The Face of Justice

Purpose / Function

The Face of Justice statue was begun in the year 2230 by renowned artist and sculptor Antali Zecuslov as commissioned by the Martian People’s Republic. The sentiment behind the monument was to show a depiction of a take on the lady justice, but instead of a blindfold demonstrating the supposed lack of discrimination in justice, her face is totally smooth. There are many different interpretations of this feature as an explicit meaning to the statue has never been given by its creator or commissioner, but the most prominent one is that of a general sentiment of loss regarding justice in life. Some theorize that this is directed as a jab to PANGEA due to their unarguable authoritarianism (they seem to have taken it that way themselves, considering Antali Zecuslov's eventual fate), others think it is in refrence to atrocities committed during the Red War, and yet others take it as a statement about what society in general has come to as humanity spreads from its home planet.


The statue is constructed entirely of copper, some speculate as a nod to the old American Statue of Liberty that was taken down by PANGEA during their rise to global dominance. Even though Mars' atmosphere does not contain enough oxygen and moisture to cause the copper to oxidize nearly as rapidly as that old statue, it's been coated anyways with a durable poly-resin coating to protect it from the elements and keep it from turning green.


The monument is located at least 10 miles away from the closest city, but this does not stop hundreds of tourists from visiting the site every day, arriving mostly by off-road busses but also transport drones for those with more wealth. This number of people is also increased due to its proximity to one of the largest burial sites on Mars, one reserved for MPR soldiers slain in combat.
Monument / Statue, Large
Parent Location


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