BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Main Character, Gunslinger. The zombie apocalypse started on Ace's 23rd birthday. The same day Ace loses his mother from being bitten by the dead than shot and killed by a military solider named Ian Clark. Ace was overflowed with rage and determination and killed Ian Clark. Ace was then unknowingly given the Death Curse by the Death Spirit (aka The Sinister). After that Ace grown a deep hatred for the dead and anyone that he thinks would cross him. Ace wants to kill the dead till the dead is no more. Ace is very gun ho, likes to go gun blazing when fighting the dead. Typically using heavy firearms such as Assault Rifles & Snipers. Ace can be pretty stubborn and likes to do things his way even if its not in the group's best interest. Ace becomes more of a team player throughout the show, growing more attached to the core group of survivors. Ace likes to take risks on missions, he really just likes to fight the dead and have his way with the world, he doesn't let fear get in the way of what he wants. The Core Group looks at Cole and Ace as the head of the group because they are the strongest fighters although Cole and Ace are polar opposites when it comes to fighting styles. Cole and Ace butt heads when they first meet but throughout the show they grow close by relying and fighting alongside each other. Ace can be very foul mouthed and aggressive when he talks.

  • Skills
Ace is one of the strongest zombie killers in the show. Ace is a Gunslinger, usually equipped with many guns. Assault Rifle is what he is typically seen using throughout the show. Ace is also becomes a very skilled Sniper and takes up primarily using a Sniper at one point in the show. He is a very good shot and he also can fight with melee weapons too. Ace isn't hesitant to go on any mission no matter how dangerous it may be, he is eager to go on a zombie killing spree. On the battlefield Ace is someone you can rely on to fearlessly take on the dead, but sometimes his zombie killing track mind can get in the way of the mission.

  Weapons / Loadouts
Assault Rifle & Machete
Assault Rifle, Pistol, Machete & Knife
Sniper & Cleaver Sword
Sniper, Pistol & Cleaver Sword
Sniper, Assault Rifle & Cleaver Sword

Death Curse, Gunslinger, Fearless, Great Shot, Great Zombie Fighter, Sniper.
Death Curse, Not a Teamplayer, Stealth, Stubborn & Reckless.

  • Appearance
Hispanic 23yr old male. 5ft11 standard build. Black Hair. Ace has a Death Curse symbol below the back of his neck that is covered by his shirt.

  • Personality
Ace generally enjoys killing zombies. Ace likes to take heavy risks on missions, he takes the lead when it comes to fighting the dead. He is very fearless, as a matter of fact being in dangerous situtaions can bring a smile to his face. Ace has a foul mouth, cursing a lot and talks with confidence. Ace can also be pretty selfish and stubburn on missions, sometimes diverting from the plan for his own self interest. But throughout the series Ace does this less and less because he has more trust and faith in his friends. Ace is a gunslinger, always equipped with multiple guns, he likes to go gun ho when fighting the dead.

  Fun Facts

  • Dead Day
Dead Day (first day of the apocalypse) so happen to be Ace's birthday.

    Ace & Melina
  • Ace's Death Curse
Ace receives the Death Curse the moment his mother dies and he rage kills Ian Clark for killing his mother on the first day of the apocalypse (Dead Day). The Death Curse placed on Ace makes him and the Death Spirit linked, therefore the Death Spirit will torment him by luring Ace into danger, tricking him, distracting him on the battlefield and even popping up in Ace's dreams. The Death Spirit will speak to him and putting bad thoughts into his mind by reminding him of his mother's death, telling him that everyone is against him and that the dead is coming for him. This causes Ace to have insomnia at times. This also fuels Ace's rage against the dead to the point Ace actually enjoys the feeling of killing the dead, its a good way to release the pain and rage. But the act of killing actually strengthens the Death Curse, this is also something Ace doesn't know till way later in the series. The Death Curse also makes Ace has a reoccurring creepy nightmare where he is falling deeper and deeper in a body of water, along with a few other nightmares involving The Death Spirit and zombies. When The Death Spirit appears during missions to throw off Ace's focus or to lead him into more danger, causing problems for him and the people around him. The dead are also lured to his energy thanks to the death curse. At first Ace just thought he was tripping, A lot of these things are happening to Ace unknowingly. Around season 2 Ace start to becoming aware of some of these things, but keeps it a secret because he thinks that he can overcome this by himself and he believes the group will think hes a problem. Ace doesn't reveal this to the group until later in the series and most noticeably in season 6 when dealing with the Dead Man who he notices has the same curse.

    Ace and The Death Spirit (Sinister)
The Death Spirit sees Ace as a project in his ultimate plan for world domination. The Death Spirit was present for Ace's traumatizing moment of losing his mother to the hands of Ian Clark and because Ace responded in immediately killing Ian Clark, The Death Spirit took a liking in Ace and decided to place the Death Curse on Ace. Causing the two of them to be forever linked till death and beyond death... When Ace is given the Death Curse he immediately passes out and this is when he first meets the Death Spirit in a dream. But when Ace awakens from this nightmare he doesn't remember it at first all he remembers is him feeling extremely afraid but doesn't dig into it due to his current situation with the dead. Ace isn't paid a visit by the Death Spirit again till the end of Season 1 when he appears during the final mission and says hello to Ace through a shadow. The thing is between Ace and the Death Spirit because they are linked through the Death Curse only Ace can see and hear the Death Spirit, so in a way he only lives in Ace's mind although the Death Spirit is very real and is able to see what goes on in the real world. It kinda works like a Shinigami in Death Note. Ace and the Death Spirit relationship doesn't really start until season 2. Ace instantly is afraid of the Death Spirit but he quickly overcomes that fear and turns it into hatred once he figures out more of how the Death Spirit works. Although Ace hates the Death Spirit in turn the Death Spirit enjoys toying with Ace. The Death Spirit sees Ace as one of his favorite projects, which means Ace isn't the only one carrying this curse. There are times when Ace is visit by the Death Spirit where Ace will try to attack him but this usually fails. In season 3 Ace has a sense of security in Stone Ridge from the Death Spirit, due to him being in a safe space filled with good people. It was a challenge for Death Spirit to reach Ace while he was at Stone Ridge but when the Spitter was on his way to attack Stone Ridge Ace got an overdue visit from the Death Spirit. Telling him that his demise is near and mocking him and his community.

  • Before The Apocalypse
Season 1 60* 1 1 0 0 2
Season 2 130 3 2 0 0
Season 3
Season 4
Season 5
Season 6
Season 7
Season 8
Season 9
Season 10
Season 11
Season 12
Season 13
Season 14
Season 1 79
Season 2 83
Season 3 86
Season 4 87
Season 5 89
Season 6 90
Season 7 91
Season 8 91
Season 9
Season 10
Season 11
Season 12
Season 13
Season 14
    Seasonal Awards

Season 1
Ace gets his first Tank kill
Ace kills Ian Clark, his first person kill.
Season 2
Ace kills the City Sniper




Towards Brenda




Towards Ace




Towards Selvin




Towards Ace


Date of Birth
March 15th
Brenda (Sister)
Selvin (Brother)
5ft 11inchs


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