Session 011: Let's Find the Colony Report

The Mighty Menagerie goes in search of the abandoned Mindflayer Colony.

General Summary

The Mighty Menagerie (2)


Redfall 09-19, 2020KC

Heyton's Thorpe, Outding Refuge     After the fall of the Sahuagin Baron, the party decided to spend some time in Heyton's Thorpe and relax. Shadow spent the time with her new Owlbear cub, Arktos. Barlo purchased a kit to practice Thieves' Tools. It was 250gp and would take around 250 days of full training to gain proficiency. The chime they found was a Chime of Opening. They also decided to purchase the Leather +1.  

Leather +1
  Lars Heyton had deciphered more of the Journal of Jacoby Drexelhand and let the party know what he found. The Mindflayer was Gruzzussk D'Achtend. He had found a deserted Abandoned Mindflayer Colony Under Outding Refuge, and in there, he found the Crystal and helmet that he used to pervert the Dragon Crystal.   Both Jacoby Drexelhand and Gruzzussk D'Achtend seemed to be seeking their own paths of Lichdom and so they worked together.   The Crystal was supposed to be used on the village and the Dragon, but they started with the Dragon -- which turned out to be much harder than they first imagined. The Mindflayer got stuck into a long battle of wills. For almost a year now, it seems the Mindflayer was stuck in place, requiring Jacoby Drexelhand to kidnap people or use the Sahuagin to find castaways to be used as sustenance for the Mindflayer. There is a reward of 2500 gp for the Mindflayer and Jacoby Drexelhand (each) if found and brought back (dead or alive). During this time, the Healing Balms all expired.   He also rewarded some first forged gear -- Arcane-Forged Weapons of Outding Refuge for each party member. They were made of the "petrified" Wood and crystals of the island—Maul for Barlo, Club for Sas W.T. Rayce, Rapier for Bastion Bladesinger, and a bow for Shadow in the Snow.   Lars Heyton brought up how he sent Jeets and the party to explore the caves leading to the Abandoned Mindflayer Colony Under Outding Refuge. They had been gone for a week, and he wasn't stressed yet -- but the party took it as an issue needing exploration.  

Redfall 20, 2020KC

  Lars Heyton led the party back to the Ruins and to the path that led to the Abandoned Mindflayer Colony Under Outding Refuge. In the NE part of the Outding Refuge Temple Ruins was a room with many trapped tiles (all disarmed).   There was a rough cave that broke into this room, and that cave had a 30-foot hole down. The ropes for the previous party were still in place, and so the party used them to descend. At some point, Barlo decided to just use his Tabaxi climbing skills, and as he grabbed onto the Rock walls, he grabbed a loose Rock, and he so he fell to the ground.  
  These tunnels seemed to have a gentle downward slope as they started to explore. The walls in the first room still had some Crystal structures in the walls, but as they moved into the network, it seemed there were lest crystals.   As the party moved into a new large cavern where Shadow saw a movement on stalactites, the party was attacked by a bunch of stirges.  


8 Stirges

The Battle:

☠️ ☠️ Shadow ☠️ ☠️ ☠️ Sas ☠️ Barlo ☠️ Bastion Bladesinger ☠️ Arktos

t Combat Experience: 200 (50 each) | Total: 3427 t
  In the fight, Barlo did have one stuck on him that was able to drain a bit of his blood.   After the fight, they continued to go west, following some very faint tracks.   Out of the shadows, they saw a large glowing green eye, and they were attacked.  



The Battle:

☠️ ☠️ Shadow

t Combat Experience: 900 (225 each) | Total: 3652 t
  The Nothic tried to do a strange gaze on Barlo that failed. As the killing blow from Shadow in the Snow hit the Nothic, with an arrow into the large eye, there was a strange event that unfolded. The head lashed back, and a spectral image of a brain with legs lept out of the head. It landed and became physical. The party saw a large brain with huge claws. Later Lars Heyton would tell them it sounded like an Intellect Devourer -- a preferred guard of the Mindflayers. It can take over a host and only leaves after it is killed.   The fight with the Intellect Devourer almost led to this happening to Barlo, but before it took him over, it was killed by Bastion Bladesinger. The damage was done, though, he had his intelligence sapped, and they took him to the Outding Refuge Church for a Greater Restoration.   And the party took a long rest.  

Redfall 21, 2020KC

  Lars Heyton had heard they had come back already, so he came to their house. He told them it sounded like a Nothic (which is a Dead Wizard perverted by ancient and dark magics), but the Intellect Devourer is a good sign they were close to the Abandoned Mindflayer Colony Under Outding Refuge. It can take over a body and use it for nefarious purposes.  
**Left party at home w/ Lars Heyton there -- ready to return to caves next game**

Rewards Granted


  t Combat Experience: 200 (50 each) | Total: 3627 (Goal: 6500) genesysdice:triumph]   t Combat Experience: 900 (225 each) | Total: 3852 (Goal: 6500) t  

Missions/Quests Completed



Area Map | Outding Refuge (Battlemap c.2020KC)

Session 11: Let's Find the Colony Report

Table of Contents

The Wild Cards
Bastion Bladesinger
Sas W.T. Rayce
Chaotic Neutral Tabaxi (Smuggler)
Barbarian 8
85 / 85 HP
Shadow in the Snow
Report Date
17 Apr 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Wild Cards
Organization | Aug 22, 2024

The Heroes of Outding Refuge and Kampos

Timeline of The Wild Cards
Generic article | Jul 11, 2024

A simplified view of key events for the campaign of The Mighty Menagerie


This article has no secrets.