Omniod (Om-Knee-Odd)

The Void

Omniod, referred to by the Holy Church as 'The Void' or 'Endbringer' is one of the nine Gods of Order.   Despite his title as a God of Order, it's often debated whether the Endbringer should belong in that classification.  He is the ultimate embodiment of destructive force and the representation of all that is negative in the world.  A terrifying beast that the scriptures state was locked away in his Divine Domain deep within the Tomb of Tartarus, a small floating isle of obsidian that resides in the deepest levels of the Chaos.  It is often been argued in the Church that the Void should be re-classified with the Gods of Chaos but it has never happened.  The counterargument is that the balance of good and evil is a part of Order, and the Chaos represents uncontrolled potential - not inherently evil or destruction.   Still the Void plays a large part in the teachings of the Church.  That your darker impulses only feed the Void and make him stronger.  That when He gets strong enough to break free from the Infinite Abyss, He will begin the end times and start the consume everything in the universe.  A number of other end times beliefs often tie in The Void to their prophecies.  Some believe that The Guardian himself will unleash His dark brother from the Abyss when the time is right for the Disc to end and usher in a new creation.  Many doomsday cults have existed over the ages that actively have tried to usher in the coming of the Void or His dark servants.   While rare, offerings made to the Void include blood sacrifices when the moons are obscured or on the rare celestial event of a moonless sky (called a Void Night, which only happens once every few decades.)

Other Cultures

The Southern Wilds

Surprisingly, amongst the beastkin of the Wilds the Void is actually viewed as female and dubbed the Mother of Darkness.  While the Beastkin may admit they are 'monstrous' in appearance, they believe that the Mother of Darkness is the actual mother of the monsters in the world.  That in times long past, she gave birth to the hordes of strange and dangerous monsters that now litter the world.  She is mostly worshipped out of fear though some seek to gain her favor to call forth and control monsters from Her domain. The symbol of the Mother of Darkness is a black handprint usually made using paint or ash.


To the dragonborn, the Void is called Vuthehis (Vu-They-Hiss) the Black Nothing and is considered the pit of the World Dragon's stomach.  Vuthehis is the dragonborn equivalent of The King of Crows and serves as their death god with the belief that everything returns to nothing.  When a dragonborn is banished as an Iosvih'elen it is said that they've given their scales to Vuthehis (a similar saying to having "one foot in the grave").  Vuthehis is not viewed as a positive force, merely an inevitable one.  His symbol is a spiral.

Dwarven Faith

The Old Ways of the Dwarves do not worship or even acknowledge the Void.

The Path of Udira'ja

Those who walk the path of the Crystal do not worship or believe in evil gods, instead choosing to believe that gods are a positive force in the world and that evil comes from within the heart.

Other Information

Divine Domains

Tempest, Death


The Wand of Omniod
The Sphere of Annihilation (not to be confused with its 'lesser' copies)

Holy Books & Codes

The Holy Tome of the Church

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Nine pointed swirl shape, usually black

Tenets of Faith

1. Everything ends. Do not think anything will be spared.
2. Gorge yourself on the pleasures of this world, shed blood if the feeling takes you, all is temporary.
3. Destruction is simply embracing fate. Do not fight the current.


Eve of Oblivion (19th of Low Night)
Feast of the Gods (10th of Low Day)
The month of High Night is referred to as the Hour of the Void and is seen as His month of observance.
Divine Classification
God of Order
Chaotic Evil