New Grindavik (Grin-duh-vick)


In the early days of Martian colonization, a colony was set up inside the Grindavik crater (itself named after a town on Earth that no longer exists) on Mars. This colony thrived for many years, slowly growing in size. Then the efforts to terraform Mars began, and charges were place under the crust of the red planet. This set off an unexpected chain reaction, freeing subterranean oceans that flooded the Martian flatlands. Sadly, Grindavik was located in one such area, and its inhabitants did not have time to evacuate before raging tsunamis of water smothered them where they were. Years later, a new crater colony was established, and named New Grindavik in honor of the lost colony. Today it is now the capital of the Martian People’s Republic and is many times larger than its namesake.
Alternative Name(s)
Crater City
Location under
Owning Organization


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