The Elms Academic Council Organization in E'ven-dra | World Anvil

The Elms Academic Council

Elms calls itself a city of scholars but is truly home to any with a thirst for knowledge. While Elms mostly referes to the actual city located in the North western region of Northern Avalon it also refers to the educational oginization of region.


Elms is orginized much like any modern school or university with one large exception. The "Board of Truties" and "PTA" have almost no authority to remove the siting chansalor. Or at least they can try but its a nknown fact that it would require them having to defeat Emrys Le'fey along with their replacement.
At the top of Elms sits the current Chairman Emrys Le'fey. Directly below him are the "Board of Truties" and "PTA", these are mostly self orginized groups how have given money or sponsorship to the academy in some way or another. because of this many new members and their children belive they should have more power of beble to get away with things. It always happens and it always ends about the same reguardless of how many stories are spread involing a sudent or a parent being turned into a mouse and nearly eaten by a cat. Every few years one of these people thinks they can assert control over Chairman Le'fey only to fail. Older members have come to trust the method to his madness and let things go.


Almost every magor setilment has a branch of the Academies primary school, teaching students between the ages of 6 and 12 basic mathamatics, history, and language arts among other subjects. During this time students are fead and cared for throughout the day for free. The fact of the matter is these schools are just like our own elementry and middle schools. They teach basic skills and knowledge to children but are mostly operated by autonimusly and actualy operated by rank and file members of The Lords of Avalon . Really all Elms dose is provide cariculums, tests, and to some extent even teacher for these basic schools. However this changes for students and families after 13.
Those between 13 and 14 are still offered to attend the Elms General Academy for free where their free academic jurney ends after 15. But those who receive a reamendation or choose to take the the near harrowing exam can atempt to join one of Elms Junior Academies. While the General Academy is about on par to an american public junior high (think 7-8th grade). The actualy Junior Academy is a specialty school, think a magnet school meets boarding school in many casses, here students push themselves to to achive greater hights both academicly and practicaly. Were students are not only cuntinuing their edjucation but also get the opertunity to begin practical learning in what would amount to game classes. Thats right Elms Junior academy and inturn the Elms High Academy are adventuring schools. Were students are given the opertunity to learn standard moves and technics of the verius player classes. The Junior Academies are still free for those that enter but also offer a place for starting at 15 and end at 16, a students freshman year in the states. After this teens aged 16-18 can regaurdless of persutes may test into the Elms High Academy following one of the varius coarse tracks, i.e. player classes. However High Academy is not free, students are expected to maintain certain levels of academic achivement, i.e. dont fail, and pay tuition fees. However the Schools do ofer a work around, students with a parent or guardian's permision may partake in what the Chairman of Elms calls the Young Adventurs Program, or YAP for short.
  In this program the school takes the role of what many would call an adventurers guild and offers students from varius tracks to form parties and take on jobs to earn credit and in some cases actual gold to reduce the cost of their edjucation. Now if your thinking isn't this a little iresponsible to send 15-18 year olds off on life threatening mission with no training i would like to stop you there becasue that is false. Most student that attend the High Acadamy are graduates of the Junior Academy meaning that these students have aleardy been training in a given class for the better part of 3 years and the equvilant of at least a 1st level character. On top of that the Elms as an orginization grades the quests and asigns limits, ie a group must be a certain grade (1st, 2nd, or 3rd year) must be made up of a certain number of people, or some other combination of requirments. As for liabliity someones going to say something about the teacher, AKA if a students fireball keeps improperly going off you may want to keep an eye on the wizard course teachers and see if one has an axe to grind. After Elms High Acadamy students are welcome to aplly and attend the main Emls University in the actual city of Elms at which point your basicly going to colledge.
  Ontop of this there are of course groups that keep an eye out for students. Many of the High Acadamies have Parent Teacher Assoiactions were parents and teachers are free to talk and diccuss things occuring at the school.
Educational, School/Academy
Alternative Names
Elms, Elms Academy, The Academy
Ruling Organization
Subsidiary Organizations
Notable Members

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