Fistandia (/ˌfɪs.tənˈdiː.ə/)

The tome was notably heavy and richly bound in ornate leather with details in gold filigree. The front cover was illustrated with a portrait of the legendary archwizard Mordenkainen.   The wizard Fistandia had researched the tome extensively, adding her own notes in arcane shorthand to its margins. These notes explained how Fistandia created a permanent Mordenkainen's magnificent mansion, as well as the command word for gaining access to it.  
You encounter Fistandia, a 54-year-old human wizard with bright green eyes and shoulder-length auburn hair. She has a strong, muscular build and wears a long, dark blue robe with intricate silver embroidery. Her most distinctive feature is the heavy and ornate book she keeps with her, which holds her extensive research and personal notes on magic.
  Fistandia is a gentle and wise woman whose knowledge of the arcane arts is nearly unparalleled. She is patient and kind to those who come to her for help, and is driven by a strong sense of justice and fairness. She takes her work seriously, but also knows how to enjoy life and find humor in the small things  
I strive to use my knowledge and skill for the betterment of all   I care deeply for my students and will go to great lengths to protect them   I am sometimes overly trusting of those I meet, which can lead to trouble


Fistandia was born into a family of powerful wizards, and her magical prowess was recognized at a young age. She studied for many years in the great libraries of the realm, mastering the intricacies of the arcane arts. She eventually became a teacher, passing on her knowledge to generations of students  


Fistandia has a strong, muscular build, with bright green eyes and shoulder-length auburn hair. She wears a long, dark blue robe with intricate silver embroidery, and is often seen with a thick leather-bound book tucked beneath her arm  

Speaking Style

Fistandia speaks in a soft, gentle voice with a slight accent. She is articulate and her words are chosen carefully, but she is not afraid to express strong emotion when the situation calls for it. Her speech is full of references to ancient lore and arcane knowledge

She was the author of the mansion book.

Character Location
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Current Status
Current Location
Year of Birth
1969 KC 54 Years old
Place of Death
Current Residence
bright green
shoulder-length auburn
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5' 10"
135 lbs.