Session 074: The Dark Side or Gray Side? Report

General Summary

Wild Cards


Redfall 21, 2023 KC, Late Morning

  Abandoned Church of Thornwinds, Thornwinds  
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The party had explored Thornwinds, and learned that Garm was here. He had some look-alikes as well as a Drow Bard assisting him. There was intel that they were at an abandoned church with an undead problem.   They party went and discovered a nefarious trade under the church in progress. A fight ensued.  
    Calliope's mini quest
Calliope wasn't feeling well as she left the tavern. She said she would be staying in bed the next day. She loaded up on Books about various magical instruments, Plants and herbs--as well as snacks. Also some romance novels.   She lays in bed and it doesn't take long until she needs to get in the covers. Then slowly as she drifts the blankets start to slowly tighten. Similar to a large constrictor snake tightening on her.   She hears a male voice, somewhat similar.   Then the snake loosens up, it is a snake and it expands. It becomes the walls around her, she is in the same room where they found Professor Meklan of Toril as a Professor Orb.  
  Seems the walls were like a coiled snake. Perception (19) as she looks around. She notices her hands leave a bit of a Silver trail as they move, as well as her whole body. The voice she heard gets clearer, it is Captain Meklan. He says she is not supposed to be in here. It is not safe for her. He is going to see what he can do to get her out of here.   It's like an Astral Projection -- she says.   He replies: "Something like that. When you Sleep you go to a dreamworld, and for some reason you have been kind of going more into the Nightmare one. I need to protect you guys from this."   He does a quick spell or something and she awakes. Not sick, but in front of a church. She hears scratching on the other side of the door. She goes to the door and puts her ear to the crack. She sees it is day time, notices there are tall colored stainglass around the buildign and clear windows on top, some holes as well. she goes to the back and uses a Rock to get the attention of that which is making the scratches--it doesn't move.   She sees a mausoleam in the distance with various broken skeletons.   she casts Polymorph and turns into a Crow then flies to top. Sees a walkway to a stage with the podium off-center and seems to have a hole there. There are rows of pews and sure enough Arktos is scratching at the door. She flies to him, he sniffs her, so she lands on him.   Meklan's voice: "Didn't mean to transport you through time and space, it took a lot to get you out of that Dream. I was able to get you near your Friends. I am sure I will see you soon." He seemed to use some Message or Sending type spell.   She stays in Crow form and goes to the hole. Drops Polymorph and climbs down the ladder, uses her Magic Tattoo Darkvision. slight angle downward to some dim Light and there is a button down here. She moves towards the Light and sees Bastion Bladesinger. She would have just heard some sounds of conflict...  
  Bastion: "How is the stomach?"   Barlo: "That's not Calliope, attack her."   Calliope: "It's me! It's me! I brought glitter for everyone!" They realize it is likely her and she asks what has happened.   That's her, they say.   Calliiope: I'm feeling better. What the heck happened here?     Garm: "So what is it you guys would like to know?"   Tabletalk to remind players of why they are here... Garm Pavond stole the Mummified Goblin Hand from Yggdra which came from an apprentice to Vecna and the cult that raised her. He was in the middle of trade with these cultists.   The arm is still with the knocked-out cultist, so Sas W.T. Rayce drops Polymorph and collects the arm, with shadow moving towards it at the same time.   They ask about what he has, he shows them a unique gemstone-a six-sided gemstone. It looks like it has layers and layers inside of it. He tells them this called a Benducron. The multiple layers inside seems to have indecipherable tiny runes of Silver and flecks of Gold. He says these contain knowledge and the "order" he is now a part of was responsible for them.   Shadow in the Snow: "The Arcane Order?"   Garm: No. Of course not.   Bastion: "The order of the Red Robes?   Garm: "I'm sure when we all met last with Calliope's mother she went a little bit into the Ashla and Bogan. Whereas we were of the Ashla. I have since decided that I don't want to be a part of that any more. So, I have been trying to learn more about the Bogan.   Shadow: "What is the difference between the two?   Garm: "If you ask the Ashla, they will tell you they are the good guys and the Bogan are the bad guys.   Shadow: "Why do you think the Bogan are not the bad guys?   Garm: "For one, the Bogan don't kidnap children. They don't require we avoid emotional attachments. Just more and more, I find out that I feel like I was kind of lied to for my whole life. From that origin, from that order.   Jamie: "Let me guess, you don't like sand <META>   DM: As a Plasmoid, it's not always fun to deal with, but it's easy to clean off. <META>   Shadow: "why trade for the arm? How is it so hard to learn about this order that you had to trade something so powerful?   Garm: "Well, I don't know of how much they would be able to really use the arm. Plus, I feel like I left a lot of hints for you little herotypes to come and find us. I figured you guys would be more interested in the arm. But I did make a deal with them, and so I had hoped to be able to make the trade and then leave them for you.   Shadow: "Who are they?   Garm: "They are part of another order called the Doomdreamers   someone: "So many orders..."   Garm: "You say that, but I think a lot of them are all working for the same.   Someone: "What makes you say that?   Garm: "I've been on this planet for. Well, <he looks over at Calliope> we can say I've been here for quite some time, and, I been able to learn a little bit about how some of the politics works here. I know that these guys Work with, parts of that Arcane Order you had just brought up. And this is a group that thinks that they're being loyal to their ancient Deity known as Tharizdun.     Shadow: "Is it so hard to find information about this Bogan order that you had to resort to thievery?   Garm: "Yes, it actually is. The knowledge has been hunted down, usually by the Ashla. They are of the opinion that they are the ultimate good and anything that goes against their ways are evil. To the point that there were great wars in the past between the two. Even though it is believed that the Bogan were once part of the Ashla.   TABLETALK: the party would not have heard of these groups before meeting Relia. They are not public knowledge, in fact the party had no real knowledge of spacejamming or travel, except maybe Barlo has heard stories.   Shadow does an Insight (12), he seems honest -- but hard to read due to his fake face, his voice is pushed through and hard to pick up such nuance.   Bastion was saying he wants to grab the Gem out of his hand... but I didn't address that it seems...   Barlo was asking about the Doomdreamers and Garm says they may be working with the Arcane Order and they get messages in their Dreams. When he found these cultists in search of the artifact. He says his purpose is to learn more about the Bogan to see if they are actually evil.   Shadow: You have any proof of that?   Garm: Oh, no. Not really. Just little things that I've heard. And when I found these guys. Anyways, trying to find the artifacts that might help me understand more about the Bogan to, To fully understand whether or not there is good or evil in this whole situation. That's what I'm trying to do here is, to find out more about them. And, through that, I was able to learn a little bit about this order here.   There was some table talk (which I should remember in the future to respond to when characters are nearby...)   Garm responds to Bastion asking if they should kill Garm and the cultists, and can they just really let them go: "I don't personally see any reason why we need to kill them. What do you guys think?"   Barlo: Garm or the knocked-out guy?   Garm: Well, as far as I'm concerned, I don't see why you're first of all have any reason to stop me or just commit murder. Because I haven't done anything to you. , I mean, if anything, you guys attacked us, so.   Shadow: Well, then you shouldn't have stole something from us in the first place.   Garm: Well, to be fair, that arm really wasn't hers to begin with either, though.   Shadow: semantics.   Bastion: DO you just go around taking arms from people   Garm: I'll admit, I was, being a little drastic and quick with that. I was on a bit of a timetable, and your stop at that island kind of was slowing things down a bit. I had actually hoped to find some other way of being a little bit more amicable with her, to get that arm off of her.   shadow: why didn't you?   Garm: As I said, I was getting a little bit pressed for time as you guys had, had us waylaid at that floating island for a bit.   Bastion was thinking of grabbing the Gem out of his hand, but then realized that would be stealing (ironically) so he asked to see it and ensure everything was on the up and up: "may I see the Gem? I'll hand it right back to you. I just want to make sure that everything's on the level."   Garm: I'm not sure how you can check things are on the level...   Bastion: I mean, I mean, it's either that or we continue to fight.   Garm:If you want, I can show you what the Gem does. ...   Shadow: But how do we know you're not going to kill us with it?, just let him check it out.   Garm: It doesn't kill people   shadow: Then let him look at it.   Persuasion (nat 20, advantge)   Begrudgingly he hands it over and tells them to be careful with it.  

image-item-Voidheart Benducron.jpg

  He examines it, he has never heard of these and has no knowledge of this. However as he investigates it (22) he does see the runes inside and the many layers. These are unknown runes. The runes do seem to be moving a bit though. There is some unique magic going on here. There does not even seem to be a center.   Bastion: What does it do?   Garm; It's a repository of knowledge. So, like, on your ship, you have those, professor orbs where wizards have been able to kind of put them in part, a bit of their knowledge into that. This is very much the same thing, just a lot more knowledge. Whereas those orbs, usually a few subjects and maybe a language or two, this can have multiple people's knowledge about, put into it.   Bastion: And what knowledge does this one particularly hold?   Garm: My understanding is that it is supposed to hold the knowledge of the history of the Bogan. My understanding is that is why these cultists had it, as they had heard the Bogan were supposed to be evil. And so they had hoped that there might be some evil, nefarious thing they can do with this, but they never could find any real purpose to it. So it gathered dust as it could in some old depository, until I found out that they were working with the group that wanted that arm.   Bastion: can multiple people learn the knowledge, or only one?   Garm: Well, if you're able to Commune with the stone, then you're able to find out the knowledge. But usually the only people that can do it are those who have been trained in the the Bogan ways. So that's why they were never able to do anything with it.   Barlo: So that's how you plan on getting knowledgeable with it?   Garm: That is the plan. Yes   someone: Is there anything in there other the knowledge of this Bogan?   Garm: Not that I'm aware of.   (Insight -- hard to reason, but no reason to doubt him. he doesn't seem like he's trying to be duplicitous or anything. He seems pretty, confident.)   Calliope uses her Ring of Truth Telling, (nat 20 insight) she is confident he is isn't trying to lie and is being pretty honest.   she says: I think he's telling the truth. Guys.   Bastion gives the Gem back.   Some tabletalk on what to do next...   They catch Calliope up on what she missed. There was a trade, the hand is from a Goblin apprentice to Vecna and could Lead to the end of the world... It is encased in Metal.  

  They discuss how the y have seen some trnds and stuff. Barlo also warns that there will be some "slight consequences" to garm for what he did, but it won't be coming from them...     Then Sas notices that the Dead acolyte body seems to be shifting or moving a bit. Then Shadow notices, so she asks the others if they saw it and Sas says she did.   Barlo asks who killed him, Garm said he was Dead when he got there -- but he is probably the local cleric who ensures the Dead don't rise.   Then the ground around him opens and large teeth come out of the ground and begins to bite him and pull it into the Earth.    




The Battle:



Shadow sees the claws, jumps up and shoots then jumps back down. First one doesn't damage it, but second one does.   Barlo looks at the Metallic Mimics and calls out to Garm: "What is this?" to which Garm replies "I don't know, it's an old church" Barlo: "You gonna help us fight this?" Garm: "I guess.." Barlo taps the shoulders of the Mimic and tells him to attack   Sas wildshapes, she was thinking a Tiger or a Saber-Toothed Tiger, as she knows about such tigers...She then attacks. Hits.   DM NOTE: I just noticed she is supposed to take an action for the wildshape which means no attack that round.   The jaws release the bite on the acolyte, this Undead Bulette comes out of the ground. Attacks Sas and hits. It hurts hard.   Another one comes out and pounces on Barlo and the metallic mimics, it knocks him and one of them down then attacks.   then the Undead Shambling Mound comes out of the ground and moves forward to the party.   Bastion moves and attacks with 4th level Scorching Ray. 3 hits. As they hit, they are burning old Leather and flesh. It winces in pain.   Garm pulls out his blade and slides over the Undead Shambling Mound and hits with the first two.   The two mimics also attack with pseudopod punches. And some misses and hits.   Calliope casts Polymorph into a Giant Scorpion or not... Instead she casts True Strike the NEW version (was some confusion)... or not... instead she actually does turn into a Giant Scorpion... or actually a Monstrous Scorpion... she seems to change through a few options as she finally settles on the form. (52 hp). (we almost let her do her actions, but somehow we caught it here and not on the druid)  


  Shadow goes Invisible due to her ability, jumps up and shoots off some arrows at the Mound. Knocks it Prone... shoots a bulette, hits. It is hurting.   Barlo is Prone, so gets up. Rages. "Awright boys, it's a party now!" moves over to help Sas. Attacks, he did take some damage from an attack of opportunity. Some hit, not all.   Sas bites (nat 20, then a 15) Hits...   The creatures attack, one strikes and bites Barlo (45 hp).   The Shambling Mound attacks Garm, but he swiftly moves out of the wasy.   Bastion moves to get a flanking position, pops Bladesinger, then two attacks. the first misses, but the second chips off some Bone pieces.   Garm shatters some Bone pieces.   Calliope skitters over and multiattacks. Hits. Grapples him. Poison damage.  


  Shadow strikes and kills bulette. then strikes at the mound.   Barlo slides over, swings three attacks. Crit (then a 3) The second hit kills it as it shreds it. then moves   Sas stalks around and then strikes with a pounce and claw attack.   Calliope and Sas takes attacks from the Mound, the Saber-toothed reverts to the Tortle form.   Bastion moves. Takes an attack True Strike (radiant), with bracers for an extra attack. as he slices pieces off it and at the last cut, a slight blue spark as whatever was animating it is now gone.  
☠️ Shadow kills a bulette. ☠️ Barlo kills a Bulette ☠️ Bastion kills the mound  
    Barlo: "I think we should leave..."   Sas: "Yeah, how hurt are you?"   Barlo: "I'm okay, let's just get out."   Shadow notices the cultist is still alive, but knocked out. So she heaves him up and puts him on her shoulder.   Garm goes over to the Mimics and pulls out these two little circlular objects and they are put into them.   The party notices this and he tells them "I helped Ursa create these, so I took a couple."   Bastion was wondering if they were connected to the jars, not sure...   These are similar to makeup compacts, with a mirror in side.   Bastion asks if he has an "empty" one... he says no since he only took the two as he helped design them and took them as payment, it was one of a few projects he helped her with.   He was helping her as he was trying to learn more about the orders, and that is why he was there when the ship left.   Barlo says now they have more they want to discuss after that. Suggests walk/talk or meet-up. Either way he has earned his respect   Garm seems willing to chat.   Barlo: "let's go."   He notices the body of the acolyte, and picks up his body to take back.   They return to the church and Barlo wonders why Arktos didn't warn them of .... calliope. He tells Artkos the bodies are not food.   Shadow asks where they should take the body, they head towards the The Howling Gale in the Bone Arch and on the way back he sees a church, so takes the body and tells the rest he'll meet them at the tavern.   Young Dwarf lighting candles   Barlo: "Hey is this one of yours?" and shows the face   Dwarf: "where'd you find 'im?"   Barlo: "Abandoned church with all the undead. was he supposed to be doing something there?   Dwarf: "all us churches have a deal where we send individuals to handle those grounds, now things make sense why things haven't been handled properly.   Barlo: "is there someone I need to talk to?   Dwarf: "yeah, just come down this way. I'll show you where to take him."   ther is a back room where bodies are prepared for funerals. He leaves him there...       He catches up to the rest. Only a few people here, different bartender. Shadow casts Healing Spirit and gives one click to the Unconscious cultist, the rest to Barlo.   Even though no one seemed to care about the Unconscious guy brought into a tavern, it was the spellcasting that brought some glances. The guy awakes... he notices he is not tied, but he is nervous. They sit him between Sas and Barlo.     Cultist: "Okay.. what now?   Bastion: "What now is explain what you were doing with the arm.   Cultist: "... uh we were told to do the trade and...   Bastion: "Who is 'we'? and who told you?   Cultist: "Our leaders told us to come down here and take care of some things, that's all they told us   Bastion: "Who is the 'leader'?   Cultist: "We just call them 'the Leaders'   Sas: "How many are there?   Cultist: "Only three I know of...   Bastion; "Where can we find them?   Cultist: "I last spoke to them in Eushia   Shadow: "What's your name?   Cultist: "Simon   Shadow: huh huh...   Barlo: "Is he telling us the truth, Calliope?   Garm is just watching no real concern....   Simon: "if you let me go I'll give what we were supposed to give to the other guy and where we were supposed to meet them   Seems he has a Rock or Gem he was supposed to give to another guy   Sas: "What's so important with this Rock?   Simon: "I don't know.   Barlo: "What are you trading it for? Do you know?   Simon: "no. I just know I was supposed to meet some... (looks around) ... some guy named Gruzzussk   the party realizes this is the Mindflayer from before   Barlo looks to Garm: "Do you know this Gruzzusk? Sound Familiar?   He says he doesn't recall hearing the name.   Barlo: "let's see the Gem...   Simon: "you gonna let me go?   Barlo: "sure... sure...   He is being sincere. So Simon pulls out a box with a purple pink Crystal inside.  

  It fits in the palm of a hand. This Crystal is not similar to previous ones. BAstion casts Identify and learns it is a Psi Crystal. It grants Telepathy to those who use it... They are also used to power certain spelljammers, especially the Nautiloids of the Mind flayers   Barlo wonders if it is about the amplification of psychic abilities... Be pretty powerful for a mindflayer   Bastion asks what happens if he attunes to it   Simon is unsure   Bastion knows though.   Simon: "I gave you the Rock, here...   and gives them a map with a marking showing a town inland. This is where he was supposed to go.   Barlo asks what happens when he goes back   Simon says he can't he will now be killed if he did   Shadow asks where he would be going if he went back, and Simon says Eushia. In Neyer where they would get info and make trades. At the port.   Shadow is confused, Barlo says he might know. They ask him for his clothes -- hoping they can use it at some point to look like him.   Bastion gives him 10 SP and tells him to buy some new clothes.   They take his red cloak.   HE slowly moves out and then Books it.     Bastion says he was the dumbest guy they have interrogated. Some table talk... about how stupid he is.   They question who will wear the cloak, Bastion would be the best pick as he is a Human.     Barlo: Garm, any way you can get us info on your item? Can you do it now?   Garm says it will take some time and a tavern might not be the right place.   Barlo tells garm they will be at ship and would appreciate if he shares anything he finds, since they will talk to Relia at some point   He seems willing to possibly help if he comes across anything they might want....     They discuss Message and Sending as well as the scroll they have synced with Ursa nad wonder if she can track it. Bastion says he might try to find a scroll...   They still have a few more days in town.     Shadow says they should remind the crew to be ready when it is time to go..   Barlo brings up that he has plans for the Alchemy Jug, still...     Shadow wonders if they need to go after Gruzzussk D'Achtend, Barlo isn't sure.     they wonder if the psi-crystal can be used with the ship... it could take the place of the Professor Orb it seems. Also a reminder that the one orb wants to go back home.   Basiton sends a Message to the brothers about what they found and ask if it could be used on the ship. We didn't role play it. They find out it should Work, as the brothers have a bit of knowledge on Nautiloid ships.   again discussion on using the Headband of Intellect on Arktos     They decide to go back to the ship. Left at the tavern ready to head back...    

t Combat Experience: 5400 (1080 ea) | Total: 106,580 (Next Goal: 120,000) t   t Milestone Experience: (1420 ea) | Total: 108,000 (Next Goal: 120,000) t

Rewards Granted


  t Combat Experience: 5400 (1080 ea) | Total: 106,580 (Next Goal: 120,000) t   t Milestone Experience: (1420 ea) | Total: 108,000 (Next Goal: 120,000) t  

Missions/Quests Completed


* Dierde World Map (Biomes, Equirectangular) | MAIN *
Dierde World Map | Equirectangular (Biomes)

Session 074: The Dark Side or Gray Side? Report

Table of Contents

The Wild Cards
Bastion Bladesinger
Sas W.T. Rayce
Calliope Galanodel
Chaotic Neutral Tabaxi (Smuggler)
Barbarian 8
85 / 85 HP
Shadow in the Snow
Report Date
07 Aug 2024
Secondary Location
Wild Cards
Organization | Aug 22, 2024

The Heroes of Outding Refuge and Kampos

Timeline of The Wild Cards
Generic article | Jul 11, 2024

A simplified view of key events for the campaign of The Mighty Menagerie