Fouk Shadim

Fouk Shadim

Fouk was raised in the streets as an orphan and subjected to cruel circumstances. Rumoured to be half halfling, Fouk is small in stature but is a formidable fighter who specializes in dirty tricks. Fouk is transgender, and is a life-long drug addict who has survived through thievery, drug sales, arson, and assasination jobs. Fouk is an expert in poison, narcotics, and burglary. Fouk has little regard for the lives of others and is willing to take practically any job to sustain a severe opium addiction. Fouk is fascinated by fire and arson, and is covered in burn scars from playing with fire.

A thief, assassin, arsonist, and drug addict. Half-halfling, transgender, Fouk is an opium addict and career criminal. An orphan trained in burglary, murder, and smuggling by a criminal organization known as "The Shadim"

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