History of Drimore

This is the complete history of those who dwell on the planet Drimore.

Before the Battle of Drimore

0 - 7050 BBD

There was once a time in ancient history, where Drimore was the battleground of the gods, with Fovos leading the charge to consume as much life as he could, and many other gods fighting back to stop his plotting. Eventually the time was won, but it left the land slightly warped.

  • 1000 BBD

    Birth of the Drimorians
    Life, Birth

    Working up to this year from 0 BBD, the Creator, Mishabar, Marcus, and Aldriel all collaborated to create the first mortal beings in all the universe on Drimore. The process for the gods only took a day, but for the passing of time, it actually took about a thousand years. The Drimorians are normal human beings, and the only race in existence that are closely made in the Creator's image. They were birthed in what is now the Ruins of Old Ithor.

After the Battle of Drimore

1 ABD - Present

After the Battle of Drimore happened, there was a great need to reduce the influence of the gods on the realm of the mortals. Thus the Creator forced the mortal realm into a dimension of time where the gods could no longer safely enter it, without losing themselves in the process. What ensued was a great period of time of the mortals figuring out more about themselves and the reality they lived in. Some of this was good, others, not good at all.

  • 5 ABD

    15 Arius

    Founding of Ancora

    On this day, Ancora was founded by traveling Drimorians looking for a new home after the destruction of their previous home after the battle of Drimore.

    Ancora City
    More reading
    Ancora Kingdom
  • 250 ABD

    Birth of the Daoine
    Life, Birth

    On this day, Aldriel touched down on Drimore and gave physical form to many of her star people, making them into the Daoine. Her very presence flooded the valley they were placed in with light, causing the trees to permanently glow with light in the night. The location of their birthplace is now the their capital Brighel.

  • 350 ABD

    Birth of the Alatash
    Life, Birth

    During this year, Mishabar lead some of his angels who wanted to live on Drimore, to take on mortal form and live among the Drimorians on Drimore. These new Alatash touched down in what is now Garrenis, and they have since spread out all over Drimore, mostly living in high up places such as cloud cities, and mountains.

    More reading
  • 450 ABD

    Birth of the Mousefolk
    Life, Birth

    On this day, Kardan created the first Mousefolk and placed them on Darum primarily for plans he had in the future of Drimore's history. The first city the Mousefolk founded was later called Puckleswiss.

    More reading
  • 650 ABD

    Birth of the Merfolk
    Life, Birth

    During this year, Marcus and Henry created the first Merfolk and placed them in the seas of Drimore. Their purpose as unclear and fluid as the sea, these unique humanoids are also very rare and hard to find, especially depending on what ethnicity they are. They are of the few races who's ethnicity is less determined on coloring, and more so on their whole other half of their bodies.

  • 930 ABD

    13 Celetus

    Birth of Aurra Maudelyn
    Life, Birth

    During this year, Aurra was born to Priestess Renna Shalee Maudelyn and Councilman Airdan Jolynn Maudelyn, the parents she never truly knew.

    More reading
    Aurra Ianarie Maudelyn
  • 1005 ABD

    12 Rethlius 03:00

    The Birth of Waru Abe
    Life, Birth

    On this forsaken day, Waru was born into his life of misery and mistreatment, right along with his vampire twin brother.

    More reading
    Waru Abe
  • 1005 ABD

    12 Rethlius 04:00

    Birth of the Vampires
    Life, Birth

    On this year, Fovos had been freed from Hell for about 5 years, and he came up with an idea to slowly regain a foothold in the mortal realm. He decided to have relations with both a Drimorian and Alatash woman and they gave birth to the first Vampires in Drimore.

    More reading
  • 1020 ABD

    33 Arius 10:00

    Birth of Serran Nuwar
    Life, Birth

    On this day, in the morning, Serran hatched from his egg, a healthy young boy.

    More reading
    Serran Nuwar
  • 1031 ABD

    25 Clary

    Creation of the Pearl Draconians
    Life, Birth

    The birth of the Astrelian twins marks the creation of a new Draconic tribe, the Pearl Tribe. In addition, this also marks the first recorded cross between a Daoine and a Quartz Draconian and, in fact, is the first recorded birth of a Half-Daoine(Half-Elf) of any type.

  • 1031 ABD

    25 Clary

    Birth of Caelum and Anaga Astrelian
    Life, Birth

    On this day, Caelum and Anaga Astrelian, the twin son and daughter of a relatively wealthy pair of merchants. A Quartz Draconian named Lyn and a Desert Daoine named Heliaster.

  • 1046 ABD

    28 Clary

    Birth of Chast Temnaya
    Life, Birth

    On this day, Chast was created.