Session 018: Ship Battles with An Old Foe Report

The Mighty Menagerie has a ship battle with an old foe, long thought dead.

General Summary

The Mighty Menagerie (3)


Redfall 27, 2020KC

  At sea, leaving Outding Refuge heading to Wide Berth following Lost Sailor Pass     As we pick up the adventures, we find The Mighty Menagerie is on The Lady's Avarice, and as they handle the fallen Jacoby Drexelhand situation, they realize the storm is still raging.    
Skill Challenge   Bastion Bladesinger helps with his arcane abilities to apply Prestidigitation to the proper places and objects after his acrobatics keeps him nimble with the ship's movements.   Shadow in the Snow passes the acrobatics, and then with her survival skills as a world traveler, she tries to help the sick Ship's Sailing Master keep the ship on track. Still, she wasn't as skilled in such conditions as she had hoped.   Calliope Galanodel didn't lose her footing, and when she used her persuasion skills, she was able to keep the morale up and everyone working hard.   Sas lost her footing a bit as she tried to get to the deck but regained her balance and then tried to use her strength and athleticism to manually ensure things were tied properly and not hitting anyone. However, at one point, she missed a rope, and a barrel got loose, which ended up knocking over a crew member off the ship.   "Man overboard"   But the cries were hard to hear over the sounds of the storm, but then we see Barlo look over, and he tells the crew and party that he was okay to keep everyone on track. He was also not great on his feet, so his deception was easily seen through.   The Ship's Crew is now low in morale; at least one went overboard, and they might be off track…
    Ship's Captain, Vikar comes up and allows the party to rest so he can get the ship back on track.     Shadow went to get Arktos, who got a little scared during the storm but was confident that Shadow could keep her safe.   *LONG REST*  

Redfall 28, 2020KC

  In the morning, the portholes allow light to come in, and it seems the fates would have a bit more rain later, but the crew was able to correct the lost path from the night before. The morale is still low, the speed wasn't great, and the ship still needs a lot of repairs.   Off to the West, there is some land of Kampos seen, so they are sure they are on track to the port city of Wide Berth.    

Leafall 4, 2020KC

  Raining but back on track, morale is still declining, but the speed is good, and repairs are starting to make progress.   Shadow practices her Tattoo Kit, Bastion continues on Necromantic Artes, v.1, Barlo works at his Thieves' Tools, Calliope Galanodel gets to know the Bard Lucy Rees more.    

On the 7th day at sea

  At sea, leaving Outding Refuge heading to Wide Berth following Lost Sailor Pass. Near the Carrune Islands.   A three-masted warship is seen to the ship's rear, and it is around 200 feet away… and following.    
"There is a ship coming this way." Says Shadow.   Vikar sees it and says, "That's a warship and coming our way." It does not have any flag up currently. No way to discern if it has cannons.   **Note: cannons are very rare **   Vikar, "we can possibly try to outrun it; we should be faster than it."
  Vikar does say that it is always possible it is pirates, as the Carrune Islands are to the North.   The winds are coming from the NE, and the ship follows at the same distance. So the ship started going SW to keep the winds force, but it did allow the Mysterious Ship to catch up a bit.   It is hard to shake off, and it is using the winds better than the party's ship even as night falls with it around 200 feet away.   Bastion did first watch, Sas W.T. Rayce took 3rd.   Bastion is not able to see much, but nothing of consequence occurs. Sas W.T. Rayce sees it is keeping even with the ship. Not gaining, not losing. Just constant.    

Leafall 11, 2020KC

  The course may not be as steady as one would hope as the weather improves. The morale improves, though; the ship is still behind the party, but significant repairs are getting done.   Calliope uses Mage Hand and "waves" to the other ship. There was no sign from the other ship how they perceived the hand trick.   Bastion tries to use Prestidigitation on the sails; he is "thanked" by the crew for his assistance.   Bastion then thought of trying Gust of Wind, but with the size of the ship and one minute time of the spell, it doesn't add much speed to the ship's travel… Then he uses, and it doesn't add much to the pace, and at that moment, the other ship fires its mangonels.   Shadow tries her Mage Hand to block the large projectile towards the ship. But it goes right through the illusory hand. It breaks into the hull and damages it.   They have now raised their flag. It is a Dragon skull in profile and a single Bone on a black background below it.  

  Bastion never really studied a lot on pirates; he does not ever recall seeing such a flag before.    

Vernon Lazarius and his new crew

The Battle:

  A sea battle ensues with The Lady's Avarice fleeing with shots from their mangonel and some of the party using a variety of arrows and bolts.   Shadow uses a spyglass and notices that the Ship's Captain is Vernon Lazarius.   It became about each ship damaging the other one's sails.   At one point, Vikar suggested using a barrel of black powder to be a depth charge. But after a while, it would seem that they put up enough resistance to scare off the pirate ship.  

t Milestone Experience: (250 ea) | Total: 7330 (Next Goal: 14,000) t
  Calliope once again shoots up Mage Hand to say "goodbye."   (Game mechanics we checked some rolls)   Rainfall returns, the course is corrected, the morale is still declining, but repairs are getting done.    

Leafall 14, 2020KC

  The party made it to port after 17 days at sea. Captain Vikar said the Ship's First Mate, Abby Hamilton remarked Reginald would have his people meet the party at The Silken Line, a tavern/inn in the Wide Berth Dock Ward. It would be a few more days, though.  

t Milestone Experience: (250 ea) | Total: 7580 (Next Goal: 14,000) t
  Ship's Captain Vikar also says he will be asking for more from Reginald due to damages to the ship and morale.   Shadow had Ship's Captain Vikar report the ship they saw chase them and Vernon Lazarius to the Merchant Guild of Wide Berth.   Bastion finished reading Necromantic Artes, v.1 as Barlo studied his Thieves' Tools lessons, and Shadow practiced with her Tattoo Kit   The town of Wide Berth looks to be a large port town…(The party will soon find that this is just the Dock Ward).   Shadow looked around for a shop with something of fancy and spotted an old man with a cart of wares. He was talking to a Halfling girl and sold her a trinket.    

  Shadow approached.   Shadow : "hi… hi, how's it going. What's behind the cubbies?"   Salesman of Wide Berth: "depends. I have all types of nick packs, but I still have much to Identify. Such as this necklace of black beads.  
    Shadow tried desperately to buy the unknown beads for 10 GP instead of the 1000 GP he was offering. He said he had cantrip spell scrolls if all she wanted was 10gp items.   Calliope tried to pocket the beads but was caught. He was very offended. Although Shadow continued to try and rip him off, he was in a rush to go elsewhere.  
  As the Sun was setting, they went to The Silken Line, where an older Elf (Cune) was tending the bar, and there was a variety of patrons in the tavern area.   Shadow bought a round for the table.   Nine Copper for the dinners and raw meat for the Owlbear cub, Arktos. Shadow also realized no one was wearing the Uncommon Glamerweave and offered it to Calliope. The Alchemy Jug was in the Bag of Holding, but Barlo also used it a lot.  
  As Calliope tries to mad dog anyone eating the boiled Deer, they see a male Elf with a narrow face, blonde hair, and sharp blue eyes in splint mail are looking back, and he seems proud of his dinner choice as he grins back and eats his next bite with noticeable delight. He is with a group of pilgrims, it seems.   Sas notices the skeletal arm holding scales representing Kelemvor, god of the Dead.
  The pilgrims are more interested in their own affairs.   Barlo gets on his chair and looks across the room to see if anyone is dressed in fine clothes.   Shadow asked about any possible tattooists.   Then about rooms — they have a few or a bed on the mezzanine. The rooms are seven cp a night, or a 10% discount pre-paid for multiple rooms. Rooms are two beds, or the beds on the mezzanine are one cp.   3 nights, 2 rooms - 35cp   Shadow asks Bastion to look at Journal of Jacoby CODED to see if he can decipher them.   Barlo asks Cune if he knows where to find Silk; there is a fabric store about three blocks away.    
**Left at The Silken Line -- about to take a long rest --**

Rewards Granted


  t Milestone Experience: 250 ea | Total: 7330 (Next Goal: 14,000) t   t Milestone Experience: 220 ea | Total: 7550 (Next Goal: 14,000) t  
t Group Levels up to Level 2 t

Missions/Quests Completed



City Map | City of Wide Berth (Districts, c. 2020KC)
Area Map | Carrune (Hand Drawn, c. 0KC)

Carrune Drawn Map circa 0KC

  This is one of the most accurate maps of recent times. It is currently not available to the public of Dierde, but it is the most representative of the lands. It was one of the many commissioned by The Last Great King.

Session 18: Ship Battles with An Old Foe Report

Table of Contents

The Wild Cards
Bastion Bladesinger
Sas W.T. Rayce
Calliope Galanodel
Chaotic Neutral Tabaxi (Smuggler)
Barbarian 8
85 / 85 HP
Shadow in the Snow
Report Date
25 Sep 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Wild Cards
Organization | Aug 22, 2024

The Heroes of Outding Refuge and Kampos

Timeline of The Wild Cards
Generic article | Jul 11, 2024

A simplified view of key events for the campaign of The Mighty Menagerie


This article has no secrets.