Friendship Squad
"I know that Richard and I are not that much help in this since there is no way you and Martin can let us compete too. So, we will help you with surviving the island and we will get to that castle together."Stella Wayland
"I know that Richard and I are not that much help in this since there is no way you and Martin can let us compete too. So, we will help you with surviving the island and we will get to that castle together."Stella Wayland
Stella Wayland forms the group with Todd Booker and Richard Line by primarly hanging out at school and church.
Martin apologizes for bullying Todd Booker and Todd chooses to give Martin the benefit of the doubt. Stella Wayland allows Martin to hang out with them.
Alice declares her membership one evening while the group was hanging out at Todd's house giving the group its name.
Although he mainly wanted to be left along he finally caved and allowed Stella Wayland to adopt him into the friend group.
This first tournament of the story mostly serves as a tutorial in the book on how to play the game in a hopefully interesting way.
Having such weak eyes it was still a surprise that it even happened considering how young Destiny is. Without treatment, she could lose her sight and maybe even more. She video chats with Martin Davis to see him one last time causing him to enter the Caster's Kingdom Tournament.
A global tournament where the best of the best and some new unknowns compete for the title of King of Casters.