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Mr. Garrett's Public Speaking Class

Classroom B3, nestled within the halls of the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted, is a dynamic space where the art of communication flourishes. Established during the academy's early years, this room has undergone transformations that mirror the evolution of education itself.   Originally conceived as a standard classroom, B3 quickly adapted to the changing educational landscape. By 2030, it found a new purpose as a realm of public speaking and communication under the guidance of Delroy Garrett Jr. With his arrival in 2035, the room's true potential was unlocked. Alterations were made to create a vibrant and functional environment, including the introduction of a podium, advanced audiovisual equipment, and inspiring decorations.   In this room, the air is charged with the energy of learning, discussion, and growth. Natural light streams through its ample windows, casting a warm glow on motivational posters and students engaged in dialogue. The temperature and atmosphere remain inviting and comfortable, fostering an environment conducive to effective learning.   Stepping into Classroom B3, one is met with a sense of purpose and professionalism. The room's arrangement promotes interaction, while its technological capabilities encourage engaging presentations and group activities. Delroy Garrett Jr.'s touch is evident in every corner, from the podium that simulates real-world speaking scenarios to the subtle motivational decor that empowers students to express themselves with confidence.   Throughout its history, Classroom B3 has played witness to countless transformative moments. It stands as a testament to the academy's commitment to nurturing not only intellectual growth but also the development of essential life skills. As a haven for effective communication, it continues to shape the voices of tomorrow's leaders, leaving an indelible mark on the legacy of the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted.

Purpose / Function

Classroom B3, also known as Mr. Garrett's Public Speaking Class, serves as a dedicated space for students at the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted to develop and refine their public speaking and communication skills. The primary purpose of this classroom is to provide a supportive and immersive environment where students can learn the art of effective communication, build confidence in expressing their ideas, and master the techniques of delivering impactful speeches and presentations.   In Classroom B3, students engage in various activities designed to enhance their public speaking abilities. They practice delivering speeches, honing their body language, and perfecting vocal modulation. Through constructive feedback and peer evaluations, students learn to adapt their communication style to different contexts and audiences. The classroom encourages students to overcome stage fright, develop self-assurance, and foster a deeper connection with their listeners.   The room's layout and features, such as the podium, audio-visual equipment, and comfortable seating, are strategically designed to facilitate learning and practice in public speaking. The classroom also provides an opportunity for students to collaborate, engage in debates, and engage in interactive discussions to further refine their communication skills.   Overall, Classroom B3 aims to empower students with the ability to effectively convey their thoughts, ideas, and messages, preparing them to excel not only academically but also in their future careers and personal endeavors.


  1. Dimensions: The dimensions of Classroom B3 are approximately 30 feet in length and 20 feet in width, with a ceiling height of around 10 feet.
  3. Shape: The room is rectangular in shape, providing ample space for seating arrangements, presentations, and group activities.
  5. Colors and Materials:  
    • Walls: The walls are painted in a calming shade of light blue, evoking a sense of tranquility and focus. Wooden paneling accents along the bottom half of the walls add warmth and sophistication to the overall atmosphere.
    • Floors: The floors are covered in high-quality hardwood flooring, polished to a gentle sheen. The natural wood tones contribute to the room's welcoming and professional aesthetic.
    • Ceiling: The ceiling is adorned with acoustic panels designed to absorb sound and improve acoustics within the classroom. These panels are a neutral gray color, blending seamlessly with the overall design.
      The color palette and material choices create a balanced and conducive environment for learning and practicing public speaking skills in Classroom B3.


The only entrance to and from Classroom B3 is through the second floor Classroom Corridors. The door to this location is located along the Southern wall of the classroom. The entrance is two wooden doors with glass panels on either side, large enough to accommodate bigger students.   There is a number of artificial windows lining the classroom and two sets of windows along the Northern and Eastern walls that leads to the outside of the Main Building. As is the case with the majority of classrooms located on the Second Floor of the Main Building, the roof contains real glass ceilings intend to allow natural UV light through for the students' benefit.

Sensory & Appearance

As people enter Mr. Garrett's classroom, they see a well-organized and welcoming space with a professional yet comfortable ambiance. The walls are adorned with student work and motivational posters related to public speaking. The room is well-lit, with ample natural light streaming in from large windows on one side, supplemented by warm artificial lighting to ensure a bright and inviting atmosphere.   A faint scent of fresh air or a hint of a pleasant fragrance lingers in the room. The air is clean and crisp, contributing to a refreshing and energizing environment. The temperature is kept at a comfortable level, neither excessively cold nor overly warm. It is just right, allowing students to focus on their learning without distractions. The room maintains a cozy atmosphere that promotes concentration and engagement.   As for sound, there is a subtle buzz of conversation as students engage in discussions and collaborate on activities. Occasionally, the classroom may come alive with the passionate delivery of speeches or the constructive feedback provided by Mr. Garrett and fellow classmates. However, there is no eerie sound of a music box; rather, the room is filled with the sounds of productive learning and the occasional laughter, fostering a positive and supportive learning environment.   Overall, Mr. Garrett's classroom provides a pleasant and stimulating sensory experience, with a visually appealing environment, a refreshing scent, comfortable temperature, and a lively yet focused atmosphere that encourages active participation and effective communication.


  1. Mr. Delroy Garrett Jr.: As the Public Speaking instructor, Mr. Garrett is a constant presence in Classroom B3. He conducts lectures, facilitates discussions, and guides students in honing their communication skills.
  3. Students: The classroom is regularly filled with students attending Mr. Garrett's Public Speaking class. They engage in various activities, practice speeches, and collaborate on projects to enhance their speaking abilities.
  5. Guest Speakers: Occasionally, professionals from different fields are invited to share their expertise and insights with the students. They offer valuable perspectives on effective communication and real-world applications of public speaking skills.
  7. Classroom Assistants: Mr. Garrett may have teaching assistants who support him in managing class activities, providing feedback to students, and assisting with organizing speeches and presentations.
  The regular occupants of Classroom B3 create a dynamic and interactive environment where students learn, practice, and refine their public speaking abilities under Mr. Garrett's guidance and mentorship.

Contents & Furnishings

In Mr. Garrett's classroom, you will find a variety of items that are conducive to effective teaching and learning in the field of public speaking.  
  • Podium: A sturdy podium at the front of the classroom, serving as a focal point for speeches and presentations.
  • Whiteboard or Chalkboard: A large writing surface for visual aids, notes, or brainstorming sessions.
  • Desks or Tables: Student desks or tables arranged in a way that encourages interaction and group activities.
  • Chairs: Comfortable chairs for students to sit in during class discussions and presentations.
  • Projector or Smartboard: Audio-visual equipment for displaying visual aids, videos, or presentations.
  • Microphones: Portable microphones for amplifying students' voices during speeches or debates.
  • Library or Bookshelves:A collection of books related to public speaking, communication skills, rhetoric, and influential speeches.
  • Writing Materials: Pens, pencils, paper, and notepads for students to take notes or practice writing speeches.
  • Posters and Visual Aids: Inspirational quotes, communication tips, and visual aids that enhance learning and engagement.
  • Reference Materials: Dictionaries, style guides, and speechwriting resources to support students' language proficiency and speech development.
  • Timer or Stopwatch: A device to help students practice managing their time effectively during speeches and presentations.
  • Classroom Decorations: Student work displays, motivational posters, or visual representations of effective public speaking techniques.
  While Mr. Garrett's classroom is not filled with weapons or magical artifacts, it is equipped with the necessary tools and resources to foster a conducive learning environment for students to develop their public speaking skills.


  1. Student Portfolios: A collection of impressive public speaking assignments and projects showcasing students' progress and growth.
  3. Vintage Public Speaking Books: Antique books on rhetoric, communication, and public speaking techniques, offering historical insights into the art of oratory.
  5. Notable Speech Transcripts: Copies of famous speeches delivered by renowned orators, serving as inspirational references for students.
  7. Inspirational Quotes: A compilation of motivational quotes from influential public speakers, displayed on the walls to inspire and encourage students.
  9. Award-winning Speeches: Trophies, certificates, and accolades earned by students who excelled in public speaking competitions and events.
  11. Audio Recordings: A library of recorded student speeches, debates, and discussions, capturing their progress and showcasing their achievements.
  13. Collaboration Artifacts: Creative visual representations of group activities and collaborative projects undertaken by students in the classroom.
  15. Vintage Microphones: Display pieces of historic microphones used in early days of public speaking, adding a touch of nostalgia to the environment.
  17. Student Journals: Personal journals where students reflect on their journey in developing public speaking skills, offering insights into their experiences.
  19. Guest Speaker Memorabilia: Mementos from guest speakers who have shared their expertise with the class, fostering connections beyond the classroom.
  These treasures contribute to the enriching and inspiring atmosphere of Classroom B3, offering glimpses into the history and achievements of both past and present students in their pursuit of mastering the art of public speaking.

Special Properties

(Classroom B3, while not endowed with supernatural properties, is special in its own way.)   Classroom B3 possesses an intangible yet powerful special property - an aura of inspiration and growth. This classroom seems to naturally encourage students to step out of their comfort zones and embrace the challenge of public speaking. The ambiance within the room fosters an air of confidence and determination, motivating students to express themselves with clarity and conviction.   The unique arrangement of the furniture and the strategic placement of the windows create an environment that enhances the acoustics of the room. This property subtly aids in amplifying students' voices, making even the softest speaker feel heard and supported. The room's design seems to acknowledge the vulnerability that often comes with public speaking and provides a gentle nudge towards overcoming it.   While not a magical enchantment, this special quality contributes to the transformation of hesitant students into eloquent speakers. It serves as a testament to the empathetic design ethos of the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted, which understands that creating the right atmosphere can have a profound impact on students' growth and confidence.


Over the years, Classroom B3 has undergone several alterations to better serve its purpose as a dedicated public speaking classroom at the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted. These alterations have been implemented with the intention of creating an optimal environment for students to learn and practice effective communication skills. Here are some of the key alterations that have been made:  
  • Audiovisual Enhancement: The classroom's audiovisual equipment has been upgraded to include advanced microphones, speakers, and projection systems. These enhancements ensure that students' voices are clearly heard during speeches and presentations, facilitating effective communication and engagement with the audience.
  • Interactive Smartboard: A state-of-the-art interactive smartboard has been installed at the front of the classroom. This allows students to display visual aids, diagrams, and multimedia presentations directly from their devices, enhancing the visual aspect of their speeches and enabling dynamic interaction with the content.
  • Flexible Seating Options: The classroom's seating arrangement has been modified to include flexible seating options such as movable chairs and tables. This arrangement enables students to reconfigure the seating to suit different group activities, discussions, and presentations, promoting collaboration and interaction.
  • Soundproofing Enhancements: Soundproofing materials have been added to the walls and ceiling to create a quiet and focused environment. This alteration minimizes external distractions and ensures that students can practice their speeches and presentations without disturbances.
  • Interactive Feedback System: An interactive feedback system has been integrated into the classroom's technology infrastructure. This system allows students to receive real-time feedback on their speeches and presentations, including metrics on speech pace, clarity, and engagement, helping them identify areas for improvement.
  • Speech Practice Stations: Dedicated speech practice stations have been introduced, equipped with video recording equipment. Students can record and review their practice speeches, allowing them to analyze their performance and make necessary adjustments to improve their delivery and communication skills.
  • Inspiring Art Installations: Art installations related to effective communication, public speaking, and influential speeches have been added to the classroom's decor. These installations serve as sources of inspiration for students and reinforce the importance of communication skills in various fields.
  • Enhanced Lighting Control: The classroom's lighting system has been updated to provide adjustable lighting levels, allowing for different ambiance settings. This alteration ensures that students can create the appropriate atmosphere for their speeches and presentations.
  These alterations collectively contribute to creating a dynamic and adaptable learning environment in Classroom B3, designed to facilitate the growth and development of students' public speaking skills while embracing technological advancements and innovative teaching methods.


The style of architecture used in Classroom B3 aligns with the prevailing post-modern architectural theme of the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted. Post-modern architecture often blends modern and traditional elements, resulting in unique and visually appealing spaces that cater to both functionality and aesthetics. Similarly, Classroom B3 features a combination of architectural elements that reflect this eclectic and innovative approach.   In terms of materials, the construction of Classroom B3 involves a mix of high-quality materials that contribute to its inviting and professional atmosphere. The walls are adorned with rich wood paneling, such as mahogany or oak, which adds a sense of warmth and sophistication to the room. The flooring may consist of polished hardwood or carpeting, providing both comfort and a polished appearance.   Mr. Garrett typically adorns his classroom with elements that foster a productive and encouraging learning environment for public speaking. These adornments include:  
  • Motivational Posters: The walls feature a collection of motivational posters and quotes related to effective communication, confidence-building, and the art of public speaking. These visual cues inspire and encourage students to embrace challenges and strive for excellence in their speaking skills.
  • Student Work Displays: Mr. Garrett showcases exceptional student speeches, presentations, and projects on designated display boards. This celebrates student achievements and serves as an inspiration for others to excel in their public speaking endeavors.
  • Orator Portraits: Portraits or photographs of famous historical orators and influential speakers are displayed throughout the classroom. These portraits highlight the legacy of effective communication and provide role models for students to learn from.
  • Communication Artifacts: Artifacts related to communication, rhetoric, and the history of public speaking may be strategically placed in the classroom. These artifacts serve as conversation starters and provide insights into the evolution of communication techniques.
  • Interactive Communication Diagrams: Interactive diagrams or visual aids related to communication strategies, body language, and effective speech structure may be incorporated into the classroom's decor. These aids help students grasp key concepts in a visually engaging manner.
  • Public Speaking Resources: A bookshelf containing a collection of books on public speaking techniques, rhetoric, persuasive communication, and notable speeches could be present. These resources support students in their exploration and mastery of the art of public speaking.
  Overall, Mr. Garrett's approach to adorning his classroom focuses on creating an atmosphere that inspires confidence, encourages active participation, and reinforces the importance of effective communication skills. The combination of inspirational decor, educational resources, and artifacts related to communication history enriches the learning experience for students in Classroom B3.


In line with the overall philosophy of the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted, Classroom B3 prioritizes safety and security while maintaining a non-threatening and welcoming environment for its students and educators. The defensive structures in place are discreet, designed to ensure the well-being of individuals within the classroom without drawing attention or causing alarm.  
  1. Reinforced Entry Points: The main entrance of Classroom B3 features sturdy doors equipped with modern locking mechanisms and reinforced materials. These measures enhance security and prevent unauthorized access to the classroom.
  3. Security Cameras: Strategically placed security cameras within and around Classroom B3 provide continuous surveillance, monitoring activities and ensuring the safety of students and staff members.
  5. Access Control Systems: To ensure controlled access, Classroom B3 might employ electronic access control systems, requiring authorized personnel to use identification methods such as key cards, biometric scans, or passcodes to enter the classroom.
  7. Emergency Alarms: An integrated emergency alarm system allows occupants to quickly alert authorities in case of any security or safety concerns. These alarms can notify the school's security personnel, ensuring rapid response in the event of an emergency.
  9. Lockdown Procedures: Classroom B3 may be equipped with features that facilitate lockdown procedures. This could include reinforced doors, window coverings, and communication systems to keep occupants safe during potential threats.
  11. Secure Windows: While the room features windows that allow natural light, they might also incorporate shatter-resistant glass or protective films to enhance security and prevent forced entry.
  13. Communication Systems: Classroom B3 could be equipped with a communication system that allows occupants to communicate with school security personnel or emergency services in case of any suspicious activity or emergencies.
  15. Safe Evacuation Plans: The classroom could have clear evacuation plans posted, indicating safe exit routes in case of emergencies such as fires or other hazards.
  It's important to note that while defensive measures are present, the primary focus of Classroom B3 is on creating a positive and conducive learning environment. The defensive structures are intended to be discreet and unobtrusive, ensuring the safety and well-being of everyone within the classroom while maintaining the welcoming atmosphere that supports effective communication and learning.


Inception and Construction

Classroom B3's story begins on a crisp October day in 2021, when the foundations of the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted were being laid. As part of the ambitious construction project, Classroom B3 was conceived as a space where young minds would gather to learn, discuss, and grow. Located on the second floor of the Main Building, it was part of the first series of classrooms to take shape. Its architectural design followed the prevailing post-modern theme that unified the academy's aesthetic.  

Opening its Doors

With dedication and hard work, construction progressed swiftly, and Classroom B3 emerged as one of the early completions. By the following year, in October 2022, its doors were ready to swing open, revealing an environment where knowledge would be nurtured. The room was appointed with the essentials: desks, chairs, a whiteboard, and the promise of transformation through education.  

A Shift in Purpose

By the academic year of 2030, Classroom B3 had seen its fair share of lessons, presentations, and debates. But as the academy evolved, so did its offerings. In a strategic move, the curriculum was reshaped to incorporate Delroy Garrett Jr.'s expertise in public speaking. Classroom B3 underwent alterations to accommodate this new purpose, its layout and amenities tailored to foster communication skills and confidence in the students.  

The Arrival of a Mentor

In 2035, Delroy Garrett Jr. joined the faculty of the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted as the Public Speaking instructor. With a strong vision for creating a dynamic learning environment, Delroy made significant modifications to Classroom B3. The room saw the introduction of a podium for simulated public speaking scenarios, audiovisual equipment for clear communication, and motivational decor that encouraged students to embrace self-expression.  

Evolution and Enhancement

As the years passed, Classroom B3 continued to adapt to the changing needs of both educators and students. Technology advanced, leading to further enhancements in audiovisual capabilities, interactive learning tools, and integration with virtual platforms. Its legacy as a space for effective communication and growth continued to expand.  

A Legacy of Learning

By the year 2042, Classroom B3 stood as a testament to the academy's commitment to holistic education. Its walls had witnessed countless presentations, debates, and discussions that had shaped the minds and voices of generations. Delroy Garrett Jr.'s legacy as a mentor and teacher had left an indelible mark, inspiring students to embrace their identities as effective communicators and leaders.  

A Future Unwritten

The story of Classroom B3 remains an ongoing narrative, with each passing year bringing new faces, ideas, and achievements. Its history reflects the evolution of education and the enduring pursuit of knowledge at the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted. As it continues to be a space of inspiration and growth, its legacy is woven into the fabric of the academy, a symbol of the transformative power of learning and communication.
Founding Date
October 23rd, 2021
Alternative Names
Classroom B3
Room, Education, Classroom
Parent Location
Environmental Effects
Inside Classroom B3, the temperature is meticulously regulated to ensure comfort and focus. The climate control system maintains a moderate temperature, free from extreme fluctuations, creating an environment where students can concentrate on their public speaking tasks without being distracted by discomfort.   The humidity levels are also carefully monitored and adjusted to maintain a balanced and pleasant atmosphere. The air is neither too dry nor too humid, contributing to the overall comfort of the room. Adequate humidity promotes clear and confident vocal delivery, as students don't have to worry about their throats becoming dry or irritated.   Oxygen levels are well-maintained, ensuring that the room is properly ventilated with fresh air. This helps prevent the feeling of stuffiness and ensures that students can breathe easily, allowing for optimal brain function and focus.   The lighting in Classroom B3 is designed to be both functional and soothing. Natural light filters in through the large windows along the Northern and Eastern walls, creating a sense of connection with the outside world. The glass ceilings on the roof allow filtered UV light to enter, providing the benefits of natural sunlight without the harsh glare. The artificial lighting complements the natural light, creating a well-lit environment that reduces eye strain and supports alertness.   In summary, Classroom B3 is a carefully curated space where temperature, humidity, oxygen levels, and lighting are calibrated to create an ideal environment for effective public speaking and learning. The attention to these details contributes to an atmosphere that promotes comfort, engagement, and growth among the students.
Connected Rooms
Owning Organization


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