The Tower of the Nine Hells

The masive prison fortress of devil kind. Hells tower can be reached from Ashmear but it is suggested against as the tower is a trap and horrifying reversal of understanding. 
Level Name Lord Title Sin
1 Avernus Astaroth The Fallen One Wrath
2 Dis Dispater The Lore Keeper Pride
3 Minauros Mammon Lord of Avarice Greed
4 Phlegethos Belial The Insatiable One Gluttony
5 Stygia Lucifer The Frozen Lord Envy
6 Malbolge Asmodeus Lord of Lust Lust
7 Maladomini Beelzebub The Lord of Flies Sloth 
8 Cania Mephistopheles The Idol One Treachery
9 Nessus Satan The Imprisoned King Heresy


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