Dotty Flanneledge

Dotty is the owner of Dotty's Bakery in Luna Cove

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Dotty is a 2nd generation personal modle android from the 6th dance, originally built as a personal chef she actually loved her work very much her former master perfering her to make baked goods as they has a particular sweet tooth. Dotty awoke not long after The Cataclysm and the Day of Rainbow Fire and made her way into Luna Cove for a number of years she worked with verius taverns that called the city home. Then up until 5 years ago she worked at Carole's Reef who in turn encuraged Dotty to take the chance to be her own boss. Were upon she opened her bakery.


Dotty Flanneledge

Best Friends

Towards Carole Bluedrop



Carole Bluedrop

Best Friends

Towards Dotty Flanneledge




Carole and Dotty used to work together at the tavern that would become Carole's Reef. After Carole opened her resturant Dotty had every intention to just keep working at the resturant. However Carole and her husband Ty both encuraged her to be her own person, seeing her creativity wasted just working for others. So five years ago with their help she purchesed and opned her bakery. While most would think this would create a rivaly it has actualy caused the oposite. Carole almost exlusivly buys her baked goods from Dotty and Dotty inturn has never really liked cooking outside of baked goods. Early risers with time will hit up the Reef for a full breackfast while those in a bit more of  rush will pop in Dotty's for a pick-me-up. Late shift officers who are on breack can stop in Dotty's for a coffee and donut while those coming off shift and need a real meal can go to Carole's for a late night scramble.

Ruled Locations


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