Scale Blades

Born From the Ashes


The formation of the Scale Blades took place after the signing of the Accords and classifies them as a New Age guild. While the Accords lead to the voluntary, but many times forcible, dissolution of guilds, it also lead to new ones rising from their ashes. The Scale Blades is the longest lived example of a New Age guild. While some dragon slayers adapted to the new order, many refused and fled. This drive to continue the hunt inevitably brought these stragglers together into forming the Scale Blades. With no legacy to speak of and no reserve of resources from the Golden Age to draw upon, the guild found itself constantly on the move to protect itself. This lack of foundation and roots to any specific city-state also turned into one of their greatest strengths for survival. The nomadic nature of the guild made it extremely difficult to track down by any pursuing authorities.

Modern Day

The Scale Blades are one of the most publicly active guilds still to this day. Many of its members are descendants of its founders, having been born and raised into the guild's ways. This has lead to the guild still harboring old resentment and feelings of abandonment from the early days of the Accords. It was only within the last century, with Deuria shifting to more and more openly anti-dragon policies and draconic raids becoming more common again, that the Scale Blades have begun shifting more of their presence to the city-state. The Magus Collective continues to largely ignore their arrival to Deuria in most instances, but has cracked down quiet ruthlessly whenever tensions rise with the Heirs of Deurem. The rivalry with the Heirs has proven a troublesome annoyance most of the time, but rarely escalated to anything beyond that. Even with that concern, the guild has finally been able to find some semblance of belonging since its formation. Their well known reputation for blatant practicing of the illegal trade has soured their reputations with Reg'naat and Merkonus, while making operations in Dracheim impossible. While not outright hostile, Scale Blades often find themselves having to watch their backs just a little bit more whenever their work takes them outside of Deuria.
Guild, Professional