Session 015: Jacoby's a Changed "Man" Report

The Mighty Menagerie finds that Jacoby is a changed creature.

General Summary

The Mighty Menagerie (2)


Redfall 23, 2020KC

  Tharros Underdark Hideout "Near" Outding Refuge, The Underdark.     The Mighty Menagerie thinks it has been around 25 hours since they last saw the Myconid at the Myconid Colony "Under" Outding Refuge, and so it is time for a long rest.   Bastion decided to study the Necromantic Artes, v.1, Shadow read Drizzt Do'Urden's A Guide to the Underdark, and Barlo checked out the Monster Hunting Guide.   Some of the things learned from the Books:    
A Guide to the Underdark : The Mindflayer is discussed, and it speaks of how they sometimes enslave other races. There are lots of portals to be found in The Underdark. Some can even make you come out at a different time or with items missing.   Known Claims of the Far Realm : believed that they can planar shift to Astral Plane at will. It seems the effects of potions can last indefinitely as time does not exist in the same way as the Material Plane.   The Mindflayer were rulers across the realms and planes, but the Gith (their slaves) rose and defeated them. They sometimes look for things of great magic to give them power, but they abhor magic since their abilities come from psionics   They reproduce by placing larvae in a host body.

Redfall 24, 2020KC

  Upon awakening…   They hear a voice in their head telling them to leave and ensure all is where they first entered...   Arktos sniffs around but smells nothing new   They head back to town, via Myconid tunnel.   See various tracks but not of humanoid prints…   Myconid put the Troll back together, with mushrooms growing on it. It is now a Spore Servant.   They went back through the tunnels and saw some new tracks near the old fight area.   Hear alien voices…   Jacoby Drexelhand & Gruzzussk D'Achtend    There was talk of how Jacoby summoned him to help in an ambush. Gruzzussk says that he won't partake in this since he has grander plans for the party. He will deal with the party after they kill Jacoby. He is upset at how Jacoby has used his foul dark magics to pervert the perfect genetics of the Illithiads.   Jacoby Looks different. Skin is purply and Leather. He has two large tentacles coming off his head, and they have these pods on end with little tentacles on them. The face is hollow and skeletal like He disappeared (planar shifted?) They head back into town to warn lars and then back to the house to rest.  



The Battle:

He got away...
The Joy of Extradimensional Spaces by Fistandia has notes on how to manipulate the magic and the mansion. She made her mansion tethered to a permanent location on the Material Plane.   Tharros the Wanderer manipulated her spells to create a version tethered to this book. Using the word "SCEPTER" and holding the Books presents a door that briefly lasts... There is believed to be another word in the mansion to exit the mansion.   According the Journal of Tharros there was an apprentice looking into it.
Lars Heyton: Mindflayers abhor magic; they utilize psionic abilities. They are just as upset about Jacoby Drexelhand and won't help him now.   The reward for Jacoby Drexelhand is now 10,000 gp, although he is probably less of a threat to Outding Refuge now than before.
**left group with Lars Heyton, contemplating their next action**

Rewards Granted

  • Nothing but some lore from books.

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Read some books and gathered important intel and lore.
  • Fought Jacoby, again.
  • Got to town.


Area Map | Outding Refuge (Battlemap c.2020KC)

Session 15: Jacoby's a Changed "Man" Report

Table of Contents

The Wild Cards
Bastion Bladesinger
Sas W.T. Rayce
Chaotic Neutral Tabaxi (Smuggler)
Barbarian 8
85 / 85 HP
Shadow in the Snow
Report Date
10 Jul 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Wild Cards
Organization | Aug 22, 2024

The Heroes of Outding Refuge and Kampos

Timeline of The Wild Cards
Generic article | Jul 11, 2024

A simplified view of key events for the campaign of The Mighty Menagerie