Migisi Sarakhet Character in Drakokrystal | World Anvil

Migisi Sarakhet

Migisi was born a slave and rose to become a great leader of her people. She was one of the delegates at The Greencross Summit and won a duel against Leofric Leventhorpe to ensure that the Prohibition of Slavery was part of The Ten Treaties.   Along with Tsula Sitra, she is considered one of the great heroes of Sekhtyr people.  After her death she was canonized as a Saint.  

Early Life

  Migisi was born into slavery in the Kingdom of Crosvyre at some point in the year 322 of the 7th Era. It is not known which day exactly, but is assumed to have been during the spring. When she was born, she was separated from her parents and placed in one of the many "orphanages" that the children of slaves in the Kingdom were sent to. She was raised to know only servitude as were just about every Sekhtyr born in the Kingdom. They had given her the name Valindra.   She met Tsula Sitra for the first time at The Shawe Institute where she was raised. Tsula was called Meorise at the time and was two years older. When Migisi was 12, she was purchased by Baron Urian Loracyne along with Tsula.  

Teenage Years

  The Baron was a wicked and cruel man. He placed harsh and often impossible standards on his slaves, manly so he could meter out punishments to them. There are few accounts of this time in Migisi and Tsula's lives.  

The Rebellion

  On Sekhnurys 20th, 341E7 Tsula and Migisi had overheard the Baron discussing the slave revolt that had, in a mere two days, secured a small foothold in the Korsakian Colonies. They were certain that the slaves were only capable of doing so because Safiera, who had just declared independence from them, was doing most of the work. The fact that others were throwing off their chains inspired the pair. They gathered a small group of the other slaves of the Baron and snuck out around just before midnight on the 22nd. During this escape, Migisi used a kitchen knife to slit the throat of one of the soldiers at the castle and the group broke into the armory. They planned to make a break for the neighboring Kingdom of Gryvane and seek aid there. Early in the morning on the 23rd they made a nearly fatal detour to the Shawe Insitute. Freeing the other children there and burning the place to the ground. Many of the staff decided to fight the rebels instead of running when they were warned, at least according to Migisi's account. In any case, most of the staff were killed. This revenge fueled attack nearly resulted in the group's death as a group of soldiers hunting them were able to catch up. A small firefight cost half the group's lives. The next day they crossed into Basinguard County and found their way to Count Edmund Halpine's Castle. An audience was granted to Tsula alone. The result of that audience in the short term was a refugee camp being set up for the rebels. In time, the Count was able to push the King into joing the Cyryx War for Independence.  

The War Years

  Migisi, Tsula, and most of the rebels that were old enough joined the Count's military after they were granted refuge in Gryvane. They spent most of the time before Gryvane formally joined the war training. In 341E7, Migisi was one of the first soldiers to march across the border. After three months of fighting her unit was pulled from the frontlines of the fight. The Sekhtyrn Protectorate was esablished and she along with the former rebels were releived from their oaths to the Count so they could form the basis of the Protectorate's military. A militia force was raised and trained quickly. Migisi did her best to prepare those who were willing to fight for what they would face. Tsula, as the appointed leader of this new nation, was no longer involved in the fight directly. Migisi would gain a repuation as a skilled tactician throughout the war.   In 362E7, she temporarily left the frontlines to participate in The Greencross Summit. The Kings of Gryvane, Raanvyre, and Ivanavyne had been conspiring to finally destroy and partition Crosvyre. Eventually they decided that creating an Empire of different nations united in a loose federation would be the best long term way to protect their new conquests. At the time, the war had been in a stalemate for over a decade. The fresh combatants of Raanvyre, Ivanavyne, Tashangan, and The Queendom of Vahl were considered to the solution to get things moving again. The early portions of the Summit went well as far as Migisi was concerned. When the topic of slavery was brought up most of the delegates were in favor of prohibiting it. Leofric of Raanvyre strongly disagreed. Raanvyre was the only Kingdom in this prospective alliance that made extensive use of slave labor. Migisi attempted to describe its evils to Leofric, who was unmoved. He did not view any non-Elves as worthy of his respect. The fact that Migisi was a former slave caused him to try and have her formally ejected from the Summit on the grounds that she was unworthy to be on the same footing as nobility. She challenged him to a duel of swords at dawn. He accepted her challange, not because he respected it, but because he was certain of his swordsmanship. As Leofric was a Raanvyre noble, he practiced swordsmanship everyday. However, he never saw the field of battle. Migisi had some formal training before the war, but was hardened by many close encounters in the trenches.   Leofric opened the duel on the offensive, intending to end it swiftly and prove his superiority. He was surprised when Migisi was able to hold her own without seeming to break a sweat. He falutered in his disbelief, losing his left eye for his trouble. Migisi offered him a chance to yield the fight with honor after this for she could have simply killed him in that moment. Leofric breifly pretended to consider to gain an advantage. His furious series of attacks had her off balance. When he knocked the sword out of her hand, he stopped to gloat instead of killing her. Demanding that she yield and doublely so that she should be made his slave to attone for her "sin" of harming someone of a higher station than her. He forgot, or did not account for, the fact that Sekhtyr have retractable claws. Migisi slashed his throat open and would have killed him if not for the intervention of his assistant. Leofric's assistant yielded on his behalf as he could no longer speak and swiftly dragged him away for medical aid. Leofric would survive this encounter, but could never speak louder than a whisper ever again.   The war would carry on until 365E7 when it finally ended. While Crosvyre was not fully destroyed at the time, the Members of the Ivaruna Empire were willing to accept that not all their goals had been accomplished.  

After the War and Death

  In 380E7, she was elected as the 2nd President of The Sekhtyrn Republic. She held the office for three terms (18 years total) reaching the term limit as Tsula did before her. During her time in office, she continued many of the policies that Tsula laid down before her. Her second term saw a rough world economic situation. While historians criticize her economic policies of the time, the Republic fared better than many.   She was diagnosed with atrial fibrillation in 402E7, in 404E7 she had passed away due to a stroke.


  In 410E7, The Order of the Golden Claw canonized her as a Saint. This Sainthood is sometimes recognized by other Orders, but not uniformly. She is considered to be the Patron Saint of warriors.
Divine Classification
322 e7 404 e7 82 years old
Aktu (Then called Ravenhollow)
Place of Death
Golden Yellow
Aligned Organization

Cover image: by Simon Kim


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