Session 012: Under the Ruins Report

The Mighty Menagerie go under the ruins of Outding Refuge.

General Summary

The Mighty Menagerie (2)


Redfall 21, 2020KC

Outding Refuge Temple Ruins, Outding Refuge     The party returns to the cave in the hopes of finding Jacoby Drexelhand. On the way through the jungles, they notice the snow has completely receded to the mountain where the lair powers of the Dragon have put an eternal winter on the mountain. They also see a lot more growth and rebirth as the native jungle Plants are able to once again grow better, and there seem to be more insects that tend to hibernate in the cold.   They return to the Ruins and climb back down the rope. They get back to where they left the Devourer and Nothic corpses, and it seems as if they are floating in the air, slowly moving forward; there seems to be a slight shimmer in front of them.   It turns out they are being gestated inside a Gelatinous Cube  



The Battle:

☠️ Barlo

t Combat Experience: 450 (112each) | Total: 3764 (GOAL: 6,500) t

22 cp
  The party continued to follow the path that they took last time, and they noticed that this area was really clean. It seems the Gelatinous Cube is like a Swiffer wet mop.   Out of the shadows, the party sees a large floating eyeball thing.   They see a flying nightmare of eyes and tentacles floating in the air. This large 6 foot in diameter lump of flesh with ten long red tendrils on the top that go into all directions, each with a strange eye-looking lump on the ends.   From the bottom, you see these four sickening and scary-looking tentacles that hang down and writher around just as the eyestalks do. They seem to surround some lamprey-looking maw that you only see flashes of as the tentacles wriggle and move. These are all tipped in purple, which has a gradient into the reddish-brown of the body.   In the middle of the beast, you see a large central eye. Black large and with the yellow sclera.   It looks at them...   It asked with Telepathy if the party meant to harm. It used to be a Beholder, turned to this monstrosity by the Mindflayers in the now-empty colony. When they all died off, he was abandoned but found a new family. The Mindflayers did a lot of experiments where they tested putting larvae into different creatures to see results. It is called a Mindwitness. His "family" is taking care of the other "humans," which seems it might be Jeets and his crew.   They ask if they can go there, and he leads them; behind the party, a couple of large walking mushrooms begin to follow them.  

t Encounter Experience: 1800 (450 each) | Total: 4,214 (GOAL: 6,500) t
  They walk through an Illusion of a wall into a large cavern with a wide variety of mushrooms on all sides. It is full of a Living mushroom creature society as well. These are Myconids.   They blow a cloud of spores which allows them to communicate with strange, trippy Telepathy. The other party is in a trance, and Cellymas wakes up to talk. They are trying to help Pradam Estorich with his PTSD since shrooms can help with such problems.   The Myconid are having a Troll problem. It has taken over a nearby water source, and the Myconid want its body.   They decided to help. So they went to the caverns on the other side of the Myconid Colony "Under" Outding Refuge. The trails have a western passage that leads to the Mind flayer Colony an Eastern tunnel which leads to The Underdark.   South to the Troll.  



The Battle:

☠️* Shadow ☠️* Sas
(Shadow decapitated him, he came back with regeneration and Sas killed the body with Shadow doing the killing blow to the head.)

t Combat Experience: 1800 (450 each) | Total: 4,664 (GOAL: 6,500) t
  The Myconid were very pleased with how you were able to help them. You see them take the Troll to the Sovereign, and they begin to prep the body with all types of little mushrooms and fungi. You see the Myconid puff up another cloud of tiny spores and as you all breath in another batch of the spores; you are now able to communicate with them again. You get an overwhelming sense of gratitude as they all are very excited about your success. And so the party took a long rest which only took 5 hours in this Myconid Colony "Under" Outding Refuge. The plan is to go the colony path.    
**Long rest with the Myconid, plan to continue on colony path**

Rewards Granted

  • 22 cp

  t Combat Experience: 450 (112each) | Total: 3964 (GOAL: 6,500) t   t Encounter Experience: 1800 (450 each) | Total: 4414 (GOAL: 6,500) t   t Combat Experience: 1800 (450 each) | Total: 4864 (GOAL: 6,500) t  

Missions/Quests Completed


Area Map | Outding Refuge (Battlemap c.2020KC)

Session 12: Under the Ruins Report

Table of Contents

The Wild Cards
Bastion Bladesinger
Sas W.T. Rayce
Chaotic Neutral Tabaxi (Smuggler)
Barbarian 8
85 / 85 HP
Shadow in the Snow
Report Date
01 May 2021
Secondary Location
Wild Cards
Organization | Aug 22, 2024

The Heroes of Outding Refuge and Kampos

Timeline of The Wild Cards
Generic article | Jul 11, 2024

A simplified view of key events for the campaign of The Mighty Menagerie


This article has no secrets.