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Cole Thornhart

Main Character. Assassin. Cole is a former highly regarded CIA agency member called TAIL. Cole was apart of a TAIL mission on the day the apocalyspe started (Dead Day) to save an important political offical. During the mission he ultimately turned on his squad because the military gave the order to disregard all civilians and kill innocent people if they were bitten by the dead. This is something he didn't agree with so Cole made his decision to save a bitten lady and her son when his squad was going to shoot them both. Cole couldn't stand by and let that happened. So he saved the both of them, ran off and was later joined by his father Lebone who he looked up to his entire life. With Lebone being an former highly appointed TAIL agent himself, they both were on the run and found ways to live by being quite and hidden. Cole likes to only fight the dead when necessary and can be seen typically doing so with a silenced pistol and or tomahawk. Cole is a very strong fighter but doesn't like to take risks on missions, Cole is what you would call a humble leader. The Core Group looks at Cole and Ace as the head of the group because they are the strongest fighters although Cole and Ace are polar opposites when it comes to fighting styles. Cole and Ace butt heads when they first meet but throughout the show they grow close by relying and fighting alongside each other.

  • Skills
Cole was formerly a member highly regarded CIA agency called TAIL. So Cole is a very skilled fighter with and without weapons. He also is very smart and strategical, Cole approaches each danger with a plan and likes to carry it out to the T. Cole's primary weapon throughout the show is his signature dual Tomahawks that he carries on both side of his waist holsters. Cole likes to use his Tomahawks because they are a silent way to kill the dead fast and efficiently. He gets better at using his Tomahawks as time goes by, becoming so good that he learned how to throw the Tomahawks to get kills from a distance in season 4. Cole likes to stay silent on missions, lowering the risks and making the right safe moves. Cole doesn't like to take a lot of risk on missions although he is one of the strongest fighters in the show. He is what you would call a humble leader. Although he likes to do things silently Cole is also very skilled with guns aswell, typically can be seen using a pistol as his secondary weapon. Cole is also very strong which can be very useful. Cole is someone you can rely on the battlefield, he looks out for his friends at all times.

  Weapons / Loadouts
Pistol & Knife
Assault Rifle, Pistol w/ or without Silencer & Knife
Tomahawks & Pistol
Tomahawks & Assault Rifle
Tomahawks, Assault Rifle & Pistol w/ Silencer (Ultimate)

  Cole's Tomahawks
Great Zombie Killer, Physically Strong, Hand to Hand Combat, Melee Specialist, Stealth, Leader, Teamplayer, Gunplay. Intelligence, Strategist.
Lacks Speed, Not a Risktaker.

  • Appearance
American with short blonde hair. 5ft10 Strong Buff Build.

S1 -
S2 - TAIL Watch,

  • Personality
Cole is a very honorable man, a humble leader. Cole is a kind hearted man, he never curses and is pretty respectful to his peers if they show respect back. Cole likes to prioritize safety on missions over everything. Cole also takes lead and responisblity on missions, he likes to plan out strategies before fighting the dead. He is very discipline, he sticks to his early morning workout routine which you can see a few times throughout the series.

  Fun Facts
Cole never says curse words.
Cole is an early bird (someone who wakes up very early in the morning) He wakes up at 6am everyday and starts his day with his morning workout routine.
Cole has a morning workout routine he does every morning. The workout routine includes 2oo push ups, 200 sit ups and 200 squats. 

  • Dead Day
The Day the Apocalyspe started Cole was sent on a mission from the TAIL Agency to rescue an important political offical. During the mission he ultimately turned on his squad because the military gave the order to disregard all civilians and kill innocent people if they were bitten by the dead. This is something he didn't agree with so Cole made his decision to save a bitten lady and her son when his squad was going to shoot them both. Cole couldn't stand by and let that happened. So he saved the both of them, ran off and was later joined by his father Lebone who he looked up to his entire life. With Lebone being an former highly appointed TAIL agent himself. Together they decide to go o the run from TAIL and to live on their own. From there they found ways to live by being quite and hidden.

  • Before The Apocalypse
Cole grew up a very sheltered life, with his father being a member of the TAIL Agent, Cole was hidden away from the rest of the world. Cole was home schooled, wasn't allowed to make friends or be on any social media. He was being trained to be a soilder since he was a kid, constantly training with his dad so that he can be a great TAIL Agent when he becomes of age. Cole was 16yrs old he was already being closely scouted by the heads of the TAIL Agency. At 18yrs old Cole was admitted to military training. The TAIL Agency doesn't allow agents to join unless they are 25yrs old but due to Cole's father Lebone being a highly regarded agent Cole was able to become the youngest agent at the age of 24yrs old.  

Kill Counts


  Seasonal Awards

Season 1
Cole gets his first Tank kill
Seaon 2
Date of Birth
October 12
short blonde buzzcut
5ft 10


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