The Queen of Nothing and Darkness

The Dark Faerie

The Queen of Nothing and Darkness is a Lesser God who serves under Silvox the Spring Child and a member of the Fiadmorai, the court of Archfey demigods. She has no other title or true name but is sometimes referred to as the Dark Faerie in myths and legends and is revered as the goddess of all evil fey. In the Fiadmorai, she holds the position of the Black Queen.   The Queen was once the sister of Titania the Faerie Queen but when a group of Gloura - faeries from the darkest depths of the Faewild - came to offer tribute to the Fiadmorai and Titania was away from the palace, the Queen accepted the gift in her stead.  The gift contained a ten-faceted black diamond known as the Night Diamond.  The diamond began to corrupt and destroy the Queen's form and twisting her nature.  Once her body decayed into nothing and her spirit turned into an evil shade of the pure heart it once was, the newly awakened Queen of Nothing and Darkness descended into the deepest roots of the Kryptgarden and took her place as her sister's counterpart in the Court of Shadows.   Her throne in the Court of Shadows sits empty as she doesn't have a physical form.  Instead, the Night Diamond shines on the top of the throne and casts its haunting shadows across the court.


The Queen has no true physical form, having long lost it to the Night Diamond.  Her form can be viewed through magic or when she projects an image of a tall dark manifestation of Titania whose body has turned gray and decaying. 


The Queen of Nothing and Darkness is the personification of corruption and decay.  Her influence can turn any creature connected to the fey into a dark incarnation to serve her and the Court of Shadows.

Divine Domains

Air, Chaos, Darkness, and Trickery


The Night Diamond

Divine Symbols & Sigils

a black diamond


Divine Classification
Lesser God, Archfey
Chaotic Evil