Session 056: Encounters at Seeing Air Report

The Menagerie play chicken in the air

General Summary

The Mighty Menagerie (3)


Redfall 06, 2023 KC, early afternoon

  Above Kampos East Side   Adventure Recap
We've had some time off. Some visions. An assassination plot that interrupted the Ceremony which coincided with an assassination of the Enond king. They also got their Adventurer Class Airship. So they sent Ellas Lantaththar, their assistant, to get a crew.   With a crew they head off to the Deadlands, to help Bast with a dying pharoah. On the way they intend to stop at Thornwinds to deliver a package.   We are finishing up on 5th day of travel... they recently faced off with a Harpy.   had gotten a Message from Ursa. Decided they would make a stop.  
  ... we are right at the end of the fight end of the 5th (which is actually 4th day...   Shadow in the Snow tries to talk Tomas Swalin into a tattoo to commemmorate the win. a drawing of a Harpy with a Halfling holding a rapier up to the sky at it, shows off Harmon Lukas's tattoo.   he wasn't ready.   Bastion Bladesinger pulls a guard duty. Starts thinking of a 3d tattoo of striding. Starts to peruse their creature/survival Books. There is a large collection in the War Room. He wants to look more into something like the Monster Hunting Guide. INV (21)...   Seeking harvesting improvements. Finds Hamund's Harvesting Handbook would need to do some reading to learn more. didn't get much (12) on first read, but is sure if he focused more he could learn some things.   Bastion Guard... cloud cover   SAS 17 on perception... Off in the distance sees some shadow movement way off, seems like 3 shadows trying to catch up, but lost in the night.  

Redfall 07, 2023 KC

Sixth Day of Flight   Sas (...) Weather is clearing up   Shadow back on proper route   Calliope (17) morale is improving   Bastion (), Barlo ... Off in the distance, they see an ethereal cloud.
As your players' airship glides gracefully through the skies, a breathtaking and ominous sight catches their attention. On the horizon, they spot a phenomenon unlike anything they've encountered before: an immense magical cloud. This ethereal mass seems to dance and twist with the currents of the wind, almost as if it has a life of its own.   At first glance, the cloud appears to be a mesmerizing blend of colors reminiscent of the strange crystals discovered in Outding Refuge. The Familiar reds with purples and greens with blues are there, but softened, creating an otherworldly and enchanting aura. Some parts of the cloud showcase jagged edges akin to crystalline structures, while its overall form remains fluid, as if it were a natural phenomenon trying to Mimic the beauty of gemstones. Within this wondrous cloud, tiny sparkles of Light shimmer and glimmer, moving like stars in a cosmic ballet. These twinkling lights shift and change, almost like fireflies, lending an otherworldly beauty to the spectacle. But the real danger lies in the crackling sparks of electricity coursing through the cloud. Electric arcs dance erratically, crackling with the same Light blue and purple hues as the mysterious orb once found in the possession of the Beholder. The closer the airship gets to the magical cloud, the more apparent its immense size becomes. It spans the horizon, stretching out in an unyielding display of raw arcane power. The air around the cloud seems charged, and the crew can sense the hair on their arms and necks stand on end as they approach.
  It's about 100 feet to the right of the ship, the captain asks what they want to do, they go around it.   Shadow and Bastion (using spyglass) to look at it. They notice the colors are very reminiscent of the crystals at Outding Refuge, and the sparks are very similar to the orb from the Beholder (sans the tentacles). The edges are very cloudlike, but the centers look almost like crystals with hard edges.   did not see any creature. Some sparks and lights resemble fireflies in a way... but that is it.   Bastion asks if they want to check it out.   Night of the 6th day ** two more gems ** <- retcon, this should have been done earlier...   Off in the distance, that night they saw some shadow shapes off in the distance and a larger shape chase after it.     **Chucko showed up**   Shadow is on deck and uses her See Invisibility from her Ring of Alertness. As she is going around deck she thinks she saw a person in a grey cloak go down the stairwell... She gets Arktos, who looks at her strange, and growls a bit.   Shadow doesn't think the person was because of the invisiblity, but because she was paying attention more.   She goes down and sees the other stairwell... the person turns around and it looks like Captain Meklan just a bit older than when he was seen at the Obelisk. He turns and is about to speak when he disappears. Shadow sends Arktos to investigate, find the scent -- try to track. He signals that he is picking up just trace elements.   She sees someone at the stairwell, she goes to him -- it is Jacoby, he pulls a dagger from his belt and leaps at her as she yells Jacoby...   as he leaps at her he disappears. He looks exactly as he did the day they last saw him -- before he disappeared from Jacoby's Eushia Home houpetor skatuch'. She is wondering if this actually happened.   Wis (22), she is thinking of spectral things... this wasn't that. He looked like he saw her and was going after her, and Meklan seemed a bit lost, but then taken out of the moment.   she goes to wake up Barlo and Bastion. Meklan seemed like he was getting a lay of the land, Jacoby was just reactionary. She tells them everything, has Arktos on look out.   Bastion (History, ...) Grognard was secretive about his life it seems. most of his words was pushing magic and not swords onto Bastion, didn't want to have him make the same mistakes.   There was Solec who spoke of some of these mistakes -- upset some powers that be, changes in history that caused ripples, such as people being pulled in and out of time and space.   She is seeing if they know anything about this from him. Is jacoby following @Meklan?   Barlo goes to investigate the door to the Feywild. Everything is okay. Barlo brings up the fantastical adventure stories, and reminds them that this was once his ship... (History, ...) Tries to recall the stories, those he believed for so long was just stories. Fighting a Dragon, flying a ship, going through time to fix things -- he spoke a lot about the ship. He came and went so many times in his life, and now it does seem his age varied between the visits, and he would give odd jobs from time to time. At times, maybe when a few drinks in, he would let on how he didn't always have that much control over his time adventures.   He seemed to be just a bit older than when seen under Skola Vale at the Ziggurat of Tharizdun, below Skola Vale. Jacoby Drexelhand looked as they had last seen him.   Barlo casually checks Shadow's breath for liquor.   She says she is not in her cups and says how Arktos also smelled them.   Barlo hangs out in the lower decks, on watch. Arktos and Shadow keep watch too...    

Redfall 08, 2023 KC

  Above Kampos East Side   Shadow notifies Sas and Calliope of the night's visitors.  
Seventh Day of Flight   Sas (..   Shadow ..   Calliope 17 morale (great)   Bastion (...), Barlo ... Off in the distance, they see an ethereal cloud.
    Barlo asks if anyone has magic to detect visitors. He then notifies the crew. The party wonders if it is based on evening or some other trigger...   ... at this point it is about an hour before sunset. Bastion in the library, Barlo on the bottom deck, Calliope entertaining the crew, Shadow is sketching, Sas is watching Calliope and trying to keep an eye on the ship.   at one point the ship lurches as if it hit something, the Captain was speaking with the Drow about to do shift change. Barlo would have heard it the most as something hit the ship very hard.   Loud screeches from two very distinct creatures, and not like the Harpy.   Barlo wakes the people below, and then is trying to listen for where he should go next. Shadow and Arktos runs to the top. Calliope and Bastion try to discern the point of impact, it seems from the front left of the ship. Sas runs to Calliope. Bastion and Shadow run to the stairwell...   They see two creatures locked in combat rise up to eye level - a Roc and a Wyvern -- circling each other and rising up to the ship. They are both injured, they look as if they had been fighting for some time. Now they see the people on the ship and it seems they are looking for easier prey.    





The Battle:



  Bastion sees the creatures. They are debating to attack... He holds a Scorching Ray (5th level) towards either who comes after the ship or any of the allies   (ship was about 75 feet high, they are 85 feet from ground)   Calliope Galanodel casts Suggestion "we are not a threat" towards the "more dangerous" one... the Wyvern (cuter one)... she also tries to make herself look cute as she does it (puss in boots)... (Performance)... It seems to fall on deaf ears, he seems to not understand anything more than dinner time. So she goes for cover, at the war room.   Bastion Bladesinger is able to use his readied spell as the Wyvern is coming in about to attack. "Barlo! Get yer big ass up here!!" All but one hits, that one goes through wing space. He then attacks with a claw attack, Bastion triggers a held Shield from his Ring of Spell Storing. The Claw attack misses, then a tail attack with a dangerous stinger that hits into the Wood.   Shadow in the Snow runs upstairs. "Motherfuck!" before getting upstairs she shoots Ensnaring Strike and digs it deep into the shoulderblade of the Wyvern **CRITS** at the same spot and allows it to cut deeper through exposed scales. It screams in pain.   Arktos runs up.   Barlo runs up. Hears the commotion. Boots of Striding and Springing. "Get out of my way, Shadow" and runs past her **RAGE** and claws come out attacking the Wyvern. **RECKLESS** and one is a **CRIT**, the killing blow! Pushes it to the edge of the ship and tries to intimidate the Roc with the death blow. Claws out and stares at the Roc.   The Roc swoops in and sees how Barlo took his kill. A beak comes in and hits with a severe bite, and a claw slashes him which also grapples him. Then it takes him 95 feet above the ship.   The crew is keeping the ship steady. Some begin to load a spear into the Magonel, and others attend the ship.   Sas W.T. Rayce **WILDSHAPES** into a Giant Eagle swoops up towards the Roc, but doesn't have enough movement -- so uses action to get right up to him.   The Eagle has a greenish tint to the feathers, a bit of jewelry seems apparent.  


  Bastion goes to the Broom of Flying... nvm, retcon | Scorching Ray and all, but one, hits. "Get back down here, you dirty son a' bitch!"   Barlo giggles.   Calliope climbs up the mast as high as she can - **MIRTHFUL LEAP** as high as she could (CROWS NEST IS LIKE 60 FEET)... wait, possible retcon... she doesn't do that. She takes the broom and gets as close as she can to the Roc -- casts Polymorph and turns it into a Chicken. (table talk: Chickens can fly). This releases the grapple.   Sas uses her reaction to try and grab Barlo as he uses his reaction to grab the Chicken.   Sas grabs him, Barlo misses -- but Calliope uses her (improved) **BARDIC INSPIRATION** to get the Chicken, giving him a bonus. He gets the Chicken Roc   Shadow is confused and laughing. Moves with Arktos. Nocks an arrow and waits.   Barlo asks how long it will be a Chicken. She says about an hour. He tells her "Take us higher!" and starts to swing the Chicken.   The Roc attempts to get out. fails.   The crew now waits. The mangonel is aimed.   Sas is 95 feet above the ship, so listens to Barlo -- goes higher. Flight speed 80 and goes 160 feet higher. Barlo laughs. "HIGHER!!"   Everyone just watches... laughs... Calliope returns to the ship... Barlo holds his action... The Chicken/Roc attempts another escape... Barlo wonders if Sas could eat the Roc and then turn back -- what would the magic do? Bastion wonders if it was in the Bag of Holding -- it would die and possibly pierce the bag... maybe die completely?   She goes up another 160. Barlo flings him, it is tossing and turning in haphazard flight but the eagle is able to keep up with the ship as they Slow down for it and they get back on the ship.  
☠️ (Roc): Calliope polymorphed to a Chicken, Barlo threw it.   ☠️ (Wyvern): Barlo

t Combat Experience: 9500 (1900 Each) | Total: 69,900 (Next Goal: 85,000) t
  Bastion gives Enhance Ability, Sas gives Guidance, and Calliope uses a **BARDIC INSPIRATION** to have Shadow take off the stinger. Barlo cheerleads.   **NAT 20**  

Wyvern stinger, Wyvern skin, Claws/teeth of various sizes in 5 lbs. sack. Wyvern meat (they can put in storage and the cook is wanting to use) 14 lbs in storage.
  Barlo keeps an eye to the rear for any threats.    

t Milestone Experience | 1100 Total: 71,000 (Next Goal: 85,000 ) t
** on ship still traveling about to take a long rest as the carving took a few hours **

Rewards Granted

  • Wyvern stinger
  • Wyvern skin
  • Claws/teeth of various sizes in 5 lbs. sack
  • Wyvern meat (they can put in storage and the cook is wanting to use) 14 lbs in storage.

t Combat Experience: 9500 (1900 Each) | Total: 69,900 (Next Goal: 85,000) t   t Milestone Experience | 1100 Total: 71,000 (Next Goal: 85,000 ) t  

Missions/Quests Completed



* Dierde World Map (Biomes, Equirectangular) | MAIN *
Dierde World Map | Equirectangular (Biomes)

Session 56: Encounters at Seeing Air Report

Table of Contents

The Wild Cards
Bastion Bladesinger
Sas W.T. Rayce
Calliope Galanodel
Chaotic Neutral Tabaxi (Smuggler)
Barbarian 8
85 / 85 HP
Shadow in the Snow
Report Date
22 Aug 2023
Primary Location
Wild Cards
Organization | Aug 22, 2024

The Heroes of Outding Refuge and Kampos

Timeline of The Wild Cards
Generic article | Jul 11, 2024

A simplified view of key events for the campaign of The Mighty Menagerie