Arnost Commonwealth Organization in Devorn | World Anvil
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Arnost Commonwealth

The Arnost Commonwealth is situated in Northern Beregan between the Sea of Wohlhollen and The Corsan Peaks, to the North and South, and The Burnt Lands and Essker Dunes, to the East and West. The Commonwealth is ruled by the reigning King or Queen of Arnost, though the elected Prime Minister of the Arnost Commonwealth governs the nation during their elected 5 year terms.   The Arnost Commonwealth is a relatively poor nation with a large portion of its arable land now cursed and few resources of value beneath the waves of the Sea of Wohlwollen. Despite these limitations the Arnost Commonwealth has developed a reputation for constructing some of the most intricate and uniquely designed buildings within Devorn. Trade to and from the Arnost Commonwealth is almost non-existent though they maintain good relations with their neighbour Xocrusia.


The people of the Arnost Commonwealth see perseverance through hardship as the greatest quality a person can possess. Geographically isolated from most of Beregan has seen the people of the Arnost Commonwealth develop strong national identities and a pride in what they have built for themselves.


The Arnost Commonwealth was formed in 11002 S.Y. following a successful rebellion that sought not the removal of the Arnostian Royal Family but a change in government that would allow elected officials to run the day to day operations of the nation under the rulership of the crowned royal. Following three months of debates and discussions an initial constitution was crafted and it has remained in place to the modern day.   The Arnost Commonwealth once stretched far further west and bordered the lands of what is now Naswana. Tragically the Great Unshackling saw a vast swathe of Northern Beregan cursed by the Gods of Devorn and much of the once liveable land belonging to the Commonwealth was destroyed. The following Darkened Years were painful for the people of the Arnost Commonwealth who had lost a third of their population and liveable land overnight. In the Post Unshackling era the Commonwealth has been involved in no formal wars, nor any border skirmishes isolated as they are.

Determination and Sorrow

Founding Date
11002 S.Y.
Geopolitical, Country
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Democracy, Parliamentary
The Arnost Commonwealth accepts the use of Arnostian Bur, Mestor Crowns, Oasian Drin, and Aspuan Cleansed Silver.
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations


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