Carole Bluedrop

Miss Carole Bluedrop- Tigerfin (a.k.a. Ms. Blue, Mama Blue, Carole)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Carole opened Carole's Reef with her husband nearly 30 years ago. Taking over the space from a more traditional tavern, Carole had a vission for the space that she made a reality. Life long Luna Cove resident, she had no desire to be an adventurer. As such she just atneded the standard highschool. However she loved hearing the stories and beeing around adventurers and the students of Luna Cove's Elms Academic High School. In those days the only thing most kids could do was hang around the beach and bring their own food and drinks from home. 
Carole loved cookign on the beach and found a system that would let her set up a charcole grill and grill burgers and sasauges. She would charge 5 copper peices for one, a copper for a Rutter Soda and another coper for chips, about 7 copper for a cheap beach meal. Nothing to write home about but for the students of LCAH on scholorship or looking to save coin it was a god send. This was how she met Ty Bluedrop, a student at LCAH she found his story particularly fasinating. A foreinger from Balies and the child of diplomats he wished to make his own way in the world. He introduced a sport from Balies to the teens and beach goers of Luna Cove, surfing. 
When she was 15 Ty left his parents home a used his saved money as an adventure to get an old van and apartment in Downtown. By then Ty and her had started dating and Ty had become a regular instalment at the Tigerfin house. Even her parents liked him, showing respect for there ways and habits and clearly showing a love for her. By the time she was 18 Ty had established himself as the owner of Bluedrop Woodworks and her parents were quite ready to here a weding date. Two years after that Ty encuraged her to take over the old beach tavern, whos owner was getting on in years. Remembering the old beach cookouts she would run she uped her prices a bit to give beter quality but kelpt things simple and good. Burgers, dogs, fries, soda and shakes at a resanable price.


Ty Bluedrop

Husband (Important)

Towards Carole Bluedrop



Carole Bluedrop

Wife (Important)

Towards Ty Bluedrop




Ty and Carole first met in their teen years. While Ty was a student at the LCAH and Carole atended the Standard High School. After Ty turned 18 he left his families home and lived as an adventurer for two years along with Carole who was 3 years his junior. They got married when Carole turned 18 and have called Luna Cove home ever since.

Dotty Flanneledge

Best Friends

Towards Carole Bluedrop



Carole Bluedrop

Best Friends

Towards Dotty Flanneledge




Carole and Dotty used to work together at the tavern that would become Carole's Reef. After Carole opened her resturant Dotty had every intention to just keep working at the resturant. However Carole and her husband Ty both encuraged her to be her own person, seeing her creativity wasted just working for others. So five years ago with their help she purchesed and opned her bakery. While most would think this would create a rivaly it has actualy caused the oposite. Carole almost exlusivly buys her baked goods from Dotty and Dotty inturn has never really liked cooking outside of baked goods. Early risers with time will hit up the Reef for a full breackfast while those in a bit more of  rush will pop in Dotty's for a pick-me-up. Late shift officers who are on breack can stop in Dotty's for a coffee and donut while those coming off shift and need a real meal can go to Carole's for a late night scramble.

Ty Bluedrop (Husband)
Ruled Locations


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