The Jungle's Claw #005

General Summary

Corpseflower Temple

Game date: 15th day of the Crow, Year 13944   In the heart of the jungle, where the air was thick with the scent of damp earth and decaying wood, Fouk and Thronn stumbled upon an ancient monolith. The towering stone was etched with elemental symbols, a blend of Vorcian glyphs and Nolavorian runes. Fouk, his eyes narrowing in concentration, examined the monolith but could not unlock its secrets. The stone stood there like a mute guardian, its inscriptions a cryptic riddle that eluded their understanding.
As they moved away from the monolith, a nauseating stench filled the air, leading them to a Corpse Flower. Its petals resembled rotting flesh, and Thronn, ever the ranger, knew that such flowers often concealed treasures from their consumed victims. Just as they contemplated this, a sickly Carrion Crawler erupted from the undergrowth, drawn by the smell of death. A fierce battle ensued. Fouk's daggers danced in the air, landing critical hits that left the crawler writhing in agony. With a final, guttural screech, the creature was slain.   The Corpse Flower began its grotesque process of digesting the crawler's remains. Thronn, cautious yet intrigued, suggested they search the area for valuables. Fouk, nimble and stealthy, retrieved rare herbs and nectar from around the flower's base. Thronn's keen eyes also spotted a gem, a map, and exotic herbs. They debated whether to burn the Corpse Flower but ultimately decided to leave it be, hurrying away with their newfound treasures.
Guided by the ancient map, they soon discovered the entrance to a long-forgotten temple. The archway was ornate, carved with runes that stirred memories within Fouk. Inside, the temple was a vision of decay and grandeur—crumbling stone walls covered in vines and spiderwebs, and collapsed pillars strewn across the mossy floor. Moonlight filtered through gaps in the high ceiling, casting eerie shadows.
In the center of the chamber lay a massive stone head, its features exquisitely detailed yet worn by time. Behind it, a metallic sphere rested on an ancient pedestal, untouched by the ravages of time. Fouk tossed a torch to illuminate the area, revealing iron grates that covered most of the floor. As the torch fell through the grates, they heard it splash into an underground stream below. Suddenly, the water erupted as a giant boa constrictor lunged through the grates, its eyes ablaze with malice.
The adventurers scrambled atop the giant stone head, gaining a vantage point from which they launched a barrage of arrows and blades. Fouk coated his dagger in potent snake venom, landing critical hits that left the serpent writhing in agony. Just as victory seemed within reach, the boa struck, biting and constricting Fouk until he lost consciousness. Thronn, his heart pounding, managed to drag Fouk to safety and stabilize him with a healing spell. Though weakened, the snake retreated, only to die minutes later from the venom coursing through its veins.   In a secluded alcove, Thronn discovered remnants of a campsite—bedrolls and other belongings that belonged to the child soldiers they had been tracking. He dragged the unconscious Fouk to this relatively safe haven. Despite the lurking dangers and the weight of unsolved mysteries, the adventurers settled down for a much-needed rest, gathering their strength for the challenges that lay ahead. Their quest was far from over, but for now, they had survived the perilous depths of a jungle temple lost to time, its secrets whispering in the shadows.

Rewards Granted

Story XP: 50 ea Carrion Crawler XP: 350 ea. Giant Boa XP: 450 ea Total: 850   Vial of Thick Nectar: Fouk finds a vial filled with a thick, viscous nectar collected from the Corpse Flower. While its purpose is unclear, it could have potential uses or value to alchemists or herbalists.   Unidentified Herbs: Among the tangled roots of the Corpse Flower, Fouk identifies a bundle of rare and exotic herbs. Their properties are unknown, but they might prove useful for crafting potions or antidotes.   Glistening Gem: Deep within the muck and decay, Fouk spots a small, glistening gemstone. Its exact value is uncertain, but it appears to be a precious stone worth investigating further.   Weathered Map: Fouk uncovers a crumpled and weathered map hidden beneath the foliage. The map depicts the surrounding jungle terrain, and while some details are faded, it could serve as a valuable navigational aid.
Dead Gods
Fouk Shadim
Neutral Evil Variant Human (Criminal / Spy)
Rogue 4
31 / 31 HP
Thronn Zamda
Report Date
20 Oct 2023
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