Reg'naii Desert

The southern most region of the Mortal Realm, claimed by the city-state of Reg'naat. Traveling through the desert without the guide can be extremely dangerous. While few creatures lurk in the sands, the environment itself is the biggest threat. It is extremely easy for someone unexperienced to get lost and wander aimlessly. With the sweltering heat during the day, freezing cold at night and water nowhere to be found, travel can be very unforgiving. The exception lies at the desert's heart, where the Reg'naii River flows and life flourishes. The rarity of water sources leaves all settlements outside the city's walls dotted along its banks where the sendiment rich soil enables a surprisingly large farming network to keep everyone fed. Additionally, the region has proven too be fairly safe to draconic threats, especially when compared to their northern neighbor. Experts believe that the relatively low levels of draconic incursions in its past were due to the intense weather being too inhospitable for many dragon breeds to endure the long flights to reach their towns, causing them to instead opt for the more bearable targets in Deuria. Not unscarred by the dragons, the citizens do find some solace knowing that the desert is unforgiving to their enemies as well and gladly endure the heat of the sun to that of dragon fire.


The Reg'naat region's location within the Mortal creates one primary border on its northern edge with Deuria and a small eastern border deep in the desert with the Dragon Lands. Along the northern border are two mountain ranges. The Gold Tooth Mountains are fully claimed and undisputed terriroty of Reg'naat while the larger Desert's Spine Mountains are currently disputed with Deuria. This dispute is largely constricted to on paper as Reg'naat has opened mining operations into them with little pushback from the Collective and no efforts to do the same on their side. The southern coast creates the southern border but it remains unsettled. Reg'naat's border extends far east to occupy some of the frontier's border but functionally stops just past the southern tip of the Reg'naii river. The logistics of moving so far from the river until another stable source of water can be found deeper east leave such ideas untenable.

Points of Interest

Most of the land in the desert is unsettled and civilization closely hugs the shores of the river. This leaves the most important parts of the region condensed to a specific area. There are still significant locations that have proven worth the extensive effort to maintain far from its shores though such as:
  • Desert's Spine Mountains : The largest and northern most mountains of the Reg'naat region, they are currently disputed territory with Deuria. Neither side pushed strong claims to the mountains until relatively recently. Only in the last few decades have the syndicates of Reg'naat begun operations in the mountains, searching for precious metals.
  • Glimmer Bay: Where the river meets the sea, the runoff of sediment mixing with the ocean water creates a beautiful glistening effect on the water's surface. Being so close to the city, many ports sit upon the shores to regulate all incoming or outgoing trade ships as well as facilitate an enormous fishing trade. The river forks many times near the coast, creating a broad farmland as well. The rich concentration of resources and trade in what is normally a very restrictive environment has caused Gimmer Bay to become the largest grouping of settlements outside of one of the cities in the Mortal Realm.
  • Reg'naii River: A massive forked river that runs from the north and east, meets at the center and then flows to the western coast. The river flows from two large underground reservoirs, carrying nutrient rich sediments and minerals to the surface to fertilize its banks. This river provides the near entirey of drinking water to the people and allows for a strong farming industry to keep its people well fed.

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