Roger's Farm Settlement in E'ven-dra | World Anvil

Roger's Farm

A small farming village that has never really seen better days. Ragger's Farm has been at the epicenter of a bloody dispute between zealous worshipers of The Harvest King Sucellus and local devotees of The Shadow Cat Cheshire. Located south of Dragon's Roost between Luna Cove and Copper Stout  in Luna Cove County in the State of Elms.


  • 40% Human
  • 40% Cat-sith (Tabaxi 
  • 10% Half-Elf
  • 5% Half-Orc
  • 5% Halfing


On papper Rogger's Farm is a normal village like anyother. For years Roger Tel'est has been the towns dully elected mayor. Having been the one that brokered the orriginal arrangment with the Cat-sith of the area. He was the only person that all parties could argee to let lead. However in truth he is little more than a figure head trying to keep some moticrum of peace between the Shadow Cat and Sucellus worshipers. Otherwise the leaders of these two groups are the the real leaders fo their factions


Roger's Farm is just that, a farming comunity that focuses on the rearing of Axe Beaks and Cows, mostly for their meat and hide/feathers. They also use these animals for the production of milk, cheese and eggs. Otherwise Roger's Farm is basicly a rest stop opn the way to Copper Stout. On one side sits the vilages small genreal store Sellign products worth up to 200 gp, a small raodside dinner and the villages gathering hall. Other than this it is just the homes of folks looking for a bit of suburbia.

Guilds and Factions

The Town is basicly broken into three factions. On side you have the zealotus human worshipers of The Harvest King Sucellus and on the other the traditionalist Cat-sith worshipers of the Shadow Cat. Then you have the rest of the town who have rallied behind the town mayor as a voice of reason. While the Cat-sith respect Roger for his respect of their woods and sacred spaces.
The Sucellus worshipers show a bare minimum of respect, knowing that if not for him they wouldn't even be allowed to be in the area. However their current leader, Priest Luke Irons, sermons have been thinly vaild comments on non humans being the cause of recent issues that have been happening in the cuntry as a whole. Even claiming a desiease that spread through the town a few years back were a divine punishment because they have cuntinued to "allow the cats to remain with their demon". 
This leaves the rest of the town town to actualy try and operate as a stop through on the way to Dragon's Roost and Copper Stout as well as the regions main dairy and meat provider.


Roger's Farm is named for the actualy farm owned by the town's founder Roger Tel'est. Origanaly from Rosic, he left the area to escape the growing conflict between The Holy Noble Knights of Rosic and the common warriors about 60 some years ago. Wanting a better life for himself and his, along with two dozen other Half Elf and Half-Orc families they left. Eventualy making it into the Luna Cove area they petitioned for land were they could start seteling down.
At the time the only land sutable for farming Cattle and Axe Beaks was a strach of land a local population of Tabaxi Cat-sith called home. The County Executive at the time told Roger that if he could get their permision then they would more than happy to assist in the establishment of a new village. Only Roger himself knows how he brockered the deal with the Tabaxi, but it was amickable to all parties and Roger was able to establish his farm. For nearly 10 years things were peacful till the The Cataclysm and the Day of Rainbow Fire. While the events of the Cataclysm did not really effect the farm much it was what came after that did.
Seeking to spread the word of their more openly excepted deity, missionaries of The Harvest King Sucellus spread to rural areas and farming comunities. Those that found purchase in magor population centers wound up traveling with flocks of their conrigation to areas were their worship made more seance. Hearing of the small vilage that had been founded only a few years before the Cataclysm a vast swath of Sucellus' worshipers moved to the area. At first Roger and his friends and family welcomed the new comers with open arms beliving that this would allow the village to grow. Beliving that with the help of the Tabaxi natives they could cuntinue to live peacfully. This went south about as soon as the leader of this sect Sucellus' followers arived. Having not heard that the leader of the farm was a Half-Elf or that they worked hand in hand with the local tabaxi, he went into a rage declaring that the land was tainted and that anything grown from it was a blasphemy against their god.
It took strong words from Roger and the the County Executive at the time to remind him that if didnt like it he could shove it and leave. As this sect was activly hostile to nearly 60% of the village they needed near constant reminding that they were the literal minority in the area. Roger was declared the village headman until such a time that the area could be cunsidered a Town and a real election could be heald. This was nearly 50 years ago and Roger's Farm is still just a village, with almost no help from the church of Sucellus. In those 50 years his human worshipers caused one mase casulty event after the other.
Almost 5 years after ariving, without any permistion or questions to the tabaxi locals they clear cut a massive section of near by woods in preperasion for the planting of crops, or at least thats what they claimed. It cant help but be mentioned that area is curently the main population center of Sucellus' worshipers including the masive church. This section of woods was an important area for the Tabaxi and the worship of thier racial deity The Shadow Cat. When a Tabaxi priest aproached the worshipers to stop them, they answered their cries to stop with the blades of their axes and plowes. The subsaquent desacration of the priest body and mocking brought a very swift reminder to the worshipers that they did not have the numbers they belived. Nearly 45% of the Worshipers were masacered Tabaxi warriors. Not helping were the fact that many of the local Half orc and Half elfs had taken to the worship of the Shadow Cat as they had no storng beilifes before ariving in the area.
Roger had sacured the propper notes and rights to deal witht he murders of the preist before the attack. This was in many ways the darkest momnet in the vilages history as it was basicly a written note from the The Lords of Avalon saying that the villagers of Roger's Farm had the right to capture the muderers and if they would not come willingly then Roger and his men had the right to use deadly force. The only person Roger's ordered was not to be killed was the Church's leader, who he knew had been the mastermind and would just be treated as a marter if killed. Roger personaly arrested and ensured they were sent to an Dracul Prison for life. With this the Tabaxi's rage was sated and things callmed down for a nearly 20 years.
Until again the worshipers of Sucellus started truble again. The son of the sects previous leader and his congragation called for the removal of Roger as the village headman. Despite the fact that they didnt have the votes, Roger had always shown a fareness to folks that wanted to have healthy disource. What none, not even Roger, expexted was for them to head to the village hall the morning of the meeting, bar the doors and set the place on fire. What they didnt know was that the group inside the building was not Roger and his folks preping for the meeting but an The Elms Academic Council youth group usingthe hall as a place to meet. One hunded twenty-six people were traped inside nearly 75% were children between the ages of 8-12, only 12 survived.
Three of Roger's children was among the victims, 2 were among the children and the third was in their late teens and died trying to save them and others. After this for the first and only time Roger droped all civility. By now most of the folks that called the village home had not known Roger before the farm, after the fire they now knew. The Sucellus leader at the time and 25 of his followers went into hiding and three days after that so did Roger, his wife and two others from among the original settlers. For the next month scream could be heard from the surounding area and the remaining original settlers sent word to Rosic. Whatever they sent caused non other than Artoria Pendragon, her own daughter Morigan, and a contingancy of the Knights of the Silver Moon to arive. The next day she and her men along with a Tabaxi guide enterd the woods, two days later Roger, his folks, along with Artoria and hers exited the woods. Of the 26 worshipers, including the curent leader, 17 were confirmed dead, the screams heard being their death wales. Of the remaining 9, five were tortured to the point of near death, and three more left insane. The leader was the only one left relativly untuched, but was left traumatised and later exacuted by The Lords of Avalon for his murders.
While some may have feared he would become a marter for the faith they were dashed by two factors. The bigest being that by this time the actions of the original leader and his whole family had been renounced by the main sect of the church of Sucellus. In fact the main branch had excamunicated them after they learned who Roger and his fellows were. For while the events of the woods were never told it was revealed that the reason Artoria her self showed up was because Roger and his people were all former Knights of the Crimson Moon, the elite attack force and survivalists of the Kights. The story about them leaving do to trubles with the rest of the knights were true but only half of it. Roger had been a loyal knights of the inner most circle and wished to retire, having surved Rossic even before Artoria had become lord. he and his wife were the original top knights that had trained the Crimson Moon and were happy to take a quite life in the contry, raise a few kids and animals. The others that came with them were former sabordinantes that had the same idea and now just wanted to be with their leaders as old war bodies.
In short the Church of the Harvest king had kicked a hornet's nest into a cave and awakened a sleeping dragon. They now knew that any further actions b this sect would just lead to more problems. After this things in Rogers have been quite, a new priest was assined to village and the tenssions settled down into a fewming cold war. Verbal spats between the the humans and the rest oft he town happne but most stop when Roger is around. However in the last five years things have begone to strain again. A new priest has taken up residence and many of the humans that truly rember the screams of when Roger went into the woods are still alive or live in the village. While the Tabaxi still respect Roger this new priest is clearly agitating the pot. the only question is will he cast the first stone and rewaken the dragon or will he try to make himself and his the victims this time?
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