Roger Tel'est Character in E'ven-dra | World Anvil

Roger Tel'est

(a.k.a. The Locus of Sucellus)

The founder and village head man of Roger's Farm.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Much of Roger's history is a mistery and those that do know some do not know the full scope. What is known is that he was a member of the The Holy Noble Knights of Rosic, though he will always say he is proof that they are neither entirly holy or noble. While in the order he showed loyalty to Avalon first, Rosic and its leader second, his family third, and the Knights a distant fourth. This however left a bitter taste in the mouths of the members that prioritiesed the Knights and their goals over everything. Despite this he surved the in the Knights till he left of his on will some 60 years ago. Though many belive he was forced out by the polotics of it all, these are baseless rumors. Roger left the Knights simply because he had servered his time and was ready to focus on himself and his family.
After leaving the Knights, Roger, his wife and several others made their way to the Luna Cove region of Elms. There he used his conections to get aproval to aproach the local Tabaxi tribes and nagotiate a land claim. While the specifics are only known to Rager and the Tabaxi leader a deal was struck. So long as Roger and his folck avoided certain sacred areas to the Tabaxi, or if they had to at least inform a member of the tribe and ask permision before doing so, then they were free to live in the area that would become the farm. Roger brought with him a smal heard of one dozen cows and two dozen axe beaks, establishing with the tabaxi's help a central farm for Roger, his family and friends to live.
When The Cataclysm and the Day of Rainbow Fire hapened the Farm was relativly uneffected but when missionaries of The Harvest King Sucellus started showing up he thought nothing of it. Seeing the village grow, Luna Coves County Executive at the time apointed Roger as village headman and was told to report any issues to the Copper Stout mayor. At first the new settelers were a welcome site the hope that they would help grow the village into a proper town rogger belived his appointment as headman would only be for 5-6 years. However these thoughts went out the window about as soon as the head of worshipers showed up. It became quite clear that he had thoughts about Roger and his people along witht he tabaxi natives. Before the end of the second year the sects leader had ordered his people to clear cut an area of near by wood to establish a "new" center of worship. The Issue was that the area he had them clear cut was an extremly sacred area to the tabaxi and their own traditional religion. When a tabaxi priest tried to stop them they murdered him and desicrated his body for all to see. As headman Roger was within his right to arrest the men behind it, however the Church Sucellus closed ranks and protected the muderers even claiming they did no crime killing a "beast". This was a line that caused Roger to remind them that only The Lords of Avalon could parden a crime and that if they didn't hand over the muderers then he would deputise the local tabaxi and he along with them would raid and the church. When the sect leader tried caling his bluff, Roger showed he was not.
What was originaly just supposed to be 8 men under arrest ended with 25 dead, 30 arrests and dozens injured. Roger's hilself was said to be responsible for the atleast 10 of the dead, this should have been the only reminder for people that he was once a Knight of the Rosic. Refusing to let the sect leader die and becoem a marter for his belifes, Roger ensured he was arested and sent to Dracul for his part in the carnage that he had broght to area. For the next 20 years it seemed as though the message was recived by the remaining sect members.
At this point the son of the imprisoned sect leader returned to area to take up his fathers cause. Haveing been away at school and "pilgrimaging" through out Avalon to spread the word of their god. Haveing been a sort of exil he did not return until he had his own "army" to fight the heathens of the area. When he arived he came with a second wave of human settlers, this one more radical than the last and unaware or cairing of the events of the 20 years ago. Using this as a basses for it, the son called a meeting of no confidence in Roger as headman. At the same time while he had brought several dozen more settelers he still laked the numbers, as many of the new residence were ineligable to participate under Avalonian law haveing only been in the for 1-2 years, a minimum of 5 years residence was required to able to vote on local issues.
Despite all these facts Roger has always been one to hummor the sect as a way to try and mend fences. However the event that would forever paint Roger as the "The Locus of Sucellus" would start the night before the town meeting the sect called for. The son of the former sect leader and 25 of his most devoted followers snuck towards the town hall, bericaded the doors and lit the hall on fire. They belived Roger and some of the other towns elders including several respected members of the Tabaxi comunity were inside working late. In truth the reason the hall was still active because a group of some 126 members of the The Elms Academic Councils Young Adventures program, 16 actual adults, 16 teens between 13-19 and 94 children ranging from 8-12 years of age. Dispite most of the adults being skilled adventurers, the fire was set to spread in such a way as to go as fast as posible and leave them as supriesed as posible. 
Of the 126 people inside the town hall when the sect set it on fire only 12 survived. Among the victims included three of his own children, two, a son and daughter, were among the children and the third, a second daughter, was among the teens. Up till this point Roger simply wished maintain the peace and while his freinds had been hurt by the events he personly had not yet been effected up to this point. When the fire was out and Roger knew the fate of his children he did not weep. He simply walk towards the sects area and knocked on the home of the former leaders home, which was still home to his wife and at the moment his eldest son, who set the blaze. When she hautily anserwed and was shocked to see him it is said that he simply said one thing, "the boy has three days, thats how long it will take to arange my son and daughters funerals. He can try and his filth can try and hide but tell that hat the Wolves of Crimson Moon come from him". 
As promised, three days later Roger, his wife and two others, a half-orc and half-elf who also lost family in the fire and were members of the original settelers that came with Roger from Rosic, entered the woods. The only things they took were simple survival gear. Over the next month the Roger and his fellows would sitimaticly trak, hunt, torture, and capture the 25 sects members and their leader. In fact it is said that roger made it his mission to capture the leader first. Of the 26, 17 died in the hunt, 5 left physicaly disabled and 3 mentaly. Roger would admit that by the time hi did capture the leader he had already killed 4 of his follower broken 1 mentaly and 2 were likly only going to be able to walk again with the help of regeneration magic. The rest he, his wife and the others made into examples. The other 13 dead had chosen to resist or took their own life realising the fate that awaited them if they were captured. The others that were tortured were done so btween these remaining deaths, in an atempt to find the remaining people. 
Roger claims that the sect leader never broke, beliving that the crimes they were comiting would come back to bite them and that the Lords of Avalon would not take their vigilantisum lightly. After a month he did break when Artoria Pendragon and her forces showed up in camp. But instead of chastising Roger she simply hugged him and his wife and apoulogized for what had happend. It seemed that the leaders mother had never told him the message, or he did not understand. Roger and his men were not simply members of the Knights of Rosic but elit members of the Knights of the Crimson Moon, or as many who knew of the knights the wolves of Rosic. Specializing in survival, tracking and entrenched mission these knights were more like gorila soldire or marrines sent to take on the hardest jobs and do what was needed. Roger, his wife and all the original settelers of the area were retired members of that order. The sect leader now knew he had not simply stept on the tail of some cat but the tail of chimara. For The Knights of the Crimson Moon were but one part of a greater order, The Knights of the Three Moons. Artoria's private order that surved her directly before the establishment of the Lords of Avalon and in turn now acted as the personal guards and special forces of the Lords. To mess with one order was to mess with all three. 
No parden came for the sect leader only a swift and public exacuation infront of his followers, and the comnplet excamulication of all members of the sect in the town. Even now while the town still has a church to Sucellus it is not an official one and cunsidered a prodistant and exiled sect. Its members not recognized as official mebers of the comunity. Roger and his remaing men now act more like wardens in a prison camp, never letting the sect members forget that they chose to enter a wolves den and thought themselves lords. Recently a new leader has steped up, many of his words cause Roger to think on the past and worry for the future.
Current Location
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Founded Settlements


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