The King of the Tower, Satan

The King in the Tower Samuel (a.k.a. The Horned King, The Imprisoned King)

Satan was not always his name, once at the dawn of time he was the youngest among the Archangels of the Heavens, Samuel. But when The Abyss, The Realm Death opened in Ashmear, Realm of the Grave and threatened the souls of the Material he stepped forward with out being asked. Recognizing the threat, he was gathered a celestial host comprised of his scout Dispater, his quartermaster Mammon, his loyal Ki-rin mount Belial, a young yet enthusiastic celestial called Lucifer, the joyful merrymaker Asmodeus, the hardworking Beelzebub, and his bestfriend Mephistopheles. Along with a host of hundreds of thousands of celestials, they descended onto the fields of Ashmear and started the Blood War defend the Material against the demons of the Abyss.
After countless ages of conflict the battled lulled enough that Samuel decided that he and his host could return to the Heavens for a time in hopes of recollecting themselves and better prepare for the next wave. But when he and he host arrived he found the gates bared and weapons Heavens guard's pointed at him and his host. Their time fighting the Demons had changed the host and the great celestials that lead it, no longer beautiful creatures of divine providence. They were something new, something fiendish. Samuel, whose wings had been darkened and chard by demon fire and fare skin now ruff, cracked and scared. His once gleaming armor now a patchwork of reused metals and his once elegant helm now the horned skull of a mighty demon he slew and the shining sword gone, replaced by a chipped hunk of steel. He and his Host were told that they still had a battle to finish and that so long as the Demons existed Heavens gates would remain shut. Angered and disgusted by the actions of Heaven, Samuel and his host found themselves completely cut off from the supplies they needed to fight the war he volunteered to fight.
Some say it was here that one of two things happened. One, The Deep Mother, Shiar appeared before the disheartened Samuel and gave him advice, others say that he and his host came to a dark decision on their own. Either way the next thing that happened all agree on, Samuel and the Host of Heaven fell. They began capturing the souls of the dead that came to Ashmear after dyeing on their way to the heavens and using them to power the war machines they made to fight the war they had to finish to return "home". By the time Heaven even realized it Samuel had finished construction of The Tower of the Nine Hells to act as a buffer between Ashmear and the Abyss and he and his devils, as the were now called, had been smart about what souls they took. 
The Heavens called for a trial of Samuel claiming he had blasphemed against the Divine and other higher powers by taking souls meant for them. In truth they realized that if the Divine realized what was happening and looked into it to deeply they would have found the fault in all parties. The Trial of Samuel as it came to be known was simple and fast half of heavens arguments and rezoning's were thrown back in their face as justification for a dozen others. the final nail being that the only souls he and his host had taken were those that would have been dined entry to heaven or any of the Divine Domains. In the aftermath of that sham of a trial Samuel was given complete control over The Blood War and Hell designated a punishment for those souls deemed unable to enter heaven. Eventual though other events Samuel abandoned the name and took one he saw more fitting a "dark" god as he had become, calling himself Satan.

Divine Domains

Order, Trickery, War

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A tower separated into nine levels, with the lowest level a ruby red, the rest a pitch black
Divine Classification
Dark God
Lawful Evil


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