The Scareguards Archipelago

Situated to the west, between Kallonia and Herja is a mysterious and unique cluster of flying islands called the Scareguards Archipelago. Its most characteristic feature is the floating islands, unnaturally suspended in the air. However, the islands' strangeness extends beyond their levitating nature. The water surrounding the Scareguards is unusually hot, generating rising vapor that engulfs the area in a never-ending mist. But it is not your old, familiar type of morning dew’s fellow—it is hot and chokingly thick. And it changes the climate across the archipelago quite drastically. Each island's conditions are influenced by things such as altitude, proximity to neighboring islands, and prevailing winds.   Generally on the lower islands, one can experience a temperamental climate, perpetually enshrouded in mist and dense clouds which create sweltering heat and intense humidity. Rainfall becomes a constant companion, nurturing lush vegetation and transforming the islands into verdant havens. They are mostly enveloped by a soft, diffused light, though occasionally, amidst the mist a burst of sunlight pierce through, bestowing fleeting moments of warmth and illumination.   Atop the higher islands that rise above the mists, the air carries a crisp and cool quality. Gentle breezes frequently grace these regions, providing much-needed relief from the harsh conditions below. Sunlight bathes the lofty peaks, painting vibrant hues across the landscape, while intermittent mists add an ethereal feel to the landscape, inspiring stories of hidden treasures and ancient enigmas.   These conditions pose challenges to passing ships and their passengers. Many individuals tend to fall ill or faint during their journey through these regions, as it takes time to acclimate to their peculiar environment. In the western part of the sea, near the Herja shore, lies the region known as Sizzle Edge. The name might sound strange until you actually see this place—all the water there is literally boiling. The reason for this phenomenon remains a mystery.   Below the Scareguards Archipelago lies a body of water referred to as the “Sea of Prayers.” It earned this name due to the treacherous nature of the area—there is a dense mist around here that makes it impossible to see anything above or around you. Whenever a ship goes directly under one of the islands, complete darkness befalls the passengers. This leads to a sense of desperation and the need for prayers for safe passage. While pirates know these parts like the back of their hand, for others venturing into them can be a daunting and risky endeavor.   Nestled in the southern part, just outside the archipelago, is a shallow gulf known as the “Bay of Sleepers.” While one could argue that it is more a part of the Herja continent than a pirate's domain, their connection is undeniable. The currents flowing beneath the islands carry all that has sunk below them to this place. The remains of ships. The bodies. It is a place where all of these elements gather, creating a sight unlike anything else.

Articles under The Scareguards Archipelago

Cover image: by DALLE


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