Session 017: The End of Jacoby… Report

The Mighty Menagerie finally kills Jacoby.

General Summary

The Mighty Menagerie (3)


Redfall 27, 2020KC

  At sea, leaving Outding Refuge heading to Wide Berth via Lost Sailor Pass     The first day at sea was primarily uneventful as the party enjoyed pleasant weather and was making good time aboard The Lady's Avarice.   We saw Calliope Galanodel following Lucy Rees ("Ship's Shantyman" - Bard/entertainer) and getting to know each other. We also saw Shadow in the Snow follow the Ship's Sailing Master, Alexander Black, and some Tattoo practice. Bastion Bladesinger studied Necromantic Artes, v.1.    
  Game mechanics: Sas W.T. Rayce rolled for weather Shadow in the Snow for Ship's Direction and reliability of path Calliope Galanodel for morale Bastion Bladesinger for possible encounters and hazards
    However, after they had gone to sleep, it seems a storm crept up on them, and as the ship began to Rock and take on the storm, there was a loud  
  As a fire broke out on the lower levels of the ship. The party investigated and put out the fire for which smoke was coming up in thick plumes.   In the lower levels, they found an ambush. Jacoby and his shadow forms surrounded them in the smoke, with the ship going erratic and taking on water. There was also a Web trap set up as well.    
Jacoby Monologue: "I finally get my chance, and I'm glad I failed in the mines. It seems the Order is more upset with your meddling on Outding than my actions, and they have welcomed me back as long as I stop you before you get to The Dark Rain Forest.   I have to admit, though, this it does not seem like a mere coincidence that you all stopped the Order and me at Outding and now are en route to the DRF…. (unintelligable as he shifts focus)   Tell me, who are you?! Why are you going after the same sites as the Order? Do you have a spy in the Order? You will tell me now, or after a long, painful session of torture… or a speak to the Dead if that goes too far."
  The party finally killed Jacoby, and they learned a bit of the Arcane Order from the Ship's Mage, who was repairing the hole. Bastion Bladesinger had some memories of them from the Mage School, The Hermetic Symposium he attended.   They sent a Message to Jacoby, and they warned him the Arcane Forge could be dangerous.   They need the head and any intel for Lars Heyton. Sas W.T. Rayce cast Gentle Repost on the head, putting it in the Bag of Holding. There were some Notes found on Jacoby, as well.  



The Battle:

☠️ Forgot who...

t Milestone Experience: 2900 (580 ea) | Total: 7080 (Next Goal: 14,000) t

The Notes :

  Older looking note:   Jacoby,   We have sent you to Outding in the hopes you would meld in and we have heard that you are working at the Church. Great job. We have confirmation that the Forge is on the island, and it seems no one is aware of its presence or its power. We also are aware there is an elder White Dragon on the island, so be weary.   Our reports confirm that this Forge is connected to the Far Realms, and so it will be one of the most dangerous. Be cautious as you secure the site, its power may corrupt and even cause madness. We are working on some solutions to this, so don't move too fast in securing the site until you hear more.   AO

  More recent looking note:   J.   We have not heard from you in some time. This letter was not easy to send as it seems there is some issue with magics and transportation to/fro the island. Find way to respond, immediately -- don't want to proceed to plan b.   AO

  Recent note:   Jacoby,   We understand how the corruption of the Forge could have done that, and we are glad that we can look past the recent transgressions and "issues". If you can find out the truth of these interlopers, then dispose of them -- that would help satisfy your end of the deal. Then get to The Dark Rain Forest to further assist in our agents securing that site.   As you said, we will leave the Forge on Outding as a lost cause -- for now.   AO

    After the battle, Shadow in the Snow began to grill Vikar about how Jacoby Drexelhand got on board.    
**Left on The Lady's Avarice at sea between Outding Refuge & Wide Berth following Lost Sailor Pass**

Rewards Granted


  t Milestone Experience: 2900 (580 ea) | Total: 7080 (Next Goal: 14,000) t  

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Fought and defeated Jacoby. Found a bunch of notes claiming to be from the Arcane Order.


Area Map | Carrune (Hand Drawn, c. 0KC)

Carrune Drawn Map circa 0KC

  This is one of the most accurate maps of recent times. It is currently not available to the public of Dierde, but it is the most representative of the lands. It was one of the many commissioned by The Last Great King.

Session 17: The End of Jacoby… Report

Table of Contents

The Wild Cards
Bastion Bladesinger
Sas W.T. Rayce
Calliope Galanodel
Chaotic Neutral Tabaxi (Smuggler)
Barbarian 8
85 / 85 HP
Shadow in the Snow
Report Date
05 Sep 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Wild Cards
Organization | Aug 22, 2024

The Heroes of Outding Refuge and Kampos

Timeline of The Wild Cards
Generic article | Jul 11, 2024

A simplified view of key events for the campaign of The Mighty Menagerie