Nintra Siotta

The Princess of the Shadow Glass

Nintra Siotta is a Lesser God who serves under Silvox the Spring Child and a member of the Fiadmorai, the court of Archfey demigods. She is often referred to as her title, 'The Princess of the Shadow Glass'. In the Fiadmorai, she holds the position of the Black Bishop.   She is the antagonistic protege of The Queen of Nothing and Darkness, and often attempts to undermine her queen in order to usurp her position believing that she deserves to be the true regent of the Court of Darkness.


Nintra appears in stories as a tall and lanky female humanoid created from a dark and glass-like material. Her form is eternally wrapped in a cloak of dark shadows and smoke that consumes all light that draws near her. Her eyes are said to be piercing emeralds that glow like flames and she speaks in a lilting high-pitched voice.


Nintra Siotta is a master of shadows and illusion magic, conjuring necrotic bolts of magic that infect and poison her foes. She is physically threatening as well with long claws on both her hands and feet that can tear through flesh. In some stories she can conjure an army of shadow glass warrior constructs that obey her commands. In addition to her tactical abilities, she is a master of the divination arts with the particular ability to see visions of unfortunate events.

Divine Domains

Poison, Illusions, and Shadows

Divine Symbols & Sigils

An orb filled with swirling shadows
Divine Classification
Lesser God, Archfey
Chaotic Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Princess of the Shadow Glass
The Lady of Dread Omens
Seeker of the Three Crowns
Bishop of the Court of Darkness