Zakaria Crain

Zakaria Oliver Crain (a.k.a. Zak, Professor Crain)

The survivalist with a heart of gold. He teaches what the The Elms Academic Council calls home econonomics, but lets face it he's teaching these kids how to survive in all enviroments. They are also one of the professors of the expert tracks ranger course at Luna Cove's Elms Academic High School in Luna Cove.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Zak as he perfers to be called, can come off as a bit "abrasive" at first. But under all that gruff survivalist atitude is a man that truely cares for the well being of the stufdent body. Born in Roanoke he atended a local Eml's Academic High School and joined The Roanoke Land Guard  not long after. Assighned to the Avalon Heartlands for his first ten years he learned the importance of survival skills in a practical setting helping with the establishment of setlments. 
However his second tour would be what hardened him. Ten years in the Barrens can change a man and he learned quickly why most called him a fool for choosing to head in there to work along side The Rose Guard and The Hunters. He however learned the dangers of a place truly untamed by humanoids. He came back scared and haunted he then transfered to the The Wardens of Dracul  for five years. 
This is Zak first year as a teacher after he was granted an earl discharge for his work with the Wardens. Now in his 40s he has chossen to teach, but not much is known as to why he chose Luna Cove. While many professors come and go the previous proffesor left no note or warring as to what happened to them. All thats known is that they sent a note to Principal Andrew Redman halfway through the privious summer, that they would not be returning, and about a week later Zak applied and got the job.
This article has no secrets.


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