The Summer Forest

The Summer Forest is ruled by Queen Saraminne, who is married to King Felthres. The two have two children, the Crown Princess Vantella, and the younger Prince Kylneris. The Summer Forest, as its name suggests, is a forest in a perpetual state of summer. The Summer Forest is home to the Summer Shrine, an elaborate monument in the centre of the Forest. Eladrin born in the Summer Forest retain their summer qualities regardless of environmental season, as they go through a ritual somewhat like baptism as a coming of age ceremony in the waters of the Summer Shrine; royals of the Summer Forest undergo this ceremony at birth. Eladrin born outside of the Forests may also go through this ritual if they wish to become a citizen of the Summer Forest, though adult citizens of the other four Forests may not undergo this ritual, as they have already undergone the ritual of their own Forest. Eladrin of the Summer Forest are fiery and fierce, bold and aggressive. They often engage in ritual combat, with many rules surrounding engagement in this type of combat. One may also become the rightful ruler of the Summer Forest by defeating the current leader of the Summer Forest in this ritual combat, ensuring that the leader of the Summer Forest is the strongest eladrin among them.
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