02:59 Speaker 1 Yeah. If we're going to keep the reggae. 00:03:02 Speaker 2 Recover 19 points up to one hit dice. 00:03:10 Speaker 2 It's gotta it's gotta reset to maximum or recover nine hit points up to one hit. Nice. 00:03:17 Speaker 1 That's cool. OK, that's. 00:03:18 Speaker 1 That's new. I kind of prefer that. 00:03:21 Speaker 1 Like, yeah, let's let's not do the Max. 00:03:22 Speaker 2 The nine hit points. 00:03:26 Speaker 1 Although right now it's going to put, it's going to put, it's going to put strong back at full, but. 00:03:27 Speaker 2 OK. 00:03:32 Speaker 2 Yeah, that seems that seemed. 00:03:33 Speaker 1 But I don't. I don't think it. It just doesn't seem rational to sleep off. You know, knife wounds and. 00:03:34 Speaker 2 A little more. 00:03:39 Speaker 1 Stuff you know. 00:03:40 Speaker 2 Yeah, I I agree with that. 00:03:44 Speaker 2 All right. I'll just do the take long run. 00:03:48 Speaker 1 Yep. And if it lets you. 00:03:50 Speaker 1 Go ahead and click that on on foot as well, although I don't think you've expended anything. 00:03:58 Speaker 2 Yeah. So that, that reset it that gave me back all my points anyway cause I was 6 + 9 so well. 00:04:10 Speaker 2 Yeah, for that. 00:04:13 Speaker 2 That was exactly my. 00:04:16 Speaker 2 Amount of hit points that I had anyway I think so. 00:04:19 Speaker 3 OK, let's see. I was going to try. 00:04:24 Speaker 1 OK, I'll put two damn mini. 00:04:25 Speaker 1 Maps in here hold on a SEC. Forest can't, right? 00:04:32 Speaker 1 There's a lawsuit. 00:04:34 Speaker 1 I don't think I had an encounter ready for. 00:04:40 Speaker 1 I don't know if switching maps is going to kick me out. 00:04:45 Speaker 1 You still there? Alright, hold on. 00:04:48 Let's see, that's. 00:04:52 Speaker 1 I was hoping to have more downtime. 00:04:54 Speaker 1 At work today. 00:04:55 Speaker 1 To cheat and. 00:04:57 Speaker 1 Work on. 00:04:57 Speaker 1 CB total. 00:05:08 Speaker 2 Yeah, I've been slammed at work all week. 00:05:14 Speaker 1 The usual kind of **** or. 00:05:19 Speaker 2 Yeah, I was just wanting to. 00:05:26 Speaker 2 Oh, it's just that. 00:05:28 Speaker 2 They're doing, you know, all the students are back. 00:05:31 Speaker 2 To school and. 00:05:34 Speaker 2 We just got all this new equipment and they're trying to like test it out with. 00:05:38 Speaker 2 All these new. 00:05:39 Speaker 2 Bits. So I'm gonna get to be. 00:05:41 Speaker 2 The great big for it. 00:05:46 Speaker 2 It's alright. 00:05:52 Speaker 1 OK, so this was. 00:05:55 Speaker 2 Can you hear me? 00:05:56 Speaker 1 Yeah, I can hear. 00:06:01 Speaker 1 Now, did you let me know when your map changes? 00:06:05 Speaker 2 Yeah, I've changed. 00:06:07 Speaker 1 All right, cool. So here. 00:06:10 Speaker 1 Now, are you able to drag your own token onto the map or? 00:06:12 Speaker 1 Do I need to do it for you? 00:06:15 Speaker 2 I don't see my token though. 00:06:18 Speaker 1 OK. 00:06:19 Speaker 1 So we drag foot on there and let's say that our foot is. 00:06:26 Speaker 1 So let's let's say this is somewhere outside of the. 00:06:30 Speaker 1 Somewhere outside of the Tavern. 00:06:33 Speaker 1 I didn't necessarily have an encounter set up for this scene. 00:06:38 Speaker 1 But from here. 00:06:41 Speaker 1 Now you say. 00:06:43 Speaker 1 You say you you you want your #1 mission right now to be to go after those two guys that. 00:06:47 Speaker 3 Just **** with you. 00:06:49 Speaker 3 Or is that? 00:06:53 Speaker 2 Yeah. So what I was thinking is I want to like. 00:06:57 Speaker 2 Flukes all end up poison and and. 00:07:01 Speaker 2 Thronn is like an Archer. 00:07:03 Speaker 2 Who also might utilize poison. 00:07:09 Speaker 2 So I'm thinking they want to try to like. 00:07:12 Speaker 2 Find an ambush. 00:07:16 Speaker 2 Figure out where these guys are and kind of like ambush them with some poison somehow, which I don't know if I have poison. I'm not sure if you're allowing that or. 00:07:26 Speaker 1 Well any. 00:07:27 Speaker 2 But that's my objective. If I don't have. 00:07:32 Speaker 1 Go ahead. 00:07:34 Speaker 2 I was gonna try to seek some out. 00:07:38 Speaker 2 And if I if I do, I'll just go after these ********. 00:07:42 Speaker 1 OK, now here's the thing, and I'm going to try not to railroad your characters. 00:07:49 Speaker 1 If you the the the mission, the mission that Kurgan gave you, I'm tempted to rename to Wino. 00:07:59 Speaker 1 You know that the. 00:08:02 Speaker 1 The two escaped child soldiers that. 00:08:06 Speaker 1 That your old war band wants found. 00:08:11 Speaker 1 Those guys are running wild and the and the more time you lose, the harder it's going to be to find them. You're skilled enough at tracking. Let's see what skills you would use for tracking. 00:08:24 Speaker 1 It's evident that ravis and. 00:08:28 Speaker 1 What was the other guy's name? Thorne. That's not confusing at all. They've headed in the opposite direction that they they would say they're, you know, you can tell that those guys beat feet South. 00:08:43 Speaker 1 Your Thronns mission takes him north and. 00:08:49 Speaker 1 Books as well. I do the stream you want to head upstream to find the source of the poison. So. 00:08:55 Speaker 1 Which which one is more important to you right now of finding the guys? 00:08:59 Speaker 1 That ****** with. 00:09:00 Speaker 1 You or or the mission. 00:09:02 Speaker 1 That's going to get you paid. 00:09:05 Speaker 2 Well, I guess we can come back to them when. 00:09:08 Speaker 2 When they complete this catch. 00:09:09 Speaker 1 Now you. 00:09:13 Speaker 1 Thrawn is definitely. 00:09:14 Speaker 2 Will we get? 00:09:14 Speaker 2 Too far or. 00:09:15 Speaker 1 Aware that those. 00:09:16 Speaker 1 Those two guys are regulars. You've seen them around. 00:09:20 Speaker 1 UM. 00:09:22 Speaker 1 You guys have, you know, you've crossed paths before, so. 00:09:27 Speaker 1 It's not unlikely that you'll see them around. 00:09:30 Speaker 1 Again, they are. They are locals. 00:09:36 Speaker 1 So from here you you've fraun. 00:09:41 Speaker 2 I've been dead on now. 00:09:43 Speaker 1 He's got a what? 00:09:44 Speaker 2 He's vowing. 00:09:46 Speaker 2 A vendetta. 00:09:48 Speaker 2 He's vowing to get revenge from those guys at some point. 00:09:55 It'll come. 00:09:55 Speaker 1 No spoilers. 00:09:58 Speaker 1 OK, so foot or I'm sorry Athron will be the. 00:10:02 Speaker 1 One that is he's, he's. 00:10:04 Speaker 1 He's the local. Where did you get the chance to read any of the back story that I did for food? 00:10:11 Speaker 1 On world anvil. 00:10:15 Speaker 1 It's OK, yes. 00:10:15 Speaker 2 Yeah, that he was like. 00:10:16 Speaker 2 Shipwrecked or something? 00:10:18 Speaker 1 Yes, that's that's that's the story I thought might might make some sense. If he's he's he's this, you know, kind of Arabic type dude. 00:10:27 Speaker 1 From a country that's about two or 3000 miles away, he's low level first level dude that was affiliated with the SHEDIM. So I think the logical story is that. 00:10:42 Speaker 1 He was, you know, he was a novice with these guys, even though he was raised by. 00:10:46 Speaker 1 Them you. 00:10:46 Speaker 1 Know and and. 00:10:49 Speaker 1 And is pretty familiar with their ways. Knows their Secret Guild language, you know. 00:10:56 Speaker 1 But he wasn't tuned in on anything high level with what they were up to, but. 00:11:02 Speaker 1 But your group, your group. 00:11:04 Speaker 1 Of emissaries from the shading were traveling by ship and and you were their servant. 00:11:12 Speaker 1 They were travel, they traveled from Dorsia to to Nola Vore, which was a pretty long journey. 00:11:17 Speaker 1 And made it all. 00:11:18 Speaker 1 The way and. 00:11:19 Speaker 1 Shipwrecked right as they were landing. And you were the only survivor. 00:11:24 Speaker 1 Go figure. So you've you've been food has been stranded in the jungles of Nola war for a year now. 00:11:33 Speaker 1 Just scraping by. 00:11:35 Speaker 1 Getting strung out. 00:11:39 Speaker 1 Opium and whatever else he could find trying to come up with some kind of plan on what he's going to do, they will find his way back and make some money. 00:11:48 Speaker 1 But he he's developing a habit. 00:11:52 Speaker 1 And he keeps trying to supply, you know, and. 00:11:55 Speaker 1 Keep spending his **** on the stuff you should be saving for. 00:11:59 Speaker 1 Now that that doesn't contradict what you. 00:12:01 Speaker 1 Had in mind. 00:12:04 Speaker 1 Where? Where do you? 00:12:07 Speaker 1 How does that sound? 00:12:09 Speaker 1 So like where you want to. 00:12:10 Speaker 1 Go with that character. 00:12:12 Speaker 2 Yeah, that's good. I just think that he's he's trying to, like, get a big score and maybe get back to his homeland and be like. 00:12:22 Speaker 2 Kind of like a mafia guy, you know, is trying to. 00:12:26 Speaker 2 Get a, get some points for his family type thing you know. 00:12:30 Speaker 1 OK. OK. That makes sense then. So so food would definitely know that that a lot of the illicit stuff going on in no war. 00:12:40 Speaker 1 Is considered extremely rare and extremely valuable in in Borcia, where he's from. So I mean you, if you could just get back home with even. 00:12:49 Speaker 1 Just a little. 00:12:50 Speaker 1 Bit of this stuff that goes on here. 00:12:53 Speaker 1 You could you could, you know, a couple of years worth of wages, you know, office, some stuff that you can fit in a backpack, you know, so. 00:13:02 Speaker 1 If you could just hold off from actually doing the doing the drugs long enough, he could actually score some big **** so. 00:13:12 Speaker 1 So he he's kind of got the wheels in his head, are kind of turning if if these. 00:13:18 Speaker 1 Chemicals in the stream are in fact some kind of lab. 00:13:23 Speaker 1 Upstream, he's very interested in finding out. 00:13:26 Speaker 1 What it is? 00:13:28 Speaker 1 You guys don't know about mummy dust yet, but that's that's not. That's not a drug that you guys know exists in this area. 00:13:41 Speaker 1 I don't think that didn't come that didn't come up at all in the first session did it? Kerrigan wasn't talking about anything like that. No, he doesn't. He doesn't know. Or at least he didn't tell you. He knows anything about. 00:13:53 Speaker 1 The source of the poison in the string. 00:13:58 Speaker 1 Let's see. Let's see what what would be the reason that flong should also go north? I don't know if I figured. 00:14:05 Speaker 1 That out yet, because. 00:14:08 Speaker 1 There's no. 00:14:09 Speaker 1 It's not like you can begin tracking your two. 00:14:12 Speaker 3 Soldiers from here. 00:14:14 Speaker 2 He's trying to. 00:14:14 Speaker 2 Make some money. 00:14:16 Speaker 1 Say again? 00:14:21 Speaker 1 I didn't hear the last thing you said. 00:14:22 Speaker 2 Isn't it? So, isn't it that the? 00:14:25 Speaker 2 Aren't the people that we're trying to catch, aren't they? 00:14:29 Speaker 2 To the north. Is that what's going on? 00:14:31 Speaker 1 Good enough reason. 00:14:33 Speaker 1 Well, let's say let's say that, yeah, the. 00:14:36 Speaker 1 The war that you, you know, the war band. 00:14:38 Speaker 1 That you used to belong to. 00:14:40 Speaker 1 That you parted ways with on sort of good terms, but not quite their their north. 00:14:49 Speaker 1 The start of your search for those two soldiers is is going to be north of the, you know, following this stream N so. 00:14:57 Speaker 3 Let's see. 00:15:01 Speaker 1 Let's say you guys have traveled from maybe a day's hike. 00:15:09 Speaker 1 You followed this stream up. You know, assuming that there's somewhere around this waterfall and you're going directly north, but. 00:15:16 Speaker 1 Somewhere in here I have a swamp. Let me find. 00:15:19 Speaker 3 It for you hold. 00:15:20 Speaker 1 On too many, I shouldn't have added this many maps here. Let's see. 00:15:30 Speaker 1 You know from and I say you want to know that you're two different characters. Thron knows that the most likely. 00:15:38 Speaker 1 The most logical place to. 00:15:40 Speaker 3 Begin your search would be. 00:15:43 Speaker 1 The swamp, called the serpents mire. 00:15:46 Speaker 1 And that's about a day's hike. 00:15:49 Speaker 1 Directly north of the Tavern. 00:15:53 Speaker 1 And it's pretty rough going. 00:15:57 Speaker 1 Let's just assume that. 00:15:59 Speaker 1 You know, you've gotten all your. 00:16:01 Speaker 1 Supplies that you. 00:16:02 Speaker 1 Need hold on. I'm just looking for the map. 00:16:05 Speaker 1 Somewhere there was a swamp. 00:16:12 Speaker 1 Alright, I'll do a better job of organizing this ****. 00:16:21 Speaker 2 So he's got he's like. 00:16:24 Speaker 2 A tracking specialist too, so maybe he can. Uh. 00:16:29 Speaker 2 Care to notice if there's a trail or something? 00:16:32 Speaker 1 Yeah, that's that. I I definitely wanted to incorporate. 00:16:35 Speaker 3 That in the story that you see. 00:16:37 Speaker 1 Well, I look for this map. 00:16:41 Speaker 1 You guys are heading to a place that you're familiar with called the serpents. Meyer, a notorious swamp known for rain and venomous. 00:16:54 Speaker 1 Venomous inhabitants Swamp is a labyrinth of murky water. 00:16:58 Speaker 1 Rotting vegetation into. 00:17:00 Speaker 1 Deceptive patches of what appear to be solid ground, but actually quicksand. 00:17:05 Speaker 1 So there's probably going to be a lot of lot of places where you're going to have to tell food, you know, hey. 00:17:11 Speaker 1 Freaking step on that ****. 00:17:15 Speaker 1 Damn it, where the freak did I do this? 00:17:17 Speaker 1 I didn't name this stuff very well, man. 00:17:22 Speaker 1 I have this excellent looking swamp. 00:17:30 Speaker 1 And it is, you know, we found. 00:17:35 Speaker 1 Alright, so maybe we'll change it to. 00:17:44 Speaker 1 OK, I'm kind of stumped man. 00:17:50 Hold on. 00:17:58 Speaker 1 Did you hear audio change just now? 00:18:05 Speaker 2 Uh, no. 00:18:07 Speaker 1 OK. 00:18:07 Speaker 1 I'll just making sure because I'm still figuring out some of these. 00:18:16 Speaker 1 This computer is going to be. 00:18:18 Speaker 1 A no go I. 00:18:20 Speaker 1 I tried using my ThinkPad, which you know has a pretty swift CPU on it, but it would refused to recognize my good camera. 00:18:31 Speaker 1 Some, like God dammit, man. 00:18:34 Speaker 1 I wish I hadn't gotten my laptop. 00:18:46 Speaker 1 Alright, screw it man. Let's just. 00:18:47 Speaker 1 Pretend this is a. 00:18:51 Speaker 1 Let's pretend this is a swamp. 00:18:57 Speaker 1 OK so. 00:18:58 Speaker 1 You guys have marched. 00:19:01 Speaker 1 For maybe a day well. 00:19:02 Speaker 1 I had a really cool one that was like night time and all the spooky looking and ****. 00:19:09 Speaker 1 Good enough. 00:19:11 Speaker 2 So you can bring it straight in from YouTube. 00:19:14 Yeah, yeah, it. 00:19:15 Speaker 1 Seems to work well so far. Every once in a while you'll see subliminal flashes of ads. 00:19:22 Speaker 1 But until it outright begins failing. 00:19:26 Speaker 1 Seems to work pretty well now. I was going to try and I was going to try and incorporate a thing from 4th edition called Skill Challenges. 00:19:37 Speaker 1 It's a non combat way of of using skill. 00:19:42 Speaker 1 Skill goals to. 00:19:47 Speaker 3 And I suck at this game. 00:19:52 Speaker 1 I was going to have you guys do. 00:19:53 Speaker 1 A skill challenge to successfully navigate through the swamp. 00:19:56 Speaker 1 Without falling prey to its dangers. 00:20:00 Speaker 1 The first thing to do. 00:20:01 Speaker 3 Let's see. You have to get 3 success, 3 successes before. 00:20:08 Speaker 1 3 failures. 00:20:11 Speaker 1 And that's cumulative between the two characters. So the first thing to do is you have both characters need a roll of perception check. 00:20:22 Speaker 1 I'm guessing that. 00:20:25 Speaker 1 Thron probably has a better perception than foot. I'm not sure, but if you go to your character sheet. 00:20:32 Speaker 1 You should have a perception score somewhere. Let's see. 00:20:37 Speaker 1 God, this is slow ****. 00:20:39 Speaker 2 Perception is wisdom. 00:20:42 Speaker 1 Yes, like that particular character has. Well, I think perception is based on wisdom, regardless of your skills. But if you just. 00:20:49 Speaker 1 Click the bonus number. 00:20:50 Speaker 1 It'll it'll throw. 00:20:52 Speaker 1 It'll put your role into the game log. 00:20:57 Speaker 1 So if you want to roll. 00:20:58 Speaker 1 A perception check for. 00:21:00 Speaker 1 For thron and. 00:21:01 Speaker 1 Then roll a perception check for food. 00:21:08 Speaker 2 So Ron got a 15, so he passed with flying colors. 00:21:13 Speaker 2 Because he's got. Yep. 00:21:16 Speaker 2 But you wanna go? 00:21:18 Speaker 2 So it's your wisdom. 00:21:22 Speaker 2 You got to go less in your. 00:21:23 Speaker 2 Wisdom or or how's that? 00:21:25 Speaker 1 Well, the way the the way a. 00:21:27 Speaker 1 Skill check works is the same the same as an attack roll or a saving throw or anything like that. It's on. It's on a deep 20 and. 00:21:37 Speaker 1 Any particular? 00:21:39 Speaker 1 Hold on just a second. My my son's calling them. 00:21:42 Speaker 1 Hey, Kate, what's up? 00:21:46 Speaker 2 I'm just chilling out. I'm watching. 00:21:49 Speaker 1 Hey, do me. Do me a favor, man. Give. Give Mom a call and I'm in the middle of dead right now. But how? How late can you stay up? 00:22:00 Blogger apps. 00:22:02 12 hours till 4. 00:22:04 Speaker 1 Two hours. Yeah. Go. Go ahead. Go. 00:22:08 Speaker 1 Ahead and buzz mom. And then if you're. 00:22:10 Speaker 1 If you're still up when I'm done. 00:22:11 Speaker 1 I'll give. 00:22:11 Speaker 1 You buzz. Well, we can, but we can. 00:22:11 He stays up till 8:00. 00:22:14 Speaker 1 Chat in the morning, man, if that's cool. 00:22:18 Speaker 1 OK. Yeah. 00:22:22 Speaker 1 Alright, love you. 00:22:24 Speaker 1 Bye bye. 00:22:28 Speaker 1 Alright, so brother and he's, he's still in training. 00:22:30 Speaker 1 Right now, he. 00:22:32 Speaker 2 Thought it was my phone. 00:22:34 Speaker 2 And you got the same. 00:22:37 Speaker 2 Same ring as I do. 00:22:41 Speaker 2 To make one of those skill checks. 00:22:44 Speaker 2 You roll. 00:22:47 Speaker 2 So I rolled up 15 and I've got a 12 wisdom. 00:22:51 Speaker 2 So what's that? How's that working? 00:22:55 Speaker 3 Let's see if you're. 00:22:57 Speaker 1 You're still. You're still just talking about strong, right? 00:23:02 Speaker 1 OK, for a skill check for a skill check. Whatever the particular thing is. If it's a strength or in this in this case, it's perception. I'm checking to see if if your character is noticed. 00:23:13 Speaker 1 Particular dangers in this in this encounter area and. 00:23:19 Speaker 1 Any given skill check will have what's called a DC or a difficulty class, meaning I I as the DM will give that task a score which I may or may not tell you what it is. Some DM's don't tell you what the difficulty class is. In this case it's 15, which which means it's kind it's. 00:23:39 Speaker 1 Kind of a difficult, difficult task, but not too bad. So that means your character has to roller detailing. 00:23:45 Speaker 2 So that's no. 00:23:48 Speaker 1 Say again? 00:23:51 Speaker 2 So so that difficulty class is what's known. I don't necessarily know what that is then, just depending on what are you rated. 00:23:57 Speaker 1 No, not right. 00:24:01 Speaker 1 Yeah. Yeah. Now, like, like, if it were, if it were to, you know, you needed to scale a, a sheer 100 foot Cliff that's covered in oil. 00:24:02 Speaker 2 OK. 00:24:11 Speaker 1 That would be like a difficult class of 25 or something. You know, we're almost superhuman. 00:24:17 Speaker 1 But in this instance this instance was it was a 15. You rolled A-15 on the 20 + 1 so that so Thron succeeded, he successfully found the hazards and avoided them. 00:24:33 Speaker 2 So Foukes only got heat wisdom, so he's probably going to need a high roll then. 00:24:39 Speaker 2 So OK, so. 00:24:46 Speaker 1 What's that? Oh, natural 20. 00:24:48 Speaker 2 What's what's up? 00:24:50 Speaker 2 Is that a 20? 00:24:51 Speaker 1 Yeah, the the B. 00:24:52 Speaker 1 Is at, is at 20. 00:24:57 Speaker 2 Who's the lucky lucky *******? 00:25:00 Speaker 1 OK, so let's. 00:25:02 Speaker 2 So he just like. 00:25:04 Speaker 2 Skipped through there. 00:25:07 Speaker 1 Go ahead and. 00:25:07 Speaker 2 Looking whatever plants he finds along the way. 00:25:10 Speaker 3 Let's say that you guys are. 00:25:11 Speaker 1 And I'm not sure I'm doing this correctly. 00:25:15 Speaker 1 Because I have. 00:25:17 Speaker 1 Three different skill checks to look for and the rule for skill challenges is that. 00:25:25 Speaker 1 And and this is not even a 5th edition rule anymore. They they got rid of skill challenges. 00:25:29 Speaker 1 But I thought it was a good idea. 00:25:32 You have to. 00:25:33 Speaker 3 Get 33 successes before you get 3 failures. 00:25:40 Speaker 1 OK, so so let's do let's do one more. 00:25:43 Speaker 2 That's like walking through this muddy bog or whatever, trying to watch out for reality. 00:25:47 Speaker 1 Yes, let's do. 00:25:51 Speaker 1 Let's this these these rules are set. 00:25:53 Speaker 1 Up for a. 00:25:53 Speaker 1 Larger party. That's why I'm confused. OK, let's do one more perception check and I'll let you choose. Which guy does it? 00:26:01 Speaker 1 And this will decide. 00:26:05 Speaker 2 OK. 00:26:06 Speaker 1 If anything surprises you guys. 00:26:10 Speaker 2 OK, I'm going for. 00:26:15 Speaker 2 For sure. 00:26:17 Speaker 1 15 or higher. 00:26:19 Speaker 2 Oh, is that 13? 00:26:22 Speaker 1 That's a 14. 00:26:23 Speaker 2 It's hard. 00:26:24 OK. 00:26:26 Speaker 1 So let's see. One or two is Thrawn. 3 or 4 is foot. 00:26:35 Speaker 1 I'm rolling a D4. 00:26:40 Speaker 1 Because we don't have a coin, there should be a coin in there for OK, so Tron actually. Yeah. OK. 00:26:49 Speaker 1 Let's see what happens. 00:26:54 Speaker 1 What? What kind of boots are just drawing? Wearing. Do you know? 00:26:58 Speaker 1 Because you just got bitten by a snake. 00:27:03 Speaker 2 Uh, let's see. 00:27:06 Speaker 1 If you don't have it written down, then. 00:27:07 Speaker 1 Just let's just say let's. 00:27:09 Speaker 1 Say you're you were wearing the correct boots because you were born and raised in this freaking place. 00:27:18 Speaker 1 So let's say in this particular instance. 00:27:20 Speaker 2 He's wearing spiked armor. 00:27:24 Speaker 3 Yeah. Yeah, let's say let's say he's. 00:27:26 Speaker 2 And hide. 00:27:29 Speaker 1 You're wearing the correct jungle jungle boots. 00:27:35 Speaker 1 Let's do Romeo D you know? Can you roll a D8? And if you roll a? 00:27:42 Speaker 1 If you roll A4 or higher. 00:27:44 Speaker 1 The fangs do not Pierce your boots. 00:27:53 Speaker 1 Now when you click on the D8A little window will appear on the very far left and where you tell it how many. 00:28:00 Speaker 3 To roll out. 00:28:07 Speaker 1 Oh, that's interesting. Oh, I rolled too. 00:28:09 Speaker 2 So I rolled an 8 and A5. 00:28:12 Speaker 2 Thank you. 00:28:12 Speaker 1 OK. Well, that's just 55. 00:28:14 Speaker 1 But I don't want you. 00:28:15 Speaker 2 I rolled two of them accidentally, I guess. 00:28:16 Speaker 1 To be there, OK, so. 00:28:18 Speaker 1 So yeah, you get this. This freaking venomous snake. You'll just say you're familiar with whatever kind it is. It latches onto your boot, but you're able to freaking hack it off before it's able to get through. 00:28:31 Speaker 3 Let's see. 00:28:37 Speaker 2 Can I? 00:28:38 Speaker 2 Gather some of its poison. 00:28:41 Speaker 1 Yeah, yeah. Do you have a what skill? 00:28:42 Speaker 1 Do you have that will? 00:28:45 Speaker 1 But remember, foot foot can do the same thing. I think foot is probably more skilled at it, right? Right. 00:28:49 Speaker 2 I've got. 00:28:51 Speaker 2 Both of my guys to have have a nature have nature skill. I have a. 00:29:00 Speaker 2 Nature I have. 00:29:03 Speaker 3 Let's do. 00:29:06 Speaker 2 That's with. 00:29:10 Speaker 2 Have a nature skill with prawn and I have a poisoner thing with. 00:29:19 Speaker 2 Look, let's see. 00:29:27 Speaker 1 Alright, OK, I'm I'm looking at food and I meant to look at strong and I was like, thron has some low survival. 00:29:37 Speaker 1 That can't be right. 00:29:38 Speaker 1 Whichever guy has a. 00:29:39 Speaker 2 Have you had dinner with oak and with? 00:29:45 Speaker 1 Well, let's say let's say. 00:29:46 Speaker 1 Let's say that Ron is the one that's familiar with the snake. Because you grew up in this. 00:29:53 Speaker 1 So let's do. 00:29:53 Speaker 2 Yeah, you know he would be because he's the. 00:29:56 Speaker 1 Do either give me give? 00:29:57 Speaker 1 Me an either a nature check or a medicine check, DC-15 to to successfully to successfully harvest some poison without ruining it. 00:30:06 Speaker 2 OK. 00:30:15 Speaker 2 Let's see my that's the wrong guy. 00:30:22 Speaker 1 I can even roll this for you, I think. 00:30:27 Speaker 1 But before. 00:30:27 Speaker 2 So I have 11 accounts, 12 wisdom. I'll go. I'll go medicine. 00:30:33 Speaker 1 There you go. 00:30:36 Speaker 1 You see 15. 00:30:41 Speaker 1 All right, so let's you, you you probably you probably as a as a as a regular practice. 00:30:48 Speaker 1 Carry a few little vials, either in your belt pouch or your backpack or something, just for such an occasion. 00:30:55 Speaker 2 I had a flask. 00:30:58 Speaker 3 Let's see, I'm going to. 00:31:01 Speaker 2 See, you got a flask. 00:31:03 Speaker 1 For that ship. 00:31:06 Speaker 1 Now it won't it. 00:31:07 Speaker 2 Do you have a flask in my? 00:31:07 Won't it's it's, it's. 00:31:08 Speaker 1 Probably not very much, it's it's probably definitely enough to kill an adult humanoid. 00:31:17 Speaker 1 My computer wasn't so damn slow. I'll give you some information on the snake. 00:31:25 Speaker 1 OK, next session. 00:31:26 Speaker 1 Switching back to my ThinkPad and I might go without a camera. 00:31:32 Speaker 1 In fact, our cameras are probably. 00:31:36 Speaker 1 Not really that necessary, are they? 00:31:39 Speaker 1 Man drives me crazy. I don't care that this computer. 00:31:42 Speaker 1 Is 11 years old. 00:31:47 Speaker 1 No, I mean you can, you can. 00:31:51 Speaker 1 Just digitally turn off your camera to improve your you know your bandwidth but. 00:31:59 Speaker 1 Because I've got. I've got the ****** little camera that comes on the actual lid of the laptop. 00:32:04 Speaker 1 But I like stash it to the side and put it on top of the fan and it's not positioned so. 00:32:12 Speaker 2 The other thing with this this one is that it seems to lose the audio when they turn off the video because it's attached to the. 00:32:18 OK. 00:32:19 Speaker 1 Not a problem. 00:32:27 Speaker 1 OK, hold on a SEC. 00:32:31 Speaker 2 So yeah, so. 00:32:34 Speaker 2 How do I note this then I have like 1 vials worth of poison. 00:32:37 Speaker 1 Yeah, I'm going to give you the. 00:32:38 Speaker 1 The stats on on the dinner. 00:32:41 Speaker 1 I could barely go from one window to the next, so I don't know if I'm like. 00:32:45 Speaker 1 Yeah, the ******* over. 00:32:46 Speaker 1 Here in Jesus Christ. 00:32:49 ***** ** ****. 00:32:53 Speaker 1 This laptop was. 00:32:54 Speaker 1 Top of the line Once Upon a time. 00:32:59 Speaker 1 You know, I can barely can't get it to learn anything. 00:33:05 Speaker 1 And then I get this ******* ThinkPad and. 00:33:07 Speaker 2 Yeah, that's why I like desktop computers. 00:33:08 Speaker 1 Half the stuff I. 00:33:12 Speaker 1 Yeah, easier to upgrade and. 00:33:18 Speaker 1 Ohh come on man. 00:33:20 Speaker 1 Stand by coming up with description of this poison for you. 00:33:25 Speaker 1 I can even. 00:33:27 Speaker 1 I can even add it directly to your your sheet which is. 00:33:32 Speaker 1 Definitely one of the cool things about digital. 00:33:36 Speaker 1 Plan digital. Let's see what screen would that have. 00:33:38 Speaker 2 I did. I did see when I opened that my character sheet after. 00:33:45 Speaker 2 Last time when you added that Scimitar, it didn't show up until late. 00:33:51 Speaker 2 Afterward I guess. 00:33:53 Speaker 2 But it did show up. 00:33:56 Speaker 2 So it's now in my step. 00:33:59 Speaker 1 OK, let's say that that snake that snake was. 00:34:02 Speaker 1 The name of that snake was a shadow Fang. 00:34:09 Speaker 1 I'm going to drop. Let's see. Should I go into inventory equipment? 00:34:14 Speaker 1 Maybe I'm just going to put it in other possessions for right now I'm going to. 00:34:20 Speaker 1 OK, I am trying to add. 00:34:22 Speaker 1 It there we go. 00:34:26 Speaker 1 OK, I'm going to save that. 00:34:29 Speaker 1 And I'm going to also copy and paste it into the game log. 00:34:34 Speaker 1 So that you can see it immediately because last time it seemed like it. 00:34:39 Speaker 1 It's taking it forever. Refresh. 00:34:43 Good God, man. 00:34:53 Speaker 1 OK, I tried. 00:34:53 Speaker 1 Putting that in the game log. 00:34:54 Speaker 1 Did you see anything pop up any text? 00:35:01 Speaker 1 It's not. 00:35:03 Speaker 3 All I see is the die rolls. 00:35:06 Speaker 1 This was what I wanted to use the. 00:35:11 Speaker 1 The digital storyteller screen and world anvil for because it has, it's supposed to be a better game log. But. 00:35:19 Speaker 1 It's a pain in the ***, man. 00:35:21 Speaker 3 It it it it keeps. 00:35:23 Speaker 1 Losing **** that I save in it and stuff, I'm. 00:35:25 Speaker 3 Like OK this. 00:35:26 Speaker 1 Is. I'm gonna. I'm gonna kill my camera. 00:35:31 Speaker 1 Can you still hear me? 00:35:36 Speaker 1 Can you still hear me? 00:35:39 Speaker 1 Well, ****. 00:35:50 Speaker 1 It appears that it appears to do the same thing to me, man, when I try to turn off my camera, even though they're they're two separate pieces, there's two separate peripherals. They should be independent of each other, but when I turn the camera off, they're. 00:35:51 Speaker 2 I lost. 00:36:04 Speaker 1 Microphone does too. 00:36:07 Speaker 1 Well, try looking in other possessions of of Thronns. 00:36:14 Speaker 1 Character sheet and see if. 00:36:16 Speaker 1 It's in there, but it's. 00:36:17 Speaker 1 Shadow Fang venom. 00:36:20 Speaker 1 Causes injury, say DC 17 Constitution saving thrill against whoever you use it against. 00:36:28 Speaker 1 It describes you know how much poison it does. 00:36:32 Speaker 1 Oh, yeah, Sir. OK, yeah, causes parallelization if if that if the target fails to save. 00:36:40 Speaker 2 Ohh, nice God I didn't get hit with it. 00:36:44 Speaker 3 So let's let's say that. 00:36:46 Speaker 1 Thronn. Probably your boots are probably even made. 00:36:50 Speaker 1 To harvest those guys. 00:36:53 Speaker 1 You know, like like the like the the. Whatever. Whatever. It's whatever the whatever the shins are made out of, it's made to snag the the fangs. 00:37:03 Speaker 1 Now my my map has gone blank is yours. 00:37:08 Speaker 2 Now I can see it. 00:37:11 Speaker 1 Oh, oh, OK. It's not blank. I scrolled down into the black area, OK. 00:37:17 Speaker 1 So let's say. 00:37:20 Speaker 1 OK, that that gets. 00:37:21 Speaker 3 You through. 00:37:22 Speaker 1 The perception. 00:37:23 Speaker 2 OK. Can I is there any way I can like? 00:37:36 Speaker 1 But anyway, you can what? 00:37:39 Speaker 2 Well, I was going to see if I could like, notice any trail from possibly. 00:37:46 Speaker 2 Those runaways passing through. 00:37:46 Speaker 3 Let's see. OK. 00:37:48 Speaker 1 You have traveled. 00:37:51 Speaker 3 A day's. 00:37:53 Speaker 1 Travel north and I need to look up. What? What distance that would be like if you were. 00:37:59 Speaker 1 Hacking your way through the Amazon with a machete for a day a day? I don't off the top of my head. I don't know what that distance would. 00:38:06 Speaker 3 Be I'm pretty sure it's not. 00:38:08 Speaker 1 Excuse me, it wouldn't be far like 6 miles or something like that, tops, you know. 00:38:14 Speaker 1 Even for a. 00:38:15 Speaker 1 Skilled dude like, like thrown. But yeah, let's say. 00:38:21 Speaker 3 Hold on. Uh, what skills? 00:38:26 Speaker 1 What skills does Thrawn have that apply to tracking? 00:38:31 Speaker 3 OK, let's see. 00:38:39 Speaker 2 Swear he had some kind of tracking. 00:38:45 Speaker 2 Stealth survival investigation. 00:38:51 Speaker 2 I don't know if. 00:38:53 Speaker 2 I would have thought there would be an actual tracking skill you had cause that was like a major part. 00:38:59 Speaker 1 I think it's survival, but I'm looking into it and when? When in doubt, we'll just. 00:39:05 Speaker 2 There is a survival there's. 00:39:28 Speaker 1 I'm checking hold on here it is OK. 00:39:52 Speaker 3 This is smooshie. 00:39:54 Speaker 1 Hold on. Let me see if I can access so. 00:40:01 Speaker 1 Well, let's just, let's just call it survival, man. What's his? What's his survival score? 00:40:10 Speaker 1 Yeah, you got a + 5. Let's let's do a. 00:40:13 Speaker 2 Survival +5. 00:40:16 Speaker 1 Yeah, go ahead. Go ahead and give a survival check. 00:40:21 Speaker 1 And at this point. 00:40:23 Speaker 2 That's a epic. 00:40:25 Speaker 1 Yeah, let's. 00:40:28 Speaker 1 You're you're starting to see evidence of. 00:40:31 Speaker 1 What you expected to see? You're, you're. You're coming up on your old stomping grounds of of where the blood cause hang, you know, hangs out. So you've seen evidence of those guys around. 00:40:45 Speaker 1 But you haven't found anything indicating that those two particular. 00:40:51 Speaker 1 So the child soldiers have been through here. OK, yeah, it it is. It was supposed to be a survival check. 00:41:00 Speaker 1 You know you you you've been looking everywhere you're going, you're looking for footprints, broken branches. 00:41:07 Speaker 1 Your, your, your old crew. 00:41:11 Speaker 1 The blood clot when they operate normally, they they're smart enough to to not leave obvious tracks. So. So you're you're looking for any things that are, you know, out of the ordinary, not animal. 00:41:28 Speaker 1 And not blood clot guys. 00:41:32 Speaker 1 You know you've been looking for discarded items. Uh. 00:41:38 Speaker 1 A disturbed wildlife. 00:41:40 Speaker 1 Specific patterns in the mud or foliage that might that might have been displaced. 00:41:47 Speaker 1 But you rolled 7 and you don't find anything that indicates there. 00:41:51 Speaker 1 They're through here. 00:41:53 Speaker 3 They've been to here. 00:41:55 With a role like. 00:41:56 Speaker 1 That that means that Thronns kind of feeling off his game. Maybe. Maybe it's it's later. 00:42:01 Speaker 1 In the day. 00:42:02 Speaker 1 It's getting your dust. You guys are. 00:42:05 Speaker 1 Kind of exhausted. 00:42:09 Speaker 1 You're just, you're just. 00:42:10 Speaker 1 Not feeling that, even if they've been through here, you're not, you're not likely to find anything. 00:42:18 Speaker 3 So from here. 00:42:23 Speaker 1 Let's see, should you guys continue on or something else going to happen in this area? Let's see. 00:42:30 Speaker 3 OK. 00:42:34 Speaker 3 You did. 00:42:38 Speaker 1 OK, So what do you? 00:42:39 Speaker 1 Guys want to do do you want to? 00:42:44 Speaker 1 Let let's let's say that what what color is this stuff here? 00:42:49 Speaker 1 Looks like a river with fish floating around in or something. 00:42:53 Speaker 1 Grade. I don't know. 00:42:55 Speaker 1 I'm going to say that Thron knows this stuff is quicksand. 00:43:00 Speaker 1 It's quicksand. With water over the top of it, you know, you can see fish ******* around in there and stuff. 00:43:09 Speaker 3 Give me. 00:43:12 Speaker 1 Let's see what kind of check. 00:43:14 Speaker 1 And I interrupted you before I let you answer. 00:43:19 Speaker 1 Depending on what you want to do, I'm going. 00:43:21 Speaker 1 To have you guys roll a cheek. 00:43:22 Speaker 2 No, I was just curious if this. 00:43:28 Speaker 2 I was curious if this if I notice anything related to that other contaminated water in this area or is that way back there? Is that nothing to do with this? 00:43:38 Speaker 1 Well, let's see. 00:43:41 Speaker 1 Hold on a SEC. What? What check would that? 00:43:48 Speaker 1 Man, this ******* computer. 00:43:50 Swear to God. 00:43:53 Speaker 3 I could barely even. 00:43:54 Speaker 1 Type in a window. I'm going to try it. If I open a remote desktop. 00:44:00 Speaker 1 To my. 00:44:03 Speaker 1 I promise I'll get better at this man. 00:44:08 Speaker 1 It's been so. 00:44:09 Speaker 1 Long since that DM that I've never deemed virtually. Let's see. 00:44:15 Speaker 1 Even as a player. 00:44:16 Speaker 2 That's why it's good to get a. 00:44:19 Speaker 2 It gets. 00:44:20 Speaker 1 Even as a player of playing virtually is difficult, although doing it this way is still pretty awesome. You know with with DB on and the character sheets and stuff. 00:44:31 Speaker 2 Yes, old old native. 00:44:36 Speaker 2 Opens a whole new world for. 00:44:39 Speaker 2 Well, we we used to play it. 00:44:41 Speaker 1 Planned digitally with with paper sheets and analog dice is. 00:44:49 Speaker 1 I had a hard time with it. 00:44:51 Speaker 1 OK, so let's see, are is Theron going to check, or is food going to check? 00:44:55 Speaker 1 Or both of you. 00:44:59 Speaker 2 Uh, we're both about. 00:45:02 Speaker 2 I have trap detect. I don't know if that's has the trap. 00:45:07 Speaker 1 Not that this will be a this wouldn't be a trap that you you want to you want to test the water and see if that same contaminant is is in here. But this water here is not murkier. 00:45:08 Speaker 2 Trap I think. 00:45:19 Speaker 2 Oh, yeah, yeah, about that. 00:45:36 Speaker 2 So should I do a nature or a medicine or what? 00:45:41 Speaker 2 What am I looking for? 00:45:41 Speaker 1 It won't. It won't be medicine it. Let's do. Let's go with nature and let's go with it. 00:45:51 Speaker 2 Ohh and I'm a dummy so. 00:45:54 Speaker 2 It's going to be very easy for us to. 00:46:09 Speaker 1 OK. Yeah, go ahead and go ahead and roll the check. Both both guys can. 00:46:19 Speaker 1 That now, that's that's something I'd like. 00:46:20 Speaker 2 OK, sure I was. 00:46:20 Speaker 1 I'd like to come up with a. 00:46:24 Speaker 1 I I like. I like fumbles and critical heads. I I I I'm a firm believer. 00:46:28 Speaker 2 So you like, drink the water. 00:46:31 Speaker 2 Cute, yeah. 00:46:33 Yeah. So go ahead. 00:46:34 Speaker 2 Yeah, can't. Can't be too nice, man. 00:46:37 Speaker 1 Let let let food let food try it too. 00:46:44 Speaker 1 But then I'll come up with what happens. 00:46:48 Speaker 2 Look at that. 00:46:51 Speaker 1 That's the second. 00:46:51 Speaker 1 Not funny that he's gotten in the game, right? 00:46:54 Speaker 3 OK, let's see. 00:46:57 Speaker 2 He had a 21. 00:47:00 Speaker 2 So maybe he like. 00:47:01 Speaker 1 That's wild. You got a one and a 20. 00:47:11 Speaker 2 Man, that's my lucky. Lucky did. 00:47:21 Speaker 1 Hold on. 00:47:21 Speaker 2 Two 20s. 00:47:23 Speaker 2 The first five rolls. 00:47:25 Speaker 1 Let's see what happens. 00:47:31 Speaker 1 OK, well, let's say food definitely found that the contaminant is present in the water. This this, this water that you guys are at, even though it's a stagnant, you know, Quagmire swamp, you are still directly north of that stream that runs outside of. 00:47:46 Speaker 1 Of the of the Tavern, which I haven't named the stream yet. 00:47:49 Speaker 1 It's just the nameless. 00:47:54 Speaker 2 Or I'd probably take a drink and peeked all over the place or something. 00:47:59 Speaker 1 Drawn, perhaps distracted, or overly eager fumbles badly with the vial he's using to collect the water sample, the vial slips from his grasp and shatters into the quick sand, causing poisonous water to splash back on to him. 00:48:12 Speaker 1 The burning sensation from. 00:48:13 Speaker 1 The water and the contact of your skin. 00:48:16 Speaker 1 And you've been contaminated? 00:48:18 Speaker 1 We'll need immediate attention to neutralize. 00:48:20 Oh ****. 00:48:20 Speaker 1 The poison's effects. 00:48:23 Speaker 1 Food, on the other hand, executes the test with exceptional skill. Not only does he managed to collect the perfect sample, but he also notices something thrown in mist specific pattern in the iridescence that suggests the poison is not just a simple toxin, but a complex alchemical compound. 00:48:39 Speaker 1 This insight could be valuable for identifying the source of the poison and perhaps formulating an anecdote. His keen observation also allows him to avoid any contact with the poison, keeping them safe. 00:48:48 Speaker 1 From the effects. 00:48:50 Speaker 1 So because foot rolled A20, he knows. 00:48:53 Speaker 1 Exactly what to do. 00:48:56 Speaker 1 So so have have have foot. 00:49:00 Speaker 1 Roll of medicine? Check. 00:49:02 Speaker 1 To give first, well, first of all, as an evil character, just give a ****. 00:49:10 Speaker 1 If so. 00:49:11 Speaker 2 Well, I would say he wants to. He wants to preserve this guy because he's helped him through the. 00:49:17 Speaker 2 Rough **** here. 00:49:17 Speaker 1 Yeah, it does behoove him to to keep his his partner. 00:49:24 Speaker 1 Functional. So yeah, I have. 00:49:26 Speaker 1 Fuc role in medicine check. And if he if he has any equipment like any kind of medicine kit or whatever. But let's just say that's part of the check so. 00:49:35 Speaker 2 9 + 1 is 10. 00:49:35 Speaker 1 Let's do a decent. 00:49:37 Speaker 1 DC-16 this time. 00:49:41 Speaker 2 I rolled A10. 00:49:44 Speaker 1 Oh. 10 total. Oh, Nope. See, no. 00:49:47 Speaker 1 It didn't work. 00:49:50 Speaker 1 OK. So go ahead and roll. Let let thron and roll his own medicine check. And if he beats the. 00:49:56 Speaker 1 16 he'll be OK. 00:50:08 Speaker 2 13 ****. 00:50:12 Good ****. 00:50:15 Speaker 3 OK, hold on just a second. 00:50:23 Speaker 1 Ron was got all overconfident. He's like, dude, this is my backyard, man. I've been ******* around in this. 00:50:29 Speaker 1 ****, since I. 00:50:29 Speaker 1 Was a little kid. Don't tell me what to do. I know what I'm doing and. 00:50:32 Speaker 1 Freaking reaches in there. 00:50:33 Speaker 1 And splashes that. 00:50:34 Speaker 1 ****. And he totally underestimated how dangerous this stuff was. You both did. Really, until until you know. 00:50:43 Speaker 1 Group was able to really get a lot. 00:50:44 Speaker 1 Got it. 00:50:47 Speaker 1 The burning sensation will. 00:50:50 Speaker 1 Will start to intensify, spreading from the. 00:50:53 Speaker 1 This is almost like what happened to. 00:50:56 Speaker 1 To the to your dude in the other game. Was it Ezra? 00:51:00 Speaker 1 Burning sensation and intensifies spreading from the point of contact and coursing through his veins. His vision starts to blur and he feels increasingly weak and disoriented. 00:51:13 Speaker 1 Poison begins to take its toll, causing them to lose hit points to suffer disadvantage on ability checks until it can receive proper medical attention. OK, go ahead and let's see. 00:51:23 Speaker 1 I'm going to say D floor damage for right now. 00:51:34 Speaker 2 Do you have? 00:51:37 Speaker 2 Relentless endurance. Ohh wait, that doesn't help me. 00:51:40 Speaker 1 Was I hit? 00:51:41 Speaker 1 The I hit the wrong guy. Hold on. 00:51:43 Speaker 1 I didn't want to give you. 00:51:44 Speaker 1 Six points of damage, but let's say let's say. 00:51:48 Speaker 1 This is going to do you. 00:51:52 Speaker 1 1D four points of damage every day. 00:51:55 Speaker 1 Until you get it cured. So. 00:51:58 Speaker 1 Let's try that again. I wish there was a way to tell it not to ask me for how many days. 00:52:09 Speaker 1 OK, four points of damage. You know where to enter that on your sheet. I think you can. 00:52:13 Speaker 1 Even do it on your token. 00:52:17 Speaker 1 And see where you've got the 15/15 on your token. 00:52:22 Speaker 1 Or I can do it for? 00:52:23 Speaker 1 You either way. 00:52:25 Speaker 2 No, it's not. 00:52:26 Speaker 1 OK, otherwise you go into your sheet. 00:52:30 Speaker 1 And you find your hip points. 00:52:34 Speaker 2 Yeah, I just do it on my. 00:52:35 Speaker 2 Sheet but it's not. 00:52:38 Speaker 2 Oh, there it goes. Yeah. 00:52:42 Right. 00:52:47 Speaker 1 All right. 00:52:47 Speaker 2 So food bank. 00:52:49 Speaker 2 That's some good ****, man. 00:52:51 Speaker 2 You gotta find that. 00:52:59 Speaker 2 So now if I rest. 00:53:04 Speaker 2 If I do a rest, is that going to rejuvenate me? So still? Or how's that? 00:53:09 Speaker 1 Good question. That's a good question. 00:53:24 Speaker 2 What if I? 00:53:28 Speaker 2 Let's see what I got here. 00:53:35 Speaker 2 I've got a very high constitution. 00:53:39 Speaker 1 Well, that that plays into you. You know what I should have had you roll a poison save and throw. I should have had you roll. 00:53:47 Speaker 1 A saving throw. 00:53:50 Speaker 3 Let's see. What did we have? 00:53:52 Speaker 1 I already gotten lost. OK, let's do this. 00:53:55 Speaker 1 What are the saving throws? 00:53:58 Speaker 1 Hold on. I'm going back to Schwan's character sheet. 00:54:04 Speaker 1 In fact, let me ask this. 00:54:11 Speaker 2 His constitution is like his highest trait, so. 00:54:16 Speaker 1 Yeah, it's, it's. 00:54:18 Speaker 2 There's again. 00:54:20 Speaker 1 OK. Yeah. You can see in the near the top left. 00:54:24 Speaker 2 But he did fumble that one. So. 00:54:26 Speaker 1 OK, so let's say that the the initial effects this day when you first got the the the poison on you, it definitely plucked up his hand. It definitely fricking burned. It definitely caused four points of damage. 00:54:38 Speaker 1 So are you are you looking into taking the long rest where you guys are now? 00:54:46 Speaker 1 Or you want to move on. 00:54:47 Speaker 2 Yeah, I mean, you started to getting kind of late, so maybe we should like, make a little makeshift camp and. 00:54:54 Speaker 2 Sleep it off, see if we can see what happens to. 00:54:57 Speaker 2 Him in the. 00:55:01 Speaker 2 Overnight, just do like a. 00:55:08 Speaker 2 Kind of a stealthy camp. 00:55:12 Speaker 1 So here's another thing I haven't used before. Check this out. I am adding a condition to him. 00:55:13 Speaker 2 With some hammocks. 00:55:21 Speaker 1 You're now poisoned. 00:55:25 Speaker 1 See anything pop up on your sheet? 00:55:29 Speaker 1 I've never used this before. I don't know what it does, but I went into conditions and I added that you were poisoned. 00:55:37 Speaker 1 Your token has a. 00:55:41 Speaker 2 I see. 00:55:44 Speaker 1 OK. 00:55:44 Speaker 2 I see conditions I don't see maybe opening or. I probably had to read. 00:55:50 Speaker 1 Your token, your token should have a little icon at the top left, and if you hover over it, it gives you the rules saying that you have disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks until. 00:56:00 Speaker 2 Yeah, it's, it's, it's poison. Now it's a disadvantage on tackles and ability checks. 00:56:10 Speaker 3 OK, let's see. 00:56:11 Speaker 1 If you take a long rest on will recover the hit point says per long rest rules, which usually means they'll be back at full hip points unless. 00:56:18 Speaker 1 The campaign blah. 00:56:18 Speaker 1 Blah blah. Typically, poison condition require constitution save and throw. So so every morning I'll have you until you find the an actual cure. 00:56:31 Speaker 1 You'll run. You need to run a. 00:56:35 Speaker 1 Excuse me? A Constitution saving flow. So let's see. 00:56:50 Speaker 2 OK. 00:56:52 Speaker 1 OK. So you guys have decided that you want to find a good? 00:56:55 Speaker 1 Place to camp, right. And you be like. 00:56:57 Speaker 1 A little bit further from the water. 00:57:00 Speaker 1 Let's say that you strong probably knows. 00:57:02 Speaker 2 Yeah, like you know. 00:57:04 Speaker 2 Make it a little kind of hidden. 00:57:07 Speaker 2 Not something that's going to attract attention like a stealthy type. 00:57:11 Speaker 2 Handbrake or something you know? 00:57:13 Speaker 1 OK, now Ron would know this because this is his stomping grounds. 00:57:21 Speaker 1 It's still a pretty dangerous spot and at at night time at night there there's a good chance you you're going to have ship one and around and. 00:57:33 Speaker 1 And messing with you. So. So Thronn Thronn would probably the best he can with his messed up arm with set up some kind of, you know, some snares around or whatever. Or at least some kind of warning system. 00:57:48 Speaker 1 But I am going to give you. 00:57:51 Speaker 1 A 30% chance. 00:57:56 Speaker 1 That a wandering monster interrupts you. 00:58:00 Speaker 1 Late night sleep, so let's see. Do you know how to? 00:58:03 Speaker 1 Roll a D100. 00:58:08 Speaker 1 If you want to roll the D100. 00:58:09 Speaker 3 OK. 00:58:11 Speaker 2 3010 is that what you did? 00:58:12 Speaker 1 That see those two? The two D 10s. 00:58:16 Speaker 1 You got four or six. 00:58:17 Speaker 1 810 then two 10s. 00:58:20 Speaker 2 OK. On this side, yeah. 00:58:21 Speaker 1 Roll that and if you roll the 70 or higher. 00:58:24 Speaker 1 Let's say that two hours into sleeping. 00:58:27 Speaker 1 Something may or may not happen. 00:58:31 Speaker 1 And you're rolling 90, all right. 00:58:35 Speaker 1 Let's see what you got. 00:58:38 Speaker 1 Give the man a cigar. 00:58:43 Speaker 1 What do I have ready? 00:58:46 Speaker 3 Let's go with a. 00:58:52 Speaker 1 See, we already had you do a snake. 00:58:54 You know they can do that. 00:59:02 Speaker 3 Let's do. 00:59:08 Speaker 1 I don't want to do anything with the large CR. See now if I was better at DM and I would have this all ready to go. 00:59:18 Speaker 1 And the way that the way that DND beyond is set up that. 00:59:24 Speaker 1 You only have access to. 00:59:25 Speaker 2 Have like a random. 00:59:25 Speaker 1 This. Yeah. You only have access to the stuff you've paid for, so I only have the basic monster manual and couple of other books. So there's a lot of cool monsters in there. I can't. I can't pull up without creating them myself. 00:59:42 Speaker 1 Have you ever seen the? Have you ever seen the Ralph Bakshi movie Fire and Ice in 1981? 00:59:48 Speaker 2 Oh, oh, yeah, yeah, I love that. 00:59:50 Speaker 3 Movie. I freaking love that. 00:59:52 Speaker 3 But yeah, let's do something. 00:59:54 Speaker 1 Like. Yeah, that's that's what this, this, this area. 00:59:55 Speaker 2 Right. 00:59:56 Speaker 1 Is like that. 00:59:58 Speaker 1 You know where you've got the Necrons dogs. 01:00:02 Speaker 1 Floating around now, Swan would know a lot about. 01:00:08 Speaker 1 There's this tribe nearby. 01:00:11 Speaker 1 A little a little far from where you're at, right? 01:00:13 Speaker 1 Now, but they're called. 01:00:14 Speaker 1 The Kurnok tribe. They're like these humanoid crocodile dudes. 01:00:19 Speaker 1 Who are? 01:00:21 Speaker 1 You know, in a fantasy world, these guys are the equivalent of ****** ** cannibals, but their their preferences, their food has to be smart, so anything sentient. 01:00:32 Speaker 1 And so you're you're you're you're. 01:00:35 Speaker 1 Rather wary of, you know, those guys showing up. 01:00:42 Speaker 1 Let's see. First one I pulled up is way too strong. 01:00:48 Speaker 1 Let's do OK. Speaking of fire and ice. 01:00:52 Speaker 1 Do you remember the scene where the uh? 01:01:09 Speaker 1 Seen with the giant lizard. 01:01:12 Speaker 1 OK, you let's say that you guys have been asleep for about two hours, you know? And you, you, you know, as usual, you're sleeping with one eye open. Maybe. Maybe you. 01:01:20 Speaker 1 Guys are doing watch. 01:01:24 Speaker 1 Larger groups we would have. 01:01:26 Speaker 1 Would make a point to say OK who's got first watch, who's got second watch? There's just two of you guys. We find a token for this three. 01:01:40 Speaker 1 I thought it would be easier to wing it man with this ******* computer. I could barely go from. 01:01:43 Speaker 1 One window to the next. 01:01:48 Speaker 1 Hold on. 01:01:55 Speaker 1 Come on, you *******. 01:02:03 Speaker 1 I'm just trying to add token. You ******* ******. 01:02:06 Speaker 1 But anyway, you guys like 2/2. 01:02:08 Speaker 1 Hours into sleep. 01:02:09 Speaker 1 You you hear the telltale freaking sounds. 01:02:13 Speaker 1 Lumbering through the jungle. 01:02:15 Speaker 1 Of you know, one of the local giant lizards is coming your way. Probably caught your scent. 01:02:22 Speaker 1 You know, Sauron is kind of off his game, especially now with having been poisoned, you know? 01:02:28 Speaker 3 Where is it copy? 01:02:34 Speaker 1 Ohh, come on, you *** ** * *****. 01:02:44 Speaker 1 OK, no token. 01:02:47 Speaker 1 Should have been easy for me to do, but anyway you do see the the giant lizard like coming your way, right? 01:02:55 Speaker 1 With a human silhouette. 01:03:00 Speaker 1 Alright, so whichever you whichever of you was on guard wakes up the other one like dude something is. 01:03:06 Speaker 1 Heading our way, man. 01:03:10 Speaker 1 Give a get. 01:03:13 Speaker 1 How's Ron? Give me a perception share. 01:03:29 Speaker 1 OK, Ron can tell that. 01:03:35 Speaker 1 That you can tell by the gate. 01:03:39 Speaker 1 Of the stomping of this thing that it hasn't, exactly. 01:03:44 Speaker 1 Sniffed you out yet? 01:03:48 Speaker 1 That you have, you have you. 01:03:50 Speaker 1 Have a a moment to. 01:03:54 Speaker 1 If you guys want. 01:03:55 Speaker 2 To climb up the tree. 01:03:58 Speaker 1 Did you say climb up the tree? 01:03:59 Speaker 2 Climbing up the pump. 01:04:02 Speaker 2 Yeah, yeah. And get ready with some bow and arrows. Get the bows out and climb up a tree. 01:04:10 Speaker 1 That's not a bad idea. Hold on. 01:04:13 Speaker 1 There we go. 01:04:18 Speaker 1 OK. So you guys go. 01:04:20 Speaker 1 Up the tree. 01:04:21 Speaker 1 Have have strong give me a. 01:04:24 Speaker 1 Another check because your arm. 01:04:27 Speaker 1 ******* hurts, dude. 01:04:29 Speaker 1 So let's see what kind of check. 01:04:30 Speaker 1 Would that be giving me a? 01:04:36 Speaker 1 Acrobatics maybe, I think. 01:04:39 Speaker 1 I think that's what we would use. 01:04:40 Speaker 1 For climbing. 01:04:43 Speaker 1 It takes me like 15 seconds just to open the 20. 01:04:48 Speaker 1 20, OK, so you're you're able to get? 01:04:49 Speaker 1 Right up the. 01:04:50 Speaker 1 Tree, even with like one hand even. 01:04:51 Speaker 2 Don't eat. 01:04:53 Speaker 2 Altered up that. 01:04:59 Speaker 1 You said you want to use a Longbow. 01:05:06 Speaker 3 Is that? 01:05:06 Speaker 1 What? OK, so. 01:05:08 Speaker 1 You have the disadvantage rule is already on your attack, but I'm going to give you. 01:05:15 Speaker 1 Let's go ahead and give you an automatic first attack, so I'm going to let you. 01:05:20 Speaker 1 Add you to the combat tracker. Let me add Foote to the combat tracker. 01:05:26 Speaker 1 Already there, let's add the ******* Blizzard. 01:05:32 Speaker 1 You you can see the hit point tracker on the lizard, can't you? 01:05:36 Speaker 1 Does it tell? 01:05:37 Speaker 1 You his hip is. 01:05:39 Speaker 2 I don't see it. No, I don't see it. 01:05:42 Speaker 1 That's something I haven't decided. What? What do you think? Do you think you should be able to see a little health meter on the token? 01:05:52 Speaker 2 How big is this thing I would ask? 01:05:54 Speaker 1 He is like like a cow. 01:05:56 Speaker 2 You're crocodile side. 01:05:59 Speaker 1 Like cow crocodiles? Yeah. 01:06:01 Speaker 2 Ohh ****. 01:06:05 Speaker 1 Like 10 feet long maybe. 01:06:08 Speaker 2 I don't. 01:06:11 Speaker 1 I know this somewhere in here I can. 01:06:13 Speaker 2 What is wrong? Suppose is his general vitality viewpoint wise. 01:06:19 Speaker 1 Let's say I I don't have any. I don't have a name ready for the species, but you're familiar with it. It is a common species. You kind of. You kind of had a feeling this was going to happen. 01:06:31 Speaker 2 Is it? Is it like? 01:06:33 Speaker 2 Is it? 01:06:35 Speaker 2 Am I worried that we can't take it, in other words? 01:06:39 Speaker 1 I'm trying. I'm trying. 01:06:40 Speaker 1 To pull up the to let you see the. 01:06:45 Speaker 1 Hit points but. 01:06:49 Speaker 2 Ohh I see it now. 01:06:50 Speaker 1 OK. 01:06:51 Speaker 2 I see it now 19. 01:06:52 Speaker 1 He's he's kind of. 01:06:53 Speaker 1 Tough. He's uh. 01:06:56 Speaker 2 Nice do see it now. 01:06:58 Speaker 1 OK. So but I'll, I'll go ahead and give you. 01:07:02 Speaker 1 You can either have. 01:07:04 Speaker 1 You can have your first round. I'll give Fuc and flown both the advantage of surprise or you can run. 01:07:16 Speaker 2 I say we both climb up the tree and shoot our bows because we're pretty handy with the bow and arrows, both of us. 01:07:22 Speaker 1 All right, let's have John do it first. He has disadvantage that should automatically. 01:07:27 Speaker 1 Your character sheet should automatically calculate your disadvantage. One of the awesome things about doing this digitally. 01:07:33 Speaker 1 So go ahead. 01:07:33 Speaker 2 So I'm going to the. 01:07:35 Speaker 2 Hit DC thing is that what I do? 01:07:37 Speaker 1 Yeah, that. 01:07:39 Speaker 1 When it's an attack, it's it's not DC anymore, it's it's your attack against the targets. AC your His HIS armour class is the same as a difficulty class. So his in fact that do you see a little shield that says 12 next to the wizard? 01:07:56 Speaker 1 That's his armor class, so any attack he make on him has to be a 12. 01:08:04 Speaker 2 So I I roll it with this. 01:08:07 Speaker 1 Yeah, you go, you go into Trons character sheet. 01:08:11 Speaker 1 And you find the weapon you. 01:08:12 Speaker 1 Want to use. 01:08:15 Speaker 2 Longbow. Yeah. And it's damp damage. One 8 + 3. 01:08:19 Speaker 1 You don't roll the. 01:08:20 Speaker 1 Damage until you roll until you get. 01:08:21 Speaker 1 A successful. 01:08:22 What do you want? 01:08:28 Speaker 2 I'm doing something, Devin. I'm playing a game up here with my friend. 01:08:38 Speaker 2 No. Come on. Go downstairs. Come on. I'm busy. I'm sad. 01:08:45 Speaker 2 Where'd you get that? 01:08:51 Speaker 2 Doing all. 01:08:51 Speaker 2 Right. 01:08:55 Speaker 2 Remember him? Yeah, dude, we're playing a game, so. 01:08:55 What's going on? 01:09:00 Speaker 1 You're like, you're like a. 01:09:01 Speaker 1 Regular you're a regular wandering monster, bro. 01:09:09 Speaker 2 OK. OK. Be careful on those stairs. Start. 01:09:15 Speaker 2 I guess you got a stethoscope somewhere. All right, so I got a hit. Right. I got 17. 01:09:20 Speaker 1 Yeah, yeah, you should see. 01:09:23 Speaker 1 Next to your weapon, you'll see a hit slash DC. Yeah. So that's. Yeah. You got it. You hit them good. So then then you'll click your damage, which is A1 D 8 + 3. 01:09:37 Speaker 1 Now did it. 01:09:40 Speaker 1 It should have automatically. 01:09:45 Speaker 1 Did you get did when you when you clicked the role, did it give you anything about a disadvantage? 01:09:54 Speaker 1 Did it sing? 01:09:54 Speaker 2 I didn't see anything. No lastly. 01:09:56 Speaker 1 Because when the way disadvantage works when when there's any kind of condition that is causing you disadvantage, you roll twice and you take the lower of the two rolls. 01:09:57 Speaker 2 I didn't. 01:10:11 Speaker 2 Oh ****. 01:10:13 Speaker 1 And I was hoping that was going to do that automatically, but if it didn't, let's stick to the rule, man. I'm gonna. 01:10:18 Speaker 1 Have to ask you to roll again. 01:10:20 Speaker 1 Roll the attack roll again. 01:10:24 Speaker 1 That that sucks. That it did do automatically. 01:10:30 Speaker 1 You still got him. 01:10:31 Speaker 2 Still gotta hit though, right? 13. 01:10:34 Speaker 1 You want to roll damage again or. 01:10:35 Speaker 2 OK. 01:10:35 Speaker 1 You want to keep that 6. 01:10:39 Speaker 1 All right, still got a six, OK. 01:10:43 Speaker 1 So six points of damage. 01:10:44 Speaker 2 Wait, that was it. Sorry, that was that was my long sword. Sorry. 01:10:49 Speaker 2 I did a long story. 01:10:50 Speaker 1 Oh, go ahead. 01:10:54 Speaker 1 Oh, there you go. All right. 01:10:55 Speaker 2 That's bad. 01:10:56 Speaker 1 **** dude. So just like in freaking fire and ice. I think you like. Shot the arrow right in the dudes mouth. 01:11:04 Speaker 1 So let's see. So 10 points a day. 01:11:06 Speaker 2 Yeah, my guys, that's it. 01:11:09 Speaker 2 Both of these guys are Bo. 01:11:12 Speaker 2 Bow shooters. 01:11:13 Speaker 1 ******* that. All right. 01:11:15 Speaker 1 All right, so you should have seen his his hit points. 01:11:19 Speaker 1 I've just. 01:11:20 Speaker 1 But he freaking knows where you are now, man. So it let's it's fool's turn. But but the lizard, he he ******* sees you now, and his next turn he will be up that tree. 01:11:33 Speaker 1 So go ahead. 01:11:36 Speaker 2 Alright so. 01:11:41 Speaker 2 So if foot tries to hide, is there something about that and the how's that work with the stealth? 01:11:50 Speaker 1 Well, the lizard already sees you, for one thing, and he's angry and he smells you. 01:11:59 Speaker 1 And you and you were asking if you could hide instead of fight. 01:12:06 Speaker 1 Is that correct? 01:12:07 Speaker 2 Well, I was gonna. 01:12:10 Speaker 2 I was going to try to like hide in shadows or whatever, you know, but. 01:12:15 Speaker 2 If I can't, can't pack, I'm just going to shoot a bow at him right now. 01:12:19 Speaker 1 Yeah. In fact, that's it's. It says it explicitly in the rule. You can't do that against an enemy that sees you like they're they're looking at you right now. 01:12:32 Speaker 1 And he he the lizard is in his element. You are not. Nah, I mean, I guess I'll. I'll let you. 01:12:40 Speaker 1 Try, but it would be at a big disadvantage. 01:12:45 Speaker 1 You want to try anywhere you want a tower. 01:12:46 Speaker 2 So if I do that. 01:12:49 Speaker 2 Well, do I lose my attack if I do that or is is it worth a try still? 01:12:51 Speaker 1 Yeah, yeah, you get. 01:12:54 Speaker 2 OK, I'm just going to talk to you. I'm just going to tag. 01:13:02 Speaker 2 Then my short bow. 01:13:13 Speaker 2 And now I roll the roll the damage, right? 01:13:14 Speaker 1 Oh ****. 01:13:16 Hell yeah. 01:13:22 Speaker 2 I am. 01:13:23 Speaker 2 Toasted him. 01:13:25 Speaker 1 I did not see that coming, man. ****, yeah. All right. 01:13:29 Speaker 1 Snipers looks like lizards back on the menu, boys. 01:13:34 Speaker 1 Alright, so just. 01:13:38 Speaker 2 Yeah, it's been good to eat. Hug you today. My dude to know how to cook these things out for a while. 01:13:40 Speaker 1 This is that in fact. 01:13:45 Speaker 1 Foot or a throne grew up eating this **** on a regular basis. This things like a staple. We'll have to come up with a name for it. 01:13:54 Speaker 1 And the gore, they're called. 01:13:57 Speaker 1 And the core books, they're called darlins. 01:13:58 Speaker 2 Steak lizards. 01:14:02 Speaker 3 Uh, let's see. 01:14:05 Speaker 2 Cheesecake. Chicken. 01:14:07 Speaker 3 So that's a chicken lizard. 01:14:08 Speaker 2 Chicken lizard. 01:14:11 Speaker 1 That's that's going to say that's what it's called. 01:14:13 Speaker 2 So I guess I'm. 01:14:15 Speaker 2 Get out. 01:14:17 Speaker 1 Your audio is kind of. 01:14:18 Speaker 2 You I get some experience now, Hun. 01:14:22 Speaker 1 Oh yeah, in fact. 01:14:23 Speaker 2 Do I get some experience? 01:14:24 Speaker 2 For that. 01:14:26 Speaker 1 You should have gotten some for the last game and that I haven't figured out how to do yet, and why hasn't this. 01:14:35 Speaker 1 OK, this is kind of clunky. 01:14:36 Speaker 1 The way that this. 01:14:37 Speaker 2 So I've always played with just like combat experience. 01:14:45 Speaker 1 I like the idea of. 01:14:48 Speaker 1 Using experience almost like money. 01:14:52 Speaker 1 I mean, I would even use experience to penalize people like you watch you watch the gamers right? Or the the monk that kept saying stupid ****. 01:15:03 Speaker 1 And the DM was like lose 50 experiments. 01:15:09 Speaker 1 But yeah, I I love handing out experience for everyone encounters and. 01:15:10 Speaker 2 Yeah, yeah. 01:15:16 Speaker 1 But let's see. 01:15:18 Speaker 1 I haven't done it in D&D beyond yet, though I don't know if I go. 01:15:26 Speaker 1 Let's see. 01:15:29 Speaker 1 Are are you? 01:15:29 Speaker 1 Able to pull up the stats on. 01:15:31 Speaker 1 The lizard because I think I. 01:15:32 Speaker 1 Gave you the option. 01:15:35 Speaker 1 If you right click on the token. 01:15:39 Speaker 1 You should be able to open monster stat block. 01:15:44 Speaker 2 Start off. 01:15:47 Speaker 2 Yeah. So 50 experience. 01:15:50 Speaker 1 Yeah, so 50 each. 01:15:52 Speaker 1 You can put it in your sheets now or. 01:15:59 Speaker 1 And go ahead and put. 01:16:01 Speaker 1 Another hundred each for session one. 01:16:07 Speaker 1 Even though you didn't beat anything but what you experienced things. 01:16:15 Speaker 2 I'm trying to see where my experience goes here. 01:16:18 Speaker 1 Good question. Let's see, I'm going to go on this slide. 01:16:24 Speaker 1 And that I think that's even another thing that is different in 5th edition is it gives you an option to. 01:16:31 Speaker 1 To level up using other systems than experience, so I need to make sure that. 01:16:38 Speaker 1 And an accident. 01:16:40 Speaker 2 That's why I was asking you, because it's like something based on like. 01:16:45 Speaker 1 Like milestones or some. 01:16:46 Speaker 2 What did they call it like? 01:16:50 Speaker 2 Milestone videos. 01:16:51 Speaker 1 Yeah, I I like the. 01:16:54 Speaker 2 Oh, I see. 01:16:57 Speaker 1 Did you find it? 01:17:01 Speaker 1 Sorry, you're breaking up now. 01:17:02 Speaker 2 Ohh I see. 01:17:06 Speaker 1 I'm pretty sure I've told the campaign. 01:17:08 Speaker 2 I thought I'd see that it's got. 01:17:18 Speaker 2 That's weird. 01:17:20 Speaker 1 OK, I think it is you you click on. 01:17:22 Speaker 1 Your port your. 01:17:22 Speaker 2 I'm going to be right there. 01:17:23 Speaker 1 You click on your portrait and the menu comes up on the right. 01:17:28 Speaker 1 And there'll be a button for managing experience. Why they don't have it right on the sheet, I don't know. 01:17:36 Speaker 2 Marriage care, called manage experience. OK. 01:17:40 Speaker 2 So I'm at. 01:17:44 Speaker 1 You're both at 1:50. 01:17:45 Speaker 2 Add XP. 01:17:52 Speaker 2 So I'm halfway to level 2 now. Sweet. 01:17:55 Speaker 1 Do you ever? Do you ever play? Did you ever play the the PlayStation game back in the 90s? Castlevania Symphony of the night? 01:17:57 Speaker 2 OK so. 01:18:07 Speaker 1 There was. There was. 01:18:07 Speaker 1 Right at the beginning of the game. 01:18:09 Speaker 2 I don't think I would. 01:18:11 Speaker 1 It was one of those old fashioned left to right, you know, scrolling whatever the whatever the term is for, but right. 01:18:17 Speaker 1 At the beginning. 01:18:18 Speaker 1 At the very beginning, where you walk across the first screen. 01:18:22 Speaker 1 And as you. 01:18:24 Speaker 1 You. You kill this werewolf and then you go to the next screen and then you go back and the werewolf responds. 01:18:33 Speaker 1 You could. He's easy to kill, so you would just like. 01:18:37 Speaker 1 Go to the second window, go back to. 01:18:38 Speaker 1 The first window kill. 01:18:39 Speaker 1 The werewolf go to the next window, go. 01:18:41 Speaker 1 Back to the. 01:18:41 Speaker 1 First window kill. 01:18:42 Speaker 1 The werewolf until you. 01:18:44 Speaker 1 Get to like level 10 and. 01:18:46 Speaker 1 Then from there you would. Then you would carry. 01:18:49 On with the game. 01:18:51 Speaker 1 It would kill that werewolf like 100 times before. 01:18:53 Speaker 1 I would go to the next window. 01:18:57 Speaker 2 Yeah, that's always the trick to do in the. 01:19:00 Speaker 1 Game that reminds me that the the score to that. 01:19:04 Speaker 1 Game is really good. 01:19:07 Speaker 1 In fact. 01:19:10 Speaker 2 Yeah, that Baldur's Gate man, that game is. I mean, it's it's kind of like this like that. You can. It has, like, the exact system. 01:19:22 Speaker 2 Them but. 01:19:24 Speaker 2 It's got some weird stuff in it, man. 01:19:27 Speaker 1 I've been hearing about a lot online. 01:19:28 Speaker 2 It's like it's all it's, it's. 01:19:38 Speaker 2 It's got some pretty weird uh features in it. 01:19:42 Speaker 1 Yeah, I. 01:19:43 Speaker 1 I've got so many video games that I purchased and haven't played all ******* now. My computer won't even run the thing I bought that that one game scoring. It's like an HR Geiger world, you know. 01:19:56 Speaker 1 And I can't. Even can't even run the *** **** thing. 01:20:08 Speaker 1 OK, hold on just a second I want. 01:20:10 Speaker 3 To see if. 01:20:12 Speaker 1 You find anything interesting on this lizard other than having something to eat? 01:20:18 Speaker 1 And let's see have. 01:20:21 Speaker 2 So it doesn't. It's not poisonous or. 01:20:23 Speaker 2 Anything you know? 01:20:24 Speaker 1 It's it's not what? 01:20:26 Speaker 2 Is it poisonous or? 01:20:27 Speaker 1 No, no, it's it's. 01:20:28 Speaker 2 Do I know if it if it it's just a plain old? 01:20:32 Speaker 1 Let's say it's, let's say it's something like a like a HeLa monster or a Komodo dragon, where you just have to stay away from its mouth. You know, like the the bacteria in its mouth is so bad that if. 01:20:33 Speaker 2 Garden variety. 01:20:45 Speaker 1 In fact, Thron probably even knows how to harvest that too, depending on if he's in the mood for that kind of **** right now having. 01:20:53 Speaker 1 Maybe you'll be a lot more careful. 01:20:55 Speaker 1 About how he does it this time. 01:20:56 Speaker 2 OK. Yeah. 01:21:01 Speaker 2 Ohh work try. 01:21:17 Speaker 3 OK, hold on just. 01:21:23 Speaker 1 Riding adventure scenarios on the family. 01:21:28 Speaker 1 Be better with a faster computer and tell you that. 01:21:32 Speaker 1 33 computer. 01:21:34 Speaker 2 There, that one. That one's a good. 01:21:37 Speaker 2 Computer. Highly recommend it. 01:21:38 Speaker 1 Well, that's just The thing is, I've got this this ThinkPad as a ******* ****** little computer, but it has it fights all the hardware I try to use with man. It's a. 01:21:48 Speaker 1 ****** me off. 01:21:51 Speaker 1 Just a simple standard webcam that works on everything and it refuses to freaking recognize that it's infuriating. 01:21:57 Speaker 1 OK. 01:21:58 Speaker 1 So first, before you guys butcher the lizard to eat. 01:22:03 Speaker 1 Have strong give me a constitution check. 01:22:06 Speaker 1 Our Constitution saving throw. 01:22:10 Speaker 1 So if you pull up your sheet near the top right? Yeah, go ahead and click the Constitution savings, though, and if you fail it, the poison does you some damage. 01:22:11 Speaker 2 Savings, OK. 01:22:25 Speaker 2 Why is that? 01:22:30 Speaker 2 Do I just do my constitution? Is that what? 01:22:32 Speaker 2 You mean or? 01:22:33 Speaker 1 No, no, no. 01:22:33 Speaker 2 Does I want to say I'm going to? 01:22:36 Speaker 1 You you on your sheet near the top left you should see saving flows and near the con +3. 01:22:45 Speaker 1 Although yeah, you could, it would it. 01:22:47 Speaker 1 Would be the same. 01:22:48 Speaker 2 Oh, OK. 01:22:50 Speaker 1 DC-16. Ouch. 01:22:53 Speaker 1 D4 damage man. 01:22:57 Speaker 1 So your your arm your. 01:22:57 Speaker 2 Oh man. 01:22:58 Speaker 1 Arm is freaking hurt and bad. Dude, you're just like shooting pain. 01:23:04 Speaker 2 So that's some heavy duty ****. 01:23:08 Speaker 2 Can I try? 01:23:09 Speaker 2 To do a medicine thing again or. 01:23:13 Speaker 1 Yeah, but I just, I just did a die roll. Did it go into the game? 01:23:18 Speaker 1 Log. What is this thing doing? 01:23:20 Speaker 1 It's set to everyone. 01:23:24 Speaker 1 Roll. That was weird. 01:23:27 Speaker 1 Ouch. Another three points of damage, man. 01:23:32 Speaker 1 Well, your your saving throw is kind of A is kind of a A. 01:23:40 Speaker 1 Sort of like a medicine check. 01:23:43 Speaker 1 I and you've already done one medicine check today, so I'm going to have to say not until you've had some sleep. Well, you'll be allowed to do another. 01:23:53 Speaker 1 Another medicine check so. 01:23:56 Speaker 1 But you're soldiering through it and you guys still you go at are you going to? Are you going to butcher this lizard and eat it or you just going to let? 01:24:07 Speaker 2 You know, let's get some lizard. 01:24:11 Speaker 2 With your steak. 01:24:11 OK. 01:24:12 Speaker 1 But you guys, it's still pretty dark out. 01:24:16 Speaker 1 You know, it's a little bit. 01:24:18 Speaker 1 Say again? 01:24:19 Speaker 2 It's across this quicksand river. 01:24:25 Speaker 1 Hold on. Hold on a SEC, though. Let me let me, let me tell you what happens when you butcher this lizard. 01:24:30 Speaker 1 But UM. 01:24:31 Speaker 1 But I will have to, even though Thron knows how to do it, I'm still going to at least have Fouk make a check before he crosses that quicksand. 01:24:42 Speaker 1 But maybe give him a bonus because Juan knows. 01:24:44 Speaker 1 How to do? 01:24:44 Speaker 1 It, but when you guys butcher this lizard, at least enough to eat it. 01:24:49 Speaker 1 You notice something odd. 01:24:51 Speaker 1 Glint of metal deep within the creatures stomach. 01:24:57 Speaker 1 I am assuming you want to extract it right? 01:25:02 Speaker 2 Has got this *******. 01:25:05 Speaker 1 When you, when you fight, when you're gutting them and you start going through the stomach. 01:25:11 Speaker 1 You find an amulet in his stomach. It's made of a mysterious dark metal set with glowing gemstone that. 01:25:18 Speaker 1 Seems to pulse. 01:25:26 Speaker 1 Let's see. 01:25:28 Speaker 1 Do either of you have like an arcana? Because I'm not going to identify it for you unless one of you have some kind of like. 01:25:38 Speaker 1 Or can or what's it? 01:25:40 Speaker 1 Called installation history maybe? 01:25:40 Speaker 2 They have. 01:25:44 Speaker 1 Now it's got to be some kind of history or lore. I know those are the wrong terms, but. 01:25:51 Speaker 1 I think it's like Arcana or something. 01:25:59 Speaker 2 I don't think I have. 01:25:59 Speaker 1 Either either a religion, either. 01:26:01 Speaker 1 A religion check or an arcana check foot has a plus one in either of those, and I doubt that Ron has. 01:26:09 Speaker 1 Higher, but you know. 01:26:12 Speaker 1 But either of you are welcome to check. I'm going to give you a DC-17 arcana or religion to identify what this. 01:26:21 Speaker 1 What this thing is? 01:26:26 Speaker 2 We can both try. 01:26:28 Speaker 1 Yeah. Go for it, man. 01:26:32 Speaker 2 OK, I'll try the arcana. This doesn't look better. 01:26:36 Speaker 2 Burp so throw on doesn't know **** about it. 01:26:42 You like. 01:26:42 Speaker 1 That I don't know, just something some shiny. 01:26:45 Speaker 1 Thing might be valuable. 01:26:48 Speaker 2 Maybe I know something because I like just. 01:26:52 Speaker 1 I'm going to give. 01:26:54 Speaker 1 I'm gonna say. 01:26:54 Speaker 3 The DC is. 01:26:54 Speaker 2 Deals stuff a lot. Let's see here. 01:26:55 Speaker 1 Lower. I'm gonna say the DC is lower for. 01:26:57 Speaker 1 Foot cause foot ship looks a little better at this stuff, so anything higher than 16? 01:27:06 Speaker 1 OK, so as far as either can tell. 01:27:09 Speaker 3 It it looks. 01:27:10 Like it could be valuable. 01:27:12 Speaker 1 And it seems to glow a little bit, so it may or may not be magic, but that's about. 01:27:17 Speaker 1 All you know. 01:27:18 Speaker 1 So if either one of you want to put the. 01:27:22 Speaker 1 Put a gemstone amulet. I guess you. 01:27:24 Speaker 1 Could call it. 01:27:27 Speaker 1 Which, who? Who wants to? Who gets to put it in? 01:27:30 Speaker 1 Their bag. 01:27:31 Speaker 2 'S going to be like. 01:27:33 Speaker 2 Dude, I recognize that thing. It's dangerous. You better let me keep it. 01:27:39 Speaker 2 Just straight up try to fool. 01:27:41 Speaker 1 OK. So that's so that's going to be a skill check against character if you if you're being serious, that would be like a. 01:27:51 Speaker 2 Yes. Persuade. Persuade him or deceive, deception or whatever. 01:27:54 Yeah, that would be would. 01:27:55 Speaker 1 Be deception or that would be. 01:28:00 Speaker 1 Persuasion. Let's see if you want to try it. 01:28:03 Speaker 1 There there's a. 01:28:04 Speaker 1 Way to. 01:28:04 Speaker 2 I have a deception that's probably the way. 01:28:07 Speaker 2 Charisma. Deception. So. 01:28:14 Speaker 1 Fouk would have to roll for deception. 01:28:17 Speaker 1 And then Thrawn would have to roll for the, like, something opposite like. 01:28:25 Speaker 2 Look at that ****. 01:28:26 Speaker 2 Look at that. 01:28:28 Speaker 2 I totally. 01:28:32 Speaker 1 Is that is that the 2nd 20? 01:28:34 Speaker 1 That Fuku is rolled. 01:28:36 Speaker 2 That's the third, third one. 01:28:39 Speaker 1 So so thron is like. 01:28:42 Speaker 1 Even though he's this, this trustful dude that, you know, thinks everybody's everybody. 01:28:45 Speaker 2 I'll be like I'll be like, dude, you're sick, man. You better watch out. Maybe this is as dangerous magic thing. I better hold on to it, just in case. 01:28:53 Speaker 1 Yeah, and and thron totally bought it. He's like, you know what, my arm hurts. So better now. 01:29:01 Speaker 1 I'm speaking for on behalf of the PC like he's an NPC, but yeah, something like that. 01:29:10 Speaker 1 OK. So then. 01:29:13 Speaker 2 Put it in my. 01:29:16 Speaker 2 Pipe and smoke it. 01:29:18 Speaker 1 Yeah, let me. 01:29:19 Speaker 1 Do you know? Do you know how to add it to? 01:29:21 Speaker 1 Your sheet or do you want me to add it to food sheet? 01:29:24 Speaker 1 Other possessions? Yeah. Just go somewhere in your inventory. Just call. Just call it. 01:29:29 Speaker 1 A gemstone amulet. 01:29:30 Speaker 2 Uh, I guess you can put. 01:29:35 Speaker 2 Based on the Gems's, can I like appraise how much I think it's worth just at face value? 01:29:44 Speaker 1 You already tried that. 01:29:46 Speaker 1 That that was the that was the rule. Well. 01:29:52 Speaker 1 Let's see. Do you have? Do you have a? Do you have a separate? 01:29:52 Speaker 2 OK. 01:29:54 Speaker 2 All right. Yeah, you can just. So just in the. 01:29:58 Speaker 1 It it's it's obviously not cheap. It's obviously something worth something. It's it's at least as far as value goes, it's obvious that it's worth keeping what you don't know is whether or not it's enchanted or what it does. 01:30:15 Speaker 1 If that makes sense. If you have a specific skill that would let you appraise it. 01:30:22 Speaker 1 I know that these skills are a lot more vague than the the older editions, like Second Edition Man. 01:30:29 Speaker 1 That list of available skills was like long as hell. 01:30:34 Speaker 1 I'm looking at fuku's sheet right now. Intimidation investigation. 01:30:43 Speaker 1 Maybe investigation? 01:30:48 Speaker 1 OK, let's. 01:30:48 Speaker 2 Just to just based on the stuff, just to see how what what I think it's worth, just as a general. 01:30:58 Speaker 2 Did you add it in there or should I add it in there? 01:31:00 Speaker 1 I haven't. I haven't added it, but if you want to go ahead otherwise I will cause. Right now you don't know anything else about it other than it's. 01:31:09 Speaker 1 It's an amulet with a gem that glows. Uh. 01:31:16 Speaker 2 I'm not seeing how I can add custom item. 01:31:28 Speaker 1 And that's that's one of the, that's one of. 01:31:30 Speaker 1 The the old school. 01:31:31 Speaker 1 Rules I do kind of like that. 01:31:34 Speaker 1 When you find a magic item, if this is a magic, I'm not telling you this is a magic item. But if it were, you wouldn't automatically know everything it does like in a video game. You know what I mean? 01:31:45 Speaker 1 That's like unless you have some kind of skill or some kind of way of identifying it. 01:31:53 Speaker 1 OK. 01:31:55 Speaker 1 You you already did the Arcana check, right? 01:31:59 Speaker 1 Yeah, to, to appraise, to appraise its worth, you would use archena insight or investigation. 01:32:07 Speaker 1 So I'll I'll let. 01:32:08 Speaker 1 Fouk attempt, one of those again to give you some sense of. 01:32:14 Speaker 1 Just appraising how valuable the gym might be worth. 01:32:18 Speaker 1 Or whether or not the. 01:32:18 Speaker 2 How has your day been? 01:32:20 Speaker 2 19 all right. 01:32:25 Speaker 1 OK, you still don't know if it's magic. 01:32:28 Speaker 1 But you are pretty sure. 01:32:30 Speaker 1 That the metal is a type of metal. 01:32:32 Speaker 1 Called shadow iron. 01:32:35 Speaker 1 You you you're not positive, but it's it's like it's the stuff you've heard of. 01:32:41 Speaker 1 And and you've, you know, you you remember guys talking about it back with the shedim back in Borcia. 01:32:49 Speaker 1 There's there's a few symbols on it and stuff you can't make heads or tails over it, but. 01:32:54 Speaker 1 It does kind of enter fuchi's mind that. 01:32:57 Speaker 1 It's it's strange for this to be here. 01:33:01 Speaker 1 Like like this is not. 01:33:03 Speaker 1 This is not something from this part of. 01:33:04 Speaker 1 The it's not. 01:33:04 Speaker 2 And it was. It was in like, he ate the the lizard ate it was in his stomach. 01:33:11 Speaker 1 Yes. Or he ate the person that was wearing it. 01:33:16 Speaker 2 Right. 01:33:16 Speaker 1 But uh. 01:33:18 Speaker 1 But yeah, you have. You have, you're. 01:33:18 Speaker 2 Alright, I'll be like. 01:33:20 Speaker 1 Pretty sure that this this thing's out of place, like like like the Lizard ate a foreigner or something, or dug up some kind of treasure somewhere. 01:33:29 Speaker 1 But beyond that? 01:33:34 Speaker 2 I'd say. 01:33:36 Speaker 2 It's Theron will say. Well, I think we should, uh. 01:33:40 Speaker 2 Take a rest and maybe we can. 01:33:42 Speaker 2 Back track where this thing came from. See if we find any anything. 01:33:46 Speaker 2 On its trail. 01:33:48 Speaker 1 OK. 01:33:49 Speaker 1 OK, so you want to try and finish your. 01:33:51 Speaker 2 Obviously that. 01:33:55 Speaker 1 Because you still haven't had a night's rest, so. 01:33:58 Speaker 2 Yeah. Yeah. We want to do a rest first, eat some lizard and have a rest. 01:34:05 Speaker 1 OK, so this time. 01:34:08 Speaker 2 Maybe pack a little lizard bead in the backpack back or later. 01:34:11 Speaker 1 Yeah, there's there's definitely more than enough to fill up your rations. 01:34:19 Speaker 2 Let's probably put that up. 01:34:24 Speaker 2 That daddy may. 01:34:26 Speaker 1 Stuff too make some Blizzard jerky so it back in town. 01:34:39 Speaker 2 OK. 01:34:41 Speaker 3 I think it. 01:34:42 Speaker 1 Would be cool if these maps would add some. 01:34:44 Speaker 1 Kind of automatic feature for. 01:34:46 Speaker 1 For turning it to night. 01:34:49 Speaker 1 Like it will. 01:34:50 Speaker 2 So like. 01:34:52 Speaker 1 It will let you. 01:34:53 Speaker 1 Draw walls and will let. 01:34:54 Speaker 1 You do fog of war. 01:34:56 Speaker 1 So that like if if you if you go into a dungeon. 01:35:00 Speaker 1 And and me as the DM, I don't want to review all the rooms right away. 01:35:06 Speaker 1 It's pretty cool. 01:35:10 Speaker 1 I really love how. 01:35:11 Speaker 2 So I care how many. 01:35:14 Speaker 2 How many meals? 01:35:15 Speaker 2 Worth of lizard? Do I got here? 01:35:18 Speaker 1 Well, there, there's, there's definitely. 01:35:19 Speaker 1 More than you can carry. So, and I don't know. 01:35:24 Speaker 1 Now let's say 6. 01:35:26 Speaker 1 Anymore than that and and you're going to be like, you know. 01:35:30 Speaker 1 The stuff will go. 01:35:31 Speaker 1 Bad before you can eat it. 01:35:34 Speaker 2 Right. OK. 01:35:47 Speaker 1 So with that being said. 01:35:50 Speaker 1 If you want to go ahead and click your long rest. 01:35:53 Speaker 2 Too long, I guess. 01:35:56 Speaker 3 Yeah. Let's see. 01:35:59 Speaker 1 How many? How many hours is a long rest? 01:36:08 Speaker 2 Man, I'm going to have to. 01:36:09 Speaker 2 Take a short break. I gotta take a **** or. 01:36:11 Speaker 2 I'll be right back. 01:38:09 Speaker 2 Sorry about that. 01:38:10 Speaker 1 No, it's not. 01:38:13 Speaker 1 So if you if you want to rest long. 01:38:15 Speaker 1 Enough to get some. 01:38:16 Speaker 1 Hit points back. It has to be 8 hours so. 01:38:24 Speaker 2 OK, well I just did it. I just did a long rest. 01:38:28 Speaker 2 But none. 01:38:31 Speaker 2 On here. 01:38:33 Speaker 1 All right. 01:38:36 Speaker 2 Say, maybe Fuchs kind of watching him, you know, watching out, making sure nothing else is coming around to. 01:38:43 Speaker 1 Yeah, we'll say we'll say it. It'll it'll go without saying when you guys rest overnight, it's going to. 01:38:50 Speaker 1 Be a, you know like. 01:38:52 Speaker 1 Two hour shifts or something where one is unwatched and the other just leave. Something like that maybe? 01:38:59 Speaker 1 That's that's the general. That's the general basic rule in DD is one person on a 2 hour watch but. 01:39:08 Speaker 1 When there's only two players in the group. 01:39:13 Speaker 1 Really, that wouldn't make sense because you guys would end up only getting. 01:39:17 Speaker 1 4 hours of broken sleep. 01:39:19 Speaker 1 But anyway, we'll play around that. 01:39:25 Speaker 1 Give me another Constitution saving throw. 01:39:31 Speaker 2 OK. So it's morning to Mary. 01:39:38 I'm not, you know. 01:39:39 Speaker 1 What? You know what? Forget it. Don't do it. I don't. I don't think it was. I don't think it was fair. Or according to the rules for me to have you make that. 01:39:47 Speaker 1 That saving throw twice in one day. 01:39:51 Speaker 1 So let's say the one that you already did previously was for today. You will still. You'll still have disadvantage. 01:39:59 Speaker 1 On your roles. 01:40:03 Speaker 1 I still kind of don't like the idea that that's not automatic though. 01:40:08 Speaker 1 What's the point of putting a poison icon on Thronns? Don's token. 01:40:14 Speaker 1 If it doesn't, automatically. 01:40:19 Speaker 1 I'm I'm messing with the wrong sheet right now. I'm going to try and do like a like an attack role and see what what it shows me. 01:40:29 Speaker 1 Like like when I use your Longbow. 01:40:33 It should have. 01:40:38 Speaker 1 It should have shown two dice and then chosen the lowest of the two. 01:40:43 Speaker 1 Manage custom add new actions. 01:40:49 Speaker 1 OK, hold on a second. 01:40:52 Speaker 2 So is it going to be that? 01:40:54 Speaker 2 When I make a constitution check, then it means that I'm. 01:40:59 Speaker 2 Done with the poison, or do I still need to? 01:41:02 Speaker 1 No, no. You still have to. You still have to find a cure for it. It's just the Constitution saving throw decides whether or not you take any damage from it today. 01:41:13 Speaker 1 If you if you fail the Constitution savings. 01:41:16 Speaker 1 Bill in the morning. 01:41:17 Speaker 1 You will roll a D4 to see how much damage it did to you. If if you succeed at the check. 01:41:23 Speaker 1 It just hurts. 01:41:25 Speaker 1 It hasn't it. There's no damage. Does that make sense? 01:41:29 Speaker 3 Let's see. 01:41:31 Speaker 1 How is disadvantage icon? 01:41:35 Speaker 1 OK yeah, disadvantage is supposed to be automatic and beyond. 01:41:41 Speaker 1 And disadvantage is represented by a red icon with three dice and an arrow pointing down. You can toggle this advantage on and off by clicking on the icon next to the roll button. 01:41:53 Speaker 1 Icon next to the roll button. 01:41:57 What the ****? 01:41:57 Speaker 1 Does that mean? 01:42:06 Speaker 1 I don't see any such thing Icon next to the roll button. OK, this is talking about D&D beyond and not necessarily above Vt. So if I go with the wrongs. 01:42:17 Speaker 1 Sorry, I'm eating in the game time, but I'd like to figure this out. I really would. I would like for the disadvantage to. 01:42:22 Speaker 1 Be accounted for? 01:42:24 Speaker 1 Automatically because that one's easy to forget. 01:42:34 Speaker 2 So if you're doing a roll. 01:42:39 Speaker 2 Ohh it. See if you right click. If you right click when you're rolling, there's a thing that says disadvantage. 01:42:49 Speaker 1 OK, so so. 01:42:49 Speaker 2 If you right click. 01:42:52 Speaker 2 So if you like go to the Constitution and you right click on it. 01:42:57 Speaker 1 There you go. 01:42:57 Speaker 2 See that? So I guess you have. I guess you have to. 01:43:00 Speaker 2 Do it that way, huh? 01:43:02 Speaker 1 Yes, that, that's cool. That's that. That works. And OK. And it looks like you choose the chat. 01:43:08 Speaker 1 So you could OK, there you go. And and. And likewise you'll see advantages. There it goes the same way that if something gives you something that gives you an advantage, whether it's magic or something. 01:43:20 Speaker 1 You roll twice and you take the higher roll. 01:43:24 Speaker 2 Alright, OK. 01:43:25 Speaker 1 So. So yeah, for for now until until. 01:43:29 Speaker 1 Until Thron finds a cure for the poison, all of his roles are at disadvantage. So. 01:43:37 Speaker 2 Well, so. 01:43:39 Speaker 2 Do I have any sense of how, who I would talk to you? 01:43:45 Speaker 2 Is there like a witch doctor in the area or something that I can? 01:43:50 Speaker 1 That's a good idea. That's a good idea. 01:43:50 Speaker 2 Get up for that. 01:43:54 Speaker 1 You know what? 01:43:55 Speaker 1 The Kurnok tribe would know. 01:43:59 Speaker 1 The Cannibal crocodile men. 01:44:01 Speaker 1 You know for sure that those guys would know how to do it. In fact, you probably it's food. Our throne is probably starting to think that those are the guys poisoning this string because those ******* are always messing around with stuff like that. 01:44:19 Speaker 1 But let's go ahead and have food. 01:44:23 Speaker 1 Have Fouk attempt a. 01:44:29 Speaker 1 Let's see. 01:44:33 Speaker 1 If there's got to be a way for the two of you to do a combined medicine check. 01:44:39 Speaker 1 Let's see what's the rule on that. 01:44:48 Speaker 1 Food and fry want to make bacon by. 01:45:08 Speaker 2 Seems like it just be. 01:45:08 Speaker 2 Like a you know. 01:45:11 Speaker 2 Girl and whoever gets highest type thing but. 01:45:25 Speaker 1 Fran would know it's a bad idea to ask the kernel for anything. You'd be lucky to even get them to listen to you speak before they try and bring you and eat your brains. 01:45:39 Speaker 1 OK, let's see. To make a combined medicine check foot that's wrong, you use the rules for working together as described on page 175 of the Players Handbook and two or more characters team up. Oh, it stopped typing. 01:46:01 Speaker 1 Two of our characters team up. 01:46:04 Speaker 1 And attempts to attempt a task. The character who has the highest ability modifier can make the ability to make an ability to check with advantage reflecting the help provided by the other characters. Ah, OK, so Thron has a + 3 in medicine. What does fooc have? 01:46:25 Speaker 1 Geez, it takes me forever to go from 1:00. 01:46:27 Speaker 1 Shoot to the other. 01:46:31 Speaker 2 He has. 01:46:35 Speaker 1 I'm thinking it was also a + 3 if I remember correctly. 01:46:40 This one. 01:46:41 Speaker 1 Say again? 01:46:41 Speaker 2 Only has plus one and there's. 01:46:43 Speaker 1 OK. 01:46:44 Speaker 2 He has plus one in medicine, but he. 01:46:45 Speaker 1 But let's say. So let's say you guys, you put your head together, you put your heads together, especially because foot knows poison. 01:46:52 Speaker 2 OK. 01:46:54 Speaker 1 So so have thron make a medicine check with advantage so. 01:47:03 Speaker 1 So you right click on your medicine bonus. 01:47:07 Speaker 1 Choose advantage. 01:47:09 Speaker 1 And let's make it. Whoops. 01:47:15 Speaker 1 I'm going to make this hard. Dude, this is going to be like a DC-17 because this is still an unknown poison. 01:47:26 OK. 01:47:29 Speaker 2 **** yeah. So no, no girl. 01:47:33 Speaker 1 And when you try. 01:47:35 Speaker 1 You just made it hurt more, man. 01:47:37 Speaker 1 All right. 01:47:39 Speaker 1 OK, so so at least you guys have gotten a full night's rest. 01:47:46 Speaker 1 Got plenty to eat. We found a magic item. 01:47:50 Speaker 1 Covered in in lizard guts. Before you leave this map area. 01:48:01 Speaker 1 I'm going to say that thron is so familiar with this area. He does not have to make a check. 01:48:05 Speaker 1 With the quicksand. Because he grew up here. 01:48:08 Speaker 1 But foot does. 01:48:10 Speaker 1 But let's go ahead and give foot an advantage because he has Tom telling him what to do. So have foot do a. 01:48:24 Speaker 1 Man, I've got to memorize all the skills. 01:48:28 Speaker 1 What skill would he use? 01:48:34 Speaker 1 Let's go ahead and do acrobatics. Why not? 01:48:40 Speaker 1 Have food FUBU and acrobatics check with advantage because Theron is helping them. What direction do you want to go? 01:48:40 Speaker 2 Ohh baby. 01:48:47 Speaker 1 You want to go north? 01:48:51 I just like. 01:48:53 Speaker 2 Flipped over that ****. 01:48:55 Yeah, dude. 01:48:56 Speaker 2 I just like did a springing hand flip over from. 01:48:58 Speaker 1 If if if you are using. If you were using analog dice, what? 01:49:03 Speaker 2 This dude's 19. 01:49:06 Speaker 1 Yeah. So Thronns like, man, you better be careful, dude. You gotta, man. Watch out. And folks like man. 01:49:12 Speaker 2 I'm sorry. 01:49:14 Speaker 2 Get the lack of frickin opium addict, I guess. 01:49:20 Speaker 1 Ohh, that's right, you've got a you've got an addiction. 01:49:24 Speaker 1 Hold on a SEC. 01:49:27 Speaker 1 You are you carrying a stash with you? 01:49:32 Speaker 2 Yeah, I've got a stash. I don't know how much you want to say I have. 01:49:35 Speaker 1 I want to know I want to know how much you have and how much you use every day. 01:49:43 Speaker 2 Well, let's say, OK, so I. 01:49:47 Speaker 2 I don't know where. 01:49:48 Speaker 2 I have it in my other possessions. 01:49:52 Speaker 2 So I don't know how to say. 01:49:54 Speaker 3 Well, just you. 01:49:57 Speaker 1 You don't, you? 01:49:57 Speaker 1 Don't have to look for it. You can even just make it up now. Let's say that you took. 01:50:02 Speaker 1 Three day stash with you. Four day stash or you get we. Let's roll for it. Let's. 01:50:08 Speaker 2 Do a dice roll, dice roll, or. 01:50:10 Speaker 1 Something give me a D8 and that's how many days. 01:50:19 Speaker 2 Dirty skill. 01:50:30 Speaker 2 That's me. 01:50:37 Speaker 2 Just a second here. 01:50:40 Speaker 2 Trying to get to the large. 01:50:41 Speaker 1 No hurry. I'm. I'm coming up with a with a with a custom home Rule rule for how food deals with his opium. 01:50:49 Speaker 2 I'll just do it for me as. 01:50:50 Speaker 2 Well, do you hate? 01:50:53 Speaker 2 You say, yeah. 01:50:57 Speaker 1 You mean like a oh, yeah. 01:51:00 Speaker 1 Let's say like you thought you had a whole week's worth of stash with you, but it got wet with swamp Rod or something. 01:51:07 Speaker 1 So you, you, you. 01:51:09 Speaker 1 You went in for your morning toke and and you're like, oh ****, dude, I'm in trouble. 01:51:15 How can I? 01:51:17 Speaker 1 Hold on a SEC. I'm going to come up. Let, let's and I'm gonna have you write this down. I'll write it down too, but I want to have a specific rules. We're like, you know, like throw on right now every day he has to check what the. 01:51:28 Speaker 1 Poison is doing. 01:51:29 Speaker 1 To him, throw on every day is going to or foot. Every day is going to. 01:51:33 Speaker 2 One thing I was. 01:51:35 Speaker 2 I was. I was like, considering on this character, if he could have, like some, like, special circumstance where he's like. 01:51:44 Speaker 2 You know, he either has disadvantages or advantages or some **** compared, you know, based on. 01:51:51 Speaker 2 What his uh. 01:51:54 Speaker 2 Level of. 01:51:55 Speaker 2 Drug uses or something? 01:51:59 Speaker 2 But I don't know that might be too complicated. 01:52:05 Speaker 1 OK, say that again. I was reading something. 01:52:10 Speaker 2 I was just imagining when I was making him if there was like some, like, special adjustment of whether you know. 01:52:17 Speaker 2 Depending on his. 01:52:20 Speaker 2 What he's on or whatever have it like adjusting his. 01:52:21 Speaker 1 Yeah, yeah. 01:52:24 Speaker 1 I I definitely I like the idea of of of the things giving a positive and a negative at the same time, you know. 01:52:28 Speaker 2 Positive reported, yeah. 01:52:33 Speaker 1 Like certain things will give him, you know, it'll make him more persuasive or or, you know, he's better at talking to people, but. 01:52:43 Speaker 1 You know, it costs you hit points or. 01:52:49 Speaker 2 Something just something weird like that. You know, I just was considering that. 01:52:55 Speaker 2 Maybe he's like. 01:52:57 Speaker 2 Take some like. 01:52:59 Speaker 2 Zombie dust or some **** and becomes super. 01:53:04 Speaker 2 Super powered for 10 turns or something, you know? 01:53:08 Speaker 2 And then then it wears off and he's, like, cocked out for. 01:53:19 Speaker 2 So yeah, I'm voting that we we track down this where this. 01:53:25 Speaker 2 Lizard came from follow his trail and see if we can figure. 01:53:28 Speaker 2 Out what the? 01:53:32 Speaker 2 If we can. 01:53:34 Speaker 2 Determine where he ate that amulet. 01:53:40 Speaker 3 OK, hold on just a SEC. 01:54:00 Speaker 1 OK, this is going to take, I'm going to. 01:54:02 Speaker 1 Have to get back on the opium. 01:54:15 Speaker 1 OK, food test to make a Constitution saving throw with a DC equals 10 plus the number of doses he's taken in the past 24 hours. He fails because that's too much stupid ***. 01:54:35 Speaker 1 OK. 01:54:37 Speaker 1 OK. We'll we'll come back around to the opium thing, but let's just say you took your dose for the day, so you're not, you're you're 24 hours. You're good. 01:54:50 Speaker 1 How? How strong? 01:54:51 Speaker 1 Do you want his addiction to be? Does he ever have the urge to take more than necessary, or is he good at rationing it out? 01:55:03 Speaker 1 You still there? 01:55:07 Speaker 2 Probably, since he's in a circumstance like this, he's probably going to have to. 01:55:11 Speaker 2 Thinking about it in terms of making it last, I would say, but maybe if he's in a city or something, he might tend to. 01:55:20 Speaker 1 OK, let's just say for right now he's he's able to handle it, but I I'll I'll come up with a rule for. 01:55:20 Speaker 2 Get as much as possible, you know, but but. 01:55:31 Speaker 1 Things that he has to check every day to keep it from getting on top of him. You know what I mean? Like. 01:55:38 Speaker 1 Like roll a willpower check, which there is not a there's not a rule for in in D&D automatically, but every once in a while I want them to fail a willpower check, and you're going to be like, I'll **** it. I'm doing. I'm doing 2 doses and then and then there'll be disadvantages to that. You know, like you're going to run out sooner. You know, that kind of thing. 01:55:59 Speaker 1 But anyway, OK, let's say that you were finished on this map and you guys want to head north, correct to follow the. 01:56:00 Speaker 2 Right. 01:56:07 Speaker 1 Or the stream, or you want to. 01:56:10 Speaker 1 You're now concerned with the. 01:56:14 Speaker 2 Right. Well, I'm curious about where this lizard ate this amulet. So I was thinking. 01:56:20 Speaker 2 About trying to. 01:56:21 Speaker 2 It looked like he came from the north anyway, right? 01:56:24 Speaker 1 Yes, it's Ron, Ron, Ron from Ron can track this. 01:56:25 Speaker 2 Or can can I track? 01:56:30 Speaker 1 Passed with his eyes closed. 01:56:32 Speaker 1 Even in pain, I won't even. 01:56:34 Speaker 1 Make you check you can you can easily. 01:56:35 Speaker 1 Track with this lizard. 01:56:39 Speaker 1 Spent his he he spent the whole day yesterday. 01:56:43 Speaker 1 And he definitely came from the north. 01:56:46 Speaker 2 Do I see any other unusual tracks of? 01:56:54 Speaker 1 Give me a give me a survival check, DC-16. 01:57:05 Speaker 2 And now my. 01:57:07 Speaker 2 Do I have the? 01:57:14 Speaker 1 Disadvantages on everything? 01:57:23 Speaker 1 What's funny is. 01:57:24 Speaker 1 That you you respond before I see the viral. 01:57:29 Speaker 1 Yeah, drones just not have. He's just not having a looking time with this. 01:57:35 Speaker 1 He's he's just off off his game, man. 01:57:35 Speaker 2 Sorry, keys. 01:57:40 Speaker 1 Yeah. Let's just say that, you know, he, he, he's in pain right now. He's he's having a hard time concentrating. And you know this this lizard has been traipsing around the area right now. So if there, if there were any evidence of the child soldiers coming through this area, it's it's been stomped on and. 01:57:59 Speaker 1 Is probably just the best bet is to follow the lizard's trail north. 01:58:04 Speaker 1 Until you can get it. 01:58:04 Speaker 2 So we're. 01:58:05 Speaker 2 Going like. 01:58:07 Speaker 2 Somewhere in this neighborhood. 01:58:12 Speaker 1 Are you are you moving tokens? I don't see it. 01:58:14 Speaker 2 I just move the tokens around. 01:58:18 Speaker 1 That's interesting. 01:58:21 Speaker 2 You can't see it. 01:58:22 Speaker 1 No, they're not moving. 01:58:26 Speaker 1 But anyway, wherever you're going, I'm sure it's fine. You choose. What quadrant did you go to? Straight up. 01:58:28 Speaker 2 It takes me. 01:58:33 Speaker 1 Northwest, northeast. 01:58:36 Speaker 2 I just went up to like the north, northeast of. 01:58:40 Speaker 2 Where that? 01:58:42 Speaker 2 Token of the Blizzard blast. 01:58:43 Speaker 1 Yeah. Yeah, that's yeah. You guys are able to go foot made his check, he. 01:58:47 Speaker 1 Was able to he's able to dance on the quicksand and show off his. 01:58:50 Speaker 1 Ship like a freaking. 01:58:52 Speaker 1 Like a drug addled Pansy. 01:58:58 OK. 01:59:01 Speaker 1 We could. We could cut it off right there. 01:59:03 Speaker 1 Or let's see what was the next. The next scene was going to be. 01:59:09 Speaker 2 Yeah, the dudes I I literally all these dudes. 01:59:14 Speaker 2 I I rolled natural. I didn't cheat on it at all. I just rolled their stats and that's what they got. He's got like a 19. 01:59:18 Speaker 1 Well, that that's The thing is that and the digital. 01:59:24 Speaker 1 That I love the digital stuff. It makes it harder to cheat, not easier. 01:59:32 Speaker 2 It must give you like a. 01:59:35 Speaker 2 General, because every guy that I've made so far has, like at least one good stat, you know. 01:59:41 Speaker 1 Yeah, enough is enough. 01:59:42 Speaker 2 Whereas I just I actually just made another character today. 01:59:46 Speaker 1 Now that I think of it, though, I I'm pretty sure there's several different options in there for character creation to include just entering what your stats are. 01:59:55 Speaker 1 So you could shoot if you want to. 01:59:58 Speaker 2 Yeah. I just, I like doing it. I like doing the the rolling method, but it does seem like it like skews your rolls a little bit somehow. 02:00:08 Speaker 1 Well, the. 02:00:12 Speaker 1 The low stats make for great stories man and guess guess what? The name of Scene 3 is. Hold on here. 02:00:23 Speaker 3 See if it. 02:00:23 Speaker 1 Will work if I put it in the chat. 02:00:24 Speaker 2 Yeah, but just the 1930 on this guy just makes him like, superhuman practically. 02:00:32 Yeah, you get. 02:00:34 Speaker 2 I mean, everything else is pretty low. He's got 15 constitution. But. 02:00:39 Speaker 2 That's what he. 02:00:41 Speaker 1 That that makes it fun. It's more fun to have some low stats in there than it. 02:00:42 Speaker 2 That's pretty damp. 02:00:45 Speaker 2 Has The funny thing is that. 02:00:48 Speaker 2 Thrawn. He doesn't really have that good a stats, but he has 17 constitution, yet he's getting taken out by this poison like. 02:00:58 Speaker 2 He can't handle this ****. 02:01:01 Speaker 1 It's it's definitely a surprise to thron he. He'll be like dude. 02:01:06 Speaker 1 I've been traipsing around and this him up since I was born and just he's never encountered this, something that. 02:01:17 Speaker 1 That potent in the water. 02:01:20 Speaker 1 And so this you know this this is like a day's a day's hike north of where you guys were at the. 02:01:28 Speaker 1 At the Tavern so so Kergan AKA Wino. He wasn't joking when he said that something was seriously ******* up the water. 02:01:37 Speaker 1 And you know he. 02:01:38 Speaker 1 He he can't water down the whiskey. 02:01:41 Speaker 1 With the swamp **** anymore because of this crap. 02:01:45 Speaker 1 But you don't you you don't. 02:01:48 Speaker 1 Have to go very far. 02:01:50 Speaker 1 Thrawn to know that this lizard came right from the territory of the Kurnok tribe. That's where you're headed if you follow. 02:02:00 Speaker 1 He followed his ship. 02:02:02 Speaker 1 They're crocodile cannibals. Well, both. 02:02:06 Speaker 2 Both of these dudes have some serious stealth skills. 02:02:10 Speaker 2 So I think we're going to try to stealth it up there and see. 02:02:13 Speaker 2 If we can like somehow. 02:02:16 Speaker 2 Figure out a way to cure his. 02:02:22 Speaker 1 Throne Thron would know that if if anybody in this area would know. 02:02:30 Speaker 1 How to cope with it? It would be the current arc, but they are. 02:02:34 Speaker 1 Dangerous funked up dudes. 02:02:37 Speaker 1 Even in even in this area, you know, I mean. 02:02:40 Speaker 1 You grew up in a orc war band that are dangerous, locked up dudes, and they don't mess with the court. They don't. 02:02:47 Speaker 1 They don't **** with the current. 02:02:49 Speaker 1 Because those guys just kill and eat everything. 02:02:55 Speaker 1 But it's not unheard. 02:02:56 Speaker 1 Of like you know, let's say that Thron has. 02:03:01 Speaker 1 Had dealings with them before in some way, or is known somebody who has? It's not impossible, but you're going to. 02:03:07 Speaker 1 Have to. 02:03:08 Speaker 1 You're going to have to pay them with something. So so I'll come. I'll. 02:03:13 Speaker 1 Come up with a story that. 02:03:15 Speaker 1 Of something swan would know about. You know you. 02:03:18 Speaker 1 If you're going to go into the Kurnok territory, you're going to have to come bear in some kind of gift. 02:03:27 Speaker 2 Well, I would say. 02:03:29 Speaker 2 I think we want to try to stealth in there. 02:03:32 Speaker 2 And see if we can like. 02:03:34 Speaker 2 Survey what's going on from a distance and you know, sneak in there and check them out without letting them know that we're there as much as possible. 02:03:44 Speaker 1 Yeah, in fact that that's that's probably that's probably front's default. 02:03:50 Speaker 1 Mode of travel like probably everywhere you've gone so far. You guys have been pretty careful and you're and he's constantly correcting fluke. Just so you know, stay off the trails. 02:04:03 Speaker 1 Don't step on that. 02:04:05 Speaker 1 You know, lookout for, you know, the this tribe puts snares in these areas. You know, that kind of thing. 02:04:13 Speaker 1 So yeah, yeah, everywhere you're going is is already stealthy. But you're being triply careful now because you're getting into the area where. 02:04:23 Speaker 1 These crocodile dudes. 02:04:25 Speaker 1 Have scouts, they have, you know, they have snares. 02:04:30 Speaker 1 They're, they're. 02:04:32 Speaker 1 They're not magical. 02:04:35 Speaker 1 Other than you know like low, low level shamanism kind of ****, but they they don't use high magic that you know of. 02:04:44 Speaker 1 But that's the. 02:04:45 Speaker 2 Are they able to? They are able to speak in stuff though, like. 02:04:49 Speaker 1 Yes, yes, thron would be. 02:04:52 Speaker 1 Able to communicate with them. 02:04:55 Speaker 1 They're using some kind of jungle common or something. 02:04:57 Speaker 2 So they're like, essentially like lizard men. Probably then. 02:05:00 Speaker 1 Yeah, yeah. 02:05:03 Speaker 1 I don't know if there's. 02:05:04 Speaker 2 May be a little tougher. 02:05:06 Speaker 1 They're definitely tougher than lizard. 02:05:07 Speaker 1 Man, is there a D and D5E equivalent? 02:05:20 Speaker 1 Of a humanoid. 02:05:28 Speaker 1 I'm checking to see if there's a D&D race that already fits these guys. 02:05:34 Speaker 1 I didn't have any in mind but, but I was definitely going to flush out all their stats in time for. 02:05:40 Speaker 1 Nope, there isn't. There isn't an equivalent of an official B&D of human crocodiles, but. 02:05:50 Speaker 1 But yeah, lizard a little bit tougher than regular lizard men. 02:05:56 Speaker 1 Lizard folk. 02:06:00 Speaker 1 You want to call it right there, man. 02:06:06 Speaker 2 Yeah, that's cool. Yeah, probably better check out what's going on with my family there. So, yeah, that was cool, though. It's progress. 02:06:16 Speaker 1 Yeah, I'll, I'll, I'll. I'll definitely flesh out the the next scene better and have have the map ready to go and and the stats and. 02:06:27 Speaker 1 Come up with some actual named NPC. 02:06:30 Speaker 1 'S and stuff. 02:06:35 Speaker 2 Yeah, sounds good. Yeah. Cool. 02:06:40 Speaker 1 Alright, I'll get I'll. 02:06:41 Speaker 1 Get into the. 02:06:45 Speaker 1 Signing out? Take it easy, dude.
Dead Gods
Fouk Shadim
Neutral Evil Variant Human (Criminal / Spy)
Rogue 4
31 / 31 HP
Thronn Zamda
Report Date
29 Sep 2023
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