Heyton Family


The Heyton's came to Outding Refuge in search of a private area to establish their church. They found Outding Refuge which was already home to a large tribe of cannibals and a large tribe of Sahuagin from a nearby island.   After clearing them out, they established a thorpe here which grew over time as more adventurers and others began seeking wealth and glory to the South.  

Last 1000 Years

1000: Aulus Heyton (age 48) takes over control.
1004: Aulus "the Philospher" dies of battlefield wounds, in a battle with Sahuagin. Child is Maxima who is guided by Aelianus Heyton.
1005: Maxima "the Clever" dies from plague. Aelianus continues to lead.
1009: Lucia the Sage of House Hetyon dies from assassination, no children.
1009: Duilius (35) takes control
1010: Duilius "the cruel" dies of poisioning. Daughter, Fabiola takes the reign.
1030: Fabiola dies of a plague, daughter Lulia takes over control.
1042: War on the sea with Thornwinds
1047: Lulia is assassinated. Augustus Heyton (56) takes over control
1052: The war continues with some pirates of Carrune
1054: Thornwinds and others of Æwrûn consider peace with those coming and going from Outding.
1059: Augustus dies of gout. Lucilius Heyton (67) takes over
1077: Lucilius "the Mirthful" dies of natural causes. Aurelius Heyton (49) takes the reigns
1086: Aurelius dies of a bizarre drunk incident. Germanus takes over
1105: Germanus dies of some strange unexplained reason Avilius Heyton takes reign.
1164: Avilius dies. Vergilius, his son, takes control.
1183: The library is built. Vergilius dies in battle with sahuagin. Severinius takes control.
1211: Severinius the Logician dies from assassination. Aemilius takes control
1216: Aemilius the Philosopher (38) dies in an swimming incident, Fausta takes control, but dies of plague later that year. Sister Julia takes control.
1218: rash of pirate attacks on ships coming and going from Outding.
1232: Julia dies of natural causes. Ahenobarbus returns from adventures and takes leadership.
    1246:   Need to organize:
    Year 251 King Ahenobarbus the Farmer (Age 24, Power 22) of House Heyton, son of Queen Julia has died from gout. Their children are Agrippa (10), Cassian (6), Marcella (4). All hail King Agrippa (Age 10, Power 21) of House Heyton, son of King Ahenobarbus! The young soverign is guided by Regent Lady Junia (Age 69, Power 24) of House Heyton, daughter of Lord Livius   Year 1254 King Agrippa the Bad (Age 14, Power 22) of House Heyton, son of King Ahenobarbus has died from battlefield wounds. Their children are none. Thus, their sibling Count Cassian succeeds them. All hail King Cassian (Age 8, Power 22) of House Heyton, son of King Ahenobarbus! The young soverign is guided by Regent Lady Junia (Age 72, Power 24) of House Heyton, daughter of Lord Livius   Year 1257 War has started with the Mageocracy of Æwrûn!   Year 1258 King Cassian the Mirthful (Age 13, Power 22) of House Heyton, son of King Ahenobarbus has died from poisoning. Their children are none. Thus, their sibling Countess Marcella succeeds them. All hail Queen Marcella (Age 11, Power 22) of House Heyton, daughter of King Ahenobarbus! The young soverign is guided by Regent Lord Cloelius (Age 73, Power 24) of House Heyton, son of Lady Junia   Year 1261 Queen Marcella the Wise (Age 15, Power 22) of House Heyton, daughter of King Ahenobarbus has died from natural causes. Their children are Albinus (1). All hail King Albinus (Age 1, Power 21) of House Heyton, son of Queen Marcella! The young soverign is guided by Regent Lord Cloelius (Age 76, Power 25) of House Heyton, son of Lady Junia   Year 1262 War has ended with the Mageocracy of Æwrûn after 5 years!   Year 1269 War has ended with the Mageocracy of Kampos after 23 years!   Year 1277 King Albinus the Cruel (Age 16, Power 23) of House Heyton, son of Queen Marcella has died from battlefield wounds. Their children are none. All hail Queen Hadriana (Age 68, Power 27) of House Heyton, daughter of Lord Cloelius!   Year 1278 War has started with the Mageocracy of Kampos! War has ended with the Mageocracy of Kampos after 0 years!   Year 1283 War has started with the Mageocracy of Kampos! Queen Hadriana the Builder (Age 74, Power 28) of House Heyton, daughter of Lord Cloelius has died from senility. Their children are Naevius (32). All hail King Naevius (Age 32, Power 24) of House Heyton, son of Queen Hadriana!   Year 1296 War has ended with the Mageocracy of Kampos after 13 years!   Year 1300 Review House Heyton, Might 69, is lead by King Naevius the Valiant (Age 50, Power 27) of House Heyton, son of Queen Hadriana, whose children are Albina (24), Secundinus (25), Blandus (22), Albus (1)   Year 1301 King Naevius the Valiant (Age 51, Power 28) of House Heyton, son of Queen Hadriana has died from poisoning. Their children are Albina (24), Secundinus (25), Blandus (22), Albus (1). All hail King Secundinus (Age 25, Power 22) of House Heyton, son of King Naevius!   Year 1317 The Soverign has built the great Statue of Secundinus!   Year 1322 War has started with the Mageocracy of Kampos!   Year 1324 King Secundinus the Sage (Age 47, Power 24) of House Heyton, son of King Naevius has died from natural causes. Their children are Titianus (32), Domitilla (24), Lucianus (6), Quintina (5), Herminius (4). All hail King Titianus (Age 32, Power 23) of House Heyton, son of King Secundinus!   Year 1326 War has started with the Mageocracy of Æwrûn!   Year 1329 War has ended with the Mageocracy of Kampos after 7 years!   Year 1334 King Titianus the Cruel (Age 43, Power 24) of House Heyton, son of King Secundinus has died from gout. Their children are Maxentius (24), Balbina (8). All hail King Maxentius (Age 24, Power 20) of House Heyton, son of King Titianus!   Year 1342 King Maxentius the Poet (Age 32, Power 21) of House Heyton, son of King Titianus has died from gout. Their children are Marcus (2). All hail King Marcus (Age 2, Power 19) of House Heyton, son of King Maxentius! The young soverign is guided by Regent Lord Duilius (Age 55, Power 25) of House Heyton, son of Lady Titiana   Year 1344 War has ended with the Mageocracy of Æwrûn after 18 years!   Year 1345 King Marcus the Bold (Age 6, Power 20) of House Heyton, son of King Maxentius has died from poisoning. Their children are none. All hail Queen Balbina (Age 19, Power 24) of House Heyton, daughter of King Titianus!   Year 1347 War has started with the Mageocracy of Æwrûn!   Year 1358 War has ended with the Mageocracy of Æwrûn after 11 years!   Year 1359 Queen Balbina the Bald (Age 32, Power 26) of House Heyton, daughter of King Titianus has died from poisoning. Their children are Fabianus (10), Lucilla (3). All hail King Fabianus (Age 10, Power 24) of House Heyton, son of Queen Balbina! The young soverign is guided by Regent Lady Porcia (Age 46, Power 24) of House Heyton, daughter of Lord Verginius   Year 1367 War has started with the Mageocracy of Æwrûn!   Year 1371 The Soverign has built the great Observatory of Fabianus!   Year 1372 War has ended with the Mageocracy of Æwrûn after 5 years!   Year 1373 War has started with the Mageocracy of Kampos!   Year 1374 The Soverign has built the great Wall of Fabianus!   Year 1379 King Fabianus the Bad (Age 30, Power 27) of House Heyton, son of Queen Balbina has died from gout. Their children are Domitia (10). All hail Queen Domitia (Age 10, Power 25) of House Heyton, daughter of King Fabianus! The young soverign is guided by Regent Lady Antonia (Age 66, Power 25) of House Heyton, daughter of Lord Silvanus   Year 1388 War has ended with the Mageocracy of Kampos after 15 years!   Year 1391 The Soverign has built the great Tower of Domitia!   Year 1394 Queen Domitia the Warlord (Age 25, Power 27) of House Heyton, daughter of King Fabianus has died from assassination. Their children are Florianus (9), Herminius (6), Antonia (2), Cicero (2). All hail King Florianus (Age 9, Power 24) of House Heyton, son of Queen Domitia! The young soverign is guided by Regent Lady Antonia (Age 81, Power 28) of House Heyton, daughter of Lord Silvanus   Year 1400 Review House Heyton, Might 79, is lead by King Florianus the Sage (Age 16, Power 25) of House Heyton, son of Queen Domitia, whose children are Sergius (1)   Year 1402 King Florianus the Sage (Age 18, Power 25) of House Heyton, son of Queen Domitia has died from battlefield wounds. Their children are Sergius (2), Valeriana . All hail King Sergius (Age 2, Power 23) of House Heyton, son of King Florianus! The young soverign is guided by Regent Lady Antonia (Age 89, Power 30) of House Heyton, daughter of Lord Silvanus   Year 1409 King Sergius the Good (Age 8, Power 24) of House Heyton, son of King Florianus has died from gout. Their children are none. Thus, their sibling Countess Valeriana succeeds them. All hail Queen Valeriana (Age 7, Power 24) of House Heyton, daughter of King Florianus! The young soverign is guided by Regent Lady Varinia (Age 73, Power 28) of House Heyton, daughter of Lord Claudius   Year 1412 The Soverign has built the great Castle of Valeriana!   Year 1454 Queen Valeriana the Builder (Age 48, Power 29) of House Heyton, daughter of King Florianus has died from plague. Their children are Saturnina (20), Iunia (8). All hail Queen Saturnina (Age 20, Power 27) of House Heyton, daughter of Queen Valeriana!   Year 1455 Queen Saturnina the Mirthful (Age 22, Power 27) of House Heyton, daughter of Queen Valeriana has died from gout. Their children are Glaucia (3). All hail King Glaucia (Age 3, Power 22) of House Heyton, son of Queen Saturnina! The young soverign is guided by Regent Lady Decima (Age 60, Power 25) of House Heyton, daughter of Lord Scaevola   Year 1466 King Glaucia the Clever (Age 14, Power 22) of House Heyton, son of Queen Saturnina has died from plague. Their children are none. All hail Queen Iunia (Age 20, Power 29) of House Heyton, daughter of Queen Valeriana!   Year 1474 The Statue of Secundinus has been destroyed by design flaw   Year 1476 Queen Iunia the Wise (Age 30, Power 31) of House Heyton, daughter of Queen Valeriana has died from poisoning. Their children are Flaviana (10), Herminia (4), Marinus (2). All hail Queen Flaviana (Age 10, Power 23) of House Heyton, daughter of Queen Iunia! The young soverign is guided by Regent Lord Crispinus (Age 77, Power 27) of House Heyton, son of Lady Aureliana   Year 1478 Queen Flaviana the Restless (Age 13, Power 24) of House Heyton, daughter of Queen Iunia has died from battlefield wounds. Their children are none. Thus, their sibling Countess Herminia succeeds them. All hail Queen Herminia (Age 6, Power 27) of House Heyton, daughter of Queen Iunia! The young soverign is guided by Regent Lord Crispinus (Age 79, Power 27) of House Heyton, son of Lady Aureliana   Year 1500 Review House Heyton, Might 97, is lead by Queen Herminia the Logician (Age 27, Power 30) of House Heyton, daughter of Queen Iunia, whose children are none   Year 1506 The Castle of Valeriana has been destroyed by the Sovereign   Year 1528 Queen Herminia the Logician (Age 55, Power 34) of House Heyton, daughter of Queen Iunia has died from senility. Their children are Cassius (25). All hail King Cassius (Age 25, Power 30) of House Heyton, son of Queen Herminia!   Year 1532 King Cassius the Mirthful (Age 29, Power 31) of House Heyton, son of Queen Herminia has died from poisoning. Their children are Caelina (15), Verginia (14), Caecilia (11), Caelia (7), Caecilius (3). All hail Queen Caelina (Age 15, Power 25) of House Heyton, daughter of King Cassius! Queen Caelina the Reformer (Age 16, Power 25) of House Heyton, daughter of King Cassius has died from gout. Their children are Domitius (4). All hail King Domitius (Age 4, Power 20) of House Heyton, son of Queen Caelina! The young soverign is guided by Regent Lady Germana (Age 86, Power 26) of House Heyton, daughter of Lady Aemilia   Year 1533 The Tower of Domitia has been destroyed by earthquake   Year 1554 King Domitius the Cruel (Age 27, Power 23) of House Heyton, son of Queen Caelina has died from natural causes. Their children are Cassian (13), Balbina (10), Albina (10), Virginia (5). All hail King Cassian (Age 13, Power 22) of House Heyton, son of King Domitius!   Year 1574 King Cassian the Good (Age 32, Power 25) of House Heyton, son of King Domitius has died from gout. Their children are Agrippina (5), Traianus . All hail Queen Agrippina (Age 5, Power 23) of House Heyton, daughter of King Cassian! The young soverign is guided by Regent Lord Tacitus (Age 74, Power 25) of House Heyton, son of Lady Fabiana   Year 1582 War has started with the Mageocracy of Kampos!   Year 1590 War has started with the Mageocracy of Æwrûn!   Year 1594 War has ended with the Mageocracy of Æwrûn after 4 years! Queen Agrippina the Terrible (Age 25, Power 26) of House Heyton, daughter of King Cassian has died from plague. Their children are Lucretia (11), Marina (8), Aelius (2), Porcia (1). All hail Queen Lucretia (Age 11, Power 24) of House Heyton, daughter of Queen Agrippina! The young soverign is guided by Regent Lady Blandina (Age 51, Power 27) of House Heyton, daughter of Lord Blasius   Year 1600 Review House Heyton, Might 104, is lead by Queen Lucretia the Cruel (Age 17, Power 24) of House Heyton, daughter of Queen Agrippina, whose children are Iulianus (5)   Year 1603 War has ended with the Mageocracy of Kampos after 21 years!   Year 1606 Queen Lucretia the Cruel (Age 23, Power 26) of House Heyton, daughter of Queen Agrippina has died from battlefield wounds. Their children are Iulianus (10), Valens (1). All hail King Iulianus (Age 10, Power 24) of House Heyton, son of Queen Lucretia! The young soverign is guided by Regent Lady Pomponia (Age 59, Power 28) of House Heyton, daughter of Lord Aemilianus   Year 1609 King Iulianus the Philosopher (Age 13, Power 24) of House Heyton, son of Queen Lucretia has died from gout. Their children are none. All hail King Traianus (Age 33, Power 27) of House Heyton, son of King Cassian!   Year 1627 King Traianus the Poet (Age 52, Power 29) of House Heyton, son of King Cassian has died from plague. Their children are Tiburtius (31), Rufus (9), Celsus . All hail King Tiburtius (Age 31, Power 25) of House Heyton, son of King Traianus!   Year 1630 King Tiburtius the Farmer (Age 34, Power 25) of House Heyton, son of King Traianus has died from plague. Their children are Drusus (19), Severianus (1). All hail King Drusus (Age 19, Power 20) of House Heyton, son of King Tiburtius!   Year 1632 The Soverign has built the great Wall of Drusus!   Year 1635 King Drusus the Bad (Age 24, Power 21) of House Heyton, son of King Tiburtius has died from natural causes. Their children are Laelia (2), Julia . All hail Queen Laelia (Age 2, Power 20) of House Heyton, daughter of King Drusus! The young soverign is guided by Regent Lady Hadriana (Age 68, Power 25) of House Heyton, daughter of Lord Herminius   Year 1641 Queen Laelia the Farmer (Age 9, Power 21) of House Heyton, daughter of King Drusus has died from plague. Their children are none. Thus, their sibling Countess Julia succeeds them. All hail Queen Julia (Age 6, Power 20) of House Heyton, daughter of King Drusus! The young soverign is guided by Regent Lord Septimius (Age 49, Power 25) of House Heyton, son of Lord Albus   Year 1644 Queen Julia the Bold (Age 10, Power 21) of House Heyton, daughter of King Drusus has died from poisoning. Their children are none. All hail King Severianus (Age 13, Power 25) of House Heyton, son of King Tiburtius!   Year 1658 The Soverign has built the great College of Severianus!   Year 1671 The Wall of Drusus has been destroyed by warfare   Year 1675 King Severianus the Bad (Age 41, Power 29) of House Heyton, son of King Tiburtius has died from poisoning. Their children are Luciana (19), Cassia (13), Tatius (7), Cloelia (2), Agrippa . All hail Queen Luciana (Age 19, Power 26) of House Heyton, daughter of King Severianus!   Year 1676 Queen Luciana the Restless (Age 21, Power 26) of House Heyton, daughter of King Severianus has died from plague. Their children are Sextilius (4), Julia (2). All hail King Sextilius (Age 4, Power 21) of House Heyton, son of Queen Luciana! The young soverign is guided by Regent Lord Celsus (Age 46, Power 30) of House Heyton, son of King Traianus   Year 1686 King Sextilius the Pious (Age 14, Power 23) of House Heyton, son of Queen Luciana has died from natural causes. Their children are Antonina . All hail Queen Antonina (Age 0, Power 21) of House Heyton, daughter of King Sextilius! The young soverign is guided by Regent Lord Celsus (Age 56, Power 32) of House Heyton, son of King Traianus   Year 1700 Review House Heyton, Might 118, is lead by Queen Antonina the Builder (Age 15, Power 23) of House Heyton, daughter of King Sextilius, whose children are none   Year 1711 Queen Antonina the Builder (Age 25, Power 25) of House Heyton, daughter of King Sextilius has died from assassination. Their children are Mariana (10), Marcellus (3), Vibiana (1). All hail Queen Mariana (Age 10, Power 23) of House Heyton, daughter of Queen Antonina! The young soverign is guided by Regent Lord Laurentinus (Age 86, Power 28) of House Heyton, son of Lord Faustus   Year 1713 Queen Mariana the Good (Age 13, Power 23) of House Heyton, daughter of Queen Antonina has died from assassination. Their children are none. Thus, their sibling Count Marcellus succeeds them. All hail King Marcellus (Age 4, Power 23) of House Heyton, son of Queen Antonina! The young soverign is guided by Regent Lord Laurentinus (Age 88, Power 28) of House Heyton, son of Lord Faustus   Year 1716 The Observatory of Fabianus has been destroyed by sabotage   Year 1736 King Marcellus the Wise (Age 24, Power 26) of House Heyton, son of Queen Antonina has died from natural causes. Their children are Caecilius . All hail King Caecilius (Age 0, Power 24) of House Heyton, son of King Marcellus! The young soverign is guided by Regent Lord Crispus (Age 54, Power 31) of House Heyton, son of Lord Egnatius   Year 1739 The Soverign has built the great Tower of Caecilius!   Year 1750 King Caecilius the Pious (Age 15, Power 26) of House Heyton, son of King Marcellus has died from natural causes. Their children are Gnaeus (1). All hail King Gnaeus (Age 1, Power 23) of House Heyton, son of King Caecilius! The young soverign is guided by Regent Lady Varinia (Age 57, Power 28) of House Heyton, daughter of Lord Secundus   Year 1757 The Soverign has built the great Gardens of Gnaeus!   Year 1761 King Gnaeus the Merciless (Age 12, Power 25) of House Heyton, son of King Caecilius has died from natural causes. Their children are none. All hail Queen Varinia (Age 68, Power 34) of House Heyton, daughter of Lord Secundus!   Year 1776 Queen Varinia the Logician (Age 83, Power 37) of House Heyton, daughter of Lord Secundus has died from assassination. Their children are none. All hail King Aurelius (Age 54, Power 33) of House Heyton, son of Lord Silvanus!   Year 1789 The Soverign has built the great Shrine of Aurelius!   Year 1792 King Aurelius the Bad (Age 70, Power 36) of House Heyton, son of Lord Silvanus has died from poisoning. Their children are none. All hail Queen Hadriana (Age 71, Power 32) of House Heyton, daughter of Lady Julia!   Year 1793 War has started with the Mageocracy of Kampos!   Year 1798 Queen Hadriana the Good (Age 77, Power 33) of House Heyton, daughter of Lady Julia has died from natural causes. Their children are Octavianus (22). All hail King Octavianus (Age 22, Power 27) of House Heyton, son of Queen Hadriana! The Gardens of Severina has been destroyed by earthquake   Year 1800 Review House Heyton, Might 135, is lead by King Octavianus the Farmer (Age 25, Power 27) of House Heyton, son of Queen Hadriana, whose children are Cornelius (4)   Year 1802 War has ended with the Mageocracy of Kampos after 9 years!   Year 1809 King Octavianus the Farmer (Age 34, Power 28) of House Heyton, son of Queen Hadriana has died from plague. Their children are Cornelius (12), Albinus (3), Naevius (2). All hail King Cornelius (Age 12, Power 23) of House Heyton, son of King Octavianus!   Year 1816 King Cornelius the Dragon (Age 19, Power 24) of House Heyton, son of King Octavianus has died from assassination. Their children are Agrippa (4), Hilaria (3), Agrippa (1), Secundus . All hail King Agrippa (Age 4, Power 22) of House Heyton, son of King Cornelius! The young soverign is guided by Regent Lord Domitius (Age 58, Power 29) of House Heyton, son of Lady Petronia   Year 1827 War has started with the Mageocracy of Æwrûn! King Agrippa the Merciless (Age 16, Power 25) of House Heyton, son of King Cornelius has died from assassination. Their children are none. Thus, their sibling Countess Hilaria succeeds them. All hail Queen Hilaria (Age 14, Power 24) of House Heyton, daughter of King Cornelius!   Year 1828 War has ended with the Mageocracy of Æwrûn after 1 years! Queen Hilaria the Merciless (Age 16, Power 24) of House Heyton, daughter of King Cornelius has died from assassination. Their children are Albanus (2), Balbus . All hail King Albanus (Age 2, Power 19) of House Heyton, son of Queen Hilaria! The young soverign is guided by Regent Lord Domitius (Age 70, Power 31) of House Heyton, son of Lady Petronia   Year 1832 King Albanus the Valiant (Age 7, Power 20) of House Heyton, son of Queen Hilaria has died from natural causes. Their children are none. Thus, their sibling Count Balbus succeeds them. All hail King Balbus (Age 4, Power 23) of House Heyton, son of Queen Hilaria! The young soverign is guided by Regent Lord Domitius (Age 74, Power 32) of House Heyton, son of Lady Petronia   Year 1847 War has started with the Mageocracy of Æwrûn!   Year 1851 The Soverign has built the great Shrine of Balbus! War has started with the Mageocracy of Kampos!   Year 1854 War has ended with the Mageocracy of Kampos after 3 years!   Year 1855 War has ended with the Mageocracy of Æwrûn after 8 years!   Year 1878 King Balbus the Merciless (Age 49, Power 29) of House Heyton, son of Queen Hilaria has died from assassination. Their children are Cicero (20), Balbina (10), Iovita (6). All hail King Cicero (Age 20, Power 26) of House Heyton, son of King Balbus!   Year 1900 Review House Heyton, Might 146, is lead by King Cicero the Pious (Age 43, Power 29) of House Heyton, son of King Balbus, whose children are Fulvia (11), Rufina (10), Gnaeus (8), Aeliana (6)   Year 1902 King Cicero the Pious (Age 45, Power 29) of House Heyton, son of King Balbus has died from poisoning. Their children are Fulvia (11), Rufina (11), Gnaeus (9), Aeliana (7). All hail Queen Rufina (Age 11, Power 27) of House Heyton, daughter of King Cicero! The young soverign is guided by Regent Lady Lucia (Age 92, Power 30) of House Heyton, daughter of Lord Herminius   Year 1906 Queen Rufina the Clever (Age 16, Power 27) of House Heyton, daughter of King Cicero has died from poisoning. Their children are none. Thus, their sibling Countess Fulvia succeeds them. All hail Queen Fulvia (Age 14, Power 27) of House Heyton, daughter of King Cicero!   Year 1910 The Gardens of Gnaeus has been destroyed by mysterious forces   Year 1919 The Soverign has built the great Citadel of Fulvia!   Year 1928 The Soverign has built the great Observatory of Fulvia! Queen Fulvia the Valiant (Age 36, Power 31) of House Heyton, daughter of King Cicero has died from assassination. Their children are none. Thus, their sibling Countess Aeliana succeeds them. All hail Queen Aeliana (Age 29, Power 30) of House Heyton, daughter of King Cicero!   Year 1959 Queen Aeliana the Reformer (Age 60, Power 34) of House Heyton, daughter of King Cicero has died from natural causes. Their children are Fulvius . All hail King Fulvius (Age 0, Power 30) of House Heyton, son of Queen Aeliana! The young soverign is guided by Regent Lady Marina (Age 55, Power 28) of House Heyton, daughter of Lord Cassius   Year 1962 King Fulvius the Pious (Age 3, Power 30) of House Heyton, son of Queen Aeliana has died from poisoning. Their children are none. All hail Queen Marina (Age 58, Power 32) of House Heyton, daughter of Lord Cassius!   Year 1964 Queen Marina the Cruel (Age 60, Power 32) of House Heyton, daughter of Lord Cassius has died from battlefield wounds. Their children are Priscilla (44). All hail Queen Priscilla (Age 44, Power 26) of House Heyton, daughter of Queen Marina!   Year 1974 The Soverign has built the great Fortress of Priscilla!   Year 1988 Queen Priscilla the Good (Age 69, Power 29) of House Heyton, daughter of Queen Marina has died from assassination. Their children are none. All hail King Ovidius (Age 45, Power 31) of House Heyton, son of Lord Atilius!   Year 1992 King Ovidius the Warlord (Age 49, Power 32) of House Heyton, son of Lord Atilius has died from gout. Their children are Camilla (4), Martina (4). All hail Queen Martina (Age 4, Power 25) of House Heyton, daughter of King Ovidius! The young soverign is guided by Regent Lady Albina (Age 42, Power 27) of House Heyton, daughter of Lady Domitia   Year 2000 Queen Martina the Farmer (Age 10, Power 26) of House Heyton, daughter of King Ovidius has died from assassination. Their children are none. All hail Queen Albina (Age 50, Power 32) of House Heyton, daughter of Lady Domitia!   Year 11000 Review House Heyton, Might 162, is lead by Queen Albina the Dragon (Age 50, Power 32) of House Heyton, daughter of Lady Domitia, whose children are Drusilla (8)