Whisper Character in Dungeon World | World Anvil
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A young half elf woman who claims to have darkness spirit heritage and has some unusual characteristics to back it up: her dark hair, eyes, and skin seem to reflect much less light than other peoples'.   Abandoned as a child in a small village along the northern border of The Kingdom of Delyn Wyn and The Kingdom of Slibro she survived by taking advantage of her ability to remain hidden in darkness and traveling to new areas whenever people started noticing her exploits. She spent a good portion of her life in the Delyn Wyn capital of Llegyn where she learned from another like her named Torann of others like themselves called airidh, half elves with elemental spirit ancestry. In an effort to learn more about herself and those like her she traveled to Kyros University to learn what their scholars have recorded about elemental spirits but was caught by Congress kidnappers on her way to the university at Aguntun.
Current Location
Young adult

Given Name

Neamhní (nyehv-NEE)

Character Portrait image: by artbreeder


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