Session 016: A New Member, A New Quest Report

The Mighty Menagerie adds Calliope to their ranks.

General Summary

The Mighty Menagerie (3)

Redfall 25, 2020KC

  Heyton's Thorpe, Outding Refuge     In the morning, the party did some shopping, and they had been going through the Books they had collected. Some more reading was done.   NTO: What books? Who read them?  

  On the way back to the house, the party saw a Leonin and a Faun. They seem to waiting for The Mighty Menagerie as they stand in front of Menagerie Manor of Outding Refuge.   The Leonin seemed to recognize the party, and they needed to talk to the party. It seems this Faun, Calliope Galanodel, has a Letter from Reginald Ivoryclaw asking for the party to assist in helping the Faun's village.    
  Calliope's Letter from Reginald to Party, 2020 10 25:   "Sas, Shadow, Barlo, and Bastion,   We had a grand adventure aboard The Frontenac, and as we found ourselves on Outding Refuge. I still am so very sorry that I had to leave as I did. The issues here at home are so very pressing.   I have heard you all did a great deed there with handling their Dragon situation, and that is why I have sent Calliope Galanodel to you as I am sure you all can best help her.   I have known her for a long time and trust her as you all should as well. I have given her the rights to one of my ships, and she can help bring you all here so we can go over more on the situation. Just at the time of me writing this, I have come across news that I would prefer to tell you all when you arrive.   Safe travels, Reginald Ivoryclaw The King Regent of Forlione, The Kingdom of Lights"
    The plan is to travel in two days to the sea and about two weeks to get to the harbor towards Reginald.   They bought arrows & rations.   Then Viggie Storr visits, he asks if the party has seen any strange actions from Lars Heyton.   The party is sure that he is bitter about being replaced by Lars Heyton.   They later tell Lars Heyton.   Unbeknownst to the rest of the party, Barlo had a visitor who seemed to have found the most opportune moment to pop in and have a discussion with him…   Barlo ONLY
"You're Barlo. I'm Adrex. I know who you are and I know what coin you possess, don't worry -- You're not in any trouble.   I mean, you were, but you're not now. The "ROAD" doesn't unneccessiarliy punish people, and it seems you had a valid excuse. We were looking for you, but when we caught up to you we realized why you missed the rendevous.   It seems okay, anyways -- the "guest" was a no show as well."
  Barlo speaks with Adrex Lhamboldennish about how Barlo missed the pick-up at Neyer. Turns out she never made it either, but there was a contract on his head. The Black Road realized why he missed it and gave him a pass. Barlo then hires Adrex to help find the person who stole his game cube, They discussed the bounty and the failed pickup, as well as an offer of help to find someone.  

Redfall 27, 2020KC

  The party goes to the harbor and sees Lars Heyton. He offers to establish a Teleportation Circle in the Menagerie Manor of Outding Refuge basement (a year-long process) and gives them a Scroll of Teleportation Circle.    

The Lady's Avarice

  On board "The Lady's Avarice" with Calliope & Vikar (the Leonin Ship's Captain) This was a standard sailing ship       On the way out of the harbor, they noticed the crystals had since been upgraded to larger structures.   Sas discussed her Dream of Bast with Shadow, and they discussed how The Coin of Bast is the key to the Deadlands and the City in the Mist. Sas's trinket is an Orb of Toril with similar style runes on it.   They discussed Calliope Galanodel's School/Village that was attacked out of the blue. Fire and destruction. Reginald was a friend.   Calliope likes Plants and resents the family's "plans" for her.  

t Milestone Experience: 1272 | Total: 6,500 t   t Group Levels up to Level 5 t
**Left on The Lady's Avarice as they depart Outding Refuge**

Rewards Granted


  t Milestone Experience: 1072 | Total: 6,500 (GOAL: 6,500) t  
t Group Levels up to Level 5 t


Area Map | Outding Refuge (Battlemap c.2020KC)

Session 16: A New Member, A New Quest Report

Table of Contents

The Wild Cards
Bastion Bladesinger
Sas W.T. Rayce
Calliope Galanodel
Chaotic Neutral Tabaxi (Smuggler)
Barbarian 8
85 / 85 HP
Shadow in the Snow
Report Date
21 Aug 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Wild Cards
Organization | Aug 22, 2024

The Heroes of Outding Refuge and Kampos

Timeline of The Wild Cards
Generic article | Jul 11, 2024

A simplified view of key events for the campaign of The Mighty Menagerie