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Ms. Frost's Problem Solving & Critical Thinking Class

Classroom A3, nestled within the heart of the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted, is a space of transformative education. Founded on October 22nd 2021, its post-modern architecture and unique attributes set the stage for a dynamic learning environment. Over time, Classroom A3 evolved from a standard classroom into a hub of creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving. Its journey was catalyzed by the visionary educator, Ms. Emma Frost, whose telepathic abilities redefined its purpose. With holographic projections and innovative lessons, Ms. Frost transformed Classroom A3 into a realm of intellectual exploration, fostering collaboration and pushing students to expand their minds. Today, Classroom A3 stands as a timeless legacy, a testament to the power of innovative teaching methods and an enduring source of inspiration for generations of learners.

Purpose / Function

Ms. Emma Frost's Problem Solving and Critical Thinking Class serves as a space where students at the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted can develop and enhance their analytical and cognitive skills. The purpose of this classroom is to provide students with the tools and knowledge to approach complex problems, think critically, and devise effective solutions. Ms. Frost, with her expertise in telepathy and psychic abilities, brings a unique perspective to the class, guiding students in honing their intellectual abilities.   Through engaging lessons and interactive activities, Ms. Frost fosters an environment that encourages students to think creatively, analyze situations from different angles, and make informed decisions. The class covers various problem-solving techniques, logical reasoning, decision-making processes, and the cultivation of a strong analytical mindset. Additionally, students are encouraged to collaborate, discuss ideas, and challenge assumptions, further enhancing their critical thinking skills. Overall, Ms. Frost's classroom aims to empower students with the ability to approach challenges with confidence and adaptability, preparing them for success in academic, professional, and personal endeavors.


Classroom A3 boasts dimensions of approximately 30 feet in length by 25 feet in width, creating a rectangular shape that is conducive to versatile seating arrangements and interactive learning setups. The height of the room reaches about 10 feet, providing ample vertical space that contributes to a comfortable and airy atmosphere.   The construction materials employed in shaping Classroom A3 align with the post-modern architectural theme that characterizes the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted. The walls are built with a blend of sturdy materials, including reinforced concrete and steel, ensuring structural integrity and longevity. The flooring is adorned with hardwood panels, such as oak or cherry, giving the space a touch of warmth and elegance while also offering durability to withstand daily use.   The ceiling, extending above the students' heads, features acoustic panels that help control noise levels within the room, fostering an environment conducive to focused learning and discussions. The combination of these materials creates a harmonious balance between modern functionality and classic aesthetics, aligning with the overarching design philosophy of the academy.


The entries and exits for Ms. Frost's classroom include a standard set of doors that connect to the hallway or corridor outside. These doors are equipped with appropriate locking mechanisms for security purposes. It is common for classroom doors in educational institutions to have locks that can be easily locked and unlocked from the inside and outside.   In Ms. Frost's classroom, there is a unique design feature where windows are present along every wall and along the ceiling. However, only a select few of these windows are real and provide an actual view outside. The remaining windows utilize holographic projections to simulate the appearance of real windows. These holographic projections not only create the illusion of natural light and outdoor views but also project nutrient-rich UV light for the students' benefit.   This innovative design allows for a visually stimulating and immersive environment within the classroom. The use of holographic projections provides flexibility in creating different visual settings, such as changing landscapes or even virtual field trips, enhancing the learning experience for the students. Additionally, the incorporation of nutrient-rich UV light promotes a healthy and vibrant atmosphere, potentially benefiting the students' well-being and focus during their time in the classroom.

Sensory & Appearance

As people enter Ms. Frost's classroom, they are greeted with a visually captivating environment. The holographic projections create the illusion of windows, offering mesmerizing views of various landscapes or settings. They may see serene natural scenes, bustling cityscapes, or even otherworldly vistas, depending on the chosen projection. The visual stimulation adds an element of wonder and creativity to the space.   In terms of smell, the classroom may be infused with subtle scents to enhance the atmosphere. Depending on the lesson or theme, there could be the aroma of fresh flowers, a hint of sea breeze, or the invigorating scent of a pine forest. These scents contribute to creating an immersive experience and evoking certain moods or emotions.   When it comes to the sense of touch, the classroom is designed with comfort in mind. The furniture may consist of ergonomic chairs and tables, providing a comfortable and supportive seating arrangement for the students. The materials used for surfaces, such as desks or countertops, may have a smooth and polished texture, enhancing the overall tactile experience.   In terms of sound, the classroom may have a carefully curated audio system that delivers ambient sounds matching the projected landscapes. For example, if the holographic projection showcases a beach scene, gentle waves or seagull sounds might be softly playing in the background. This audio ambiance helps immerse the students further into the learning environment and adds a layer of realism to the experience.   Overall, entering Ms. Frost's classroom is a multi-sensory experience, combining captivating visuals, subtle scents, comfortable surroundings, and ambient sounds to create an engaging and stimulating learning environment.


Regular inhabitants of Classroom A3 include Ms. Emma Frost herself, who guides and imparts her expertise in problem-solving and critical thinking to her students. Additionally, the students of the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted who are enrolled in Ms. Frost's Problem Solving & Critical Thinking class can be found here regularly. These students come from diverse backgrounds and bring their unique perspectives to the classroom, fostering a dynamic and intellectually stimulating environment.   Collaboration and active participation are encouraged in Classroom A3, leading to a diverse range of students engaging in discussions, group activities, and hands-on problem-solving exercises. The classroom serves as a gathering place where individuals who share a common goal of enhancing their analytical and cognitive abilities converge to learn and grow together.   As students interact, share ideas, and tackle challenges, they contribute to the vibrant tapestry of the classroom's intellectual community. Through their interactions and engagement with the curriculum, they become part of the regular denizens who shape and define the learning experience within Classroom A3.

Contents & Furnishings

  • Whiteboards and Markers: These are essential tools for brainstorming, illustrating concepts, and working through problems as a class or in groups. The whiteboards can be wall-mounted or movable for flexibility.
  • Interactive Screens or Smartboards: These digital displays allow Ms. Frost to present information, showcase visual aids, and engage students in interactive activities. They can be connected to computers or other devices for seamless integration.
  • Art Supplies: As creativity is an important aspect of problem-solving and critical thinking, the classroom is likely to have a wide range of art supplies. These may include sketchbooks, pencils, paints, brushes, and other materials for students to express their ideas visually.
  • Collaborative Workspaces: The classroom may feature designated areas or tables where students can gather in small groups to collaborate on projects or solve problems together. These spaces may have additional tools like flip charts, sticky notes, and group activity materials.
  • Reference Books and Resources: Ms. Frost may have a collection of books, reference materials, and resources related to problem-solving techniques, critical thinking strategies, and other relevant topics. These resources can support students in their exploration and understanding of different approaches to problem-solving.
  • Technology Devices: Depending on the teaching methods and curriculum, the classroom may have computers, tablets, or other technology devices to facilitate research, data analysis, and digital problem-solving tools.
  • Display Areas: There may be designated spaces to showcase student work, project presentations, or problem-solving achievements. These display areas allow students to share their ideas and inspire their peers.
  • Comfortable Seating: The classroom may have comfortable seating options, such as bean bags, lounge chairs, or cushioned stools, to create a relaxed and inviting atmosphere for discussions and group work.


Within Classroom A3, a realm of intellectual treasures awaits discovery. As students engage in the process of learning, they unravel the rich tapestry of knowledge and insight. These treasures are not physical objects, but rather the profound revelations and "aha" moments that come from delving into the complexities of problem-solving and critical thinking.   The real treasure lies in the exchange of ideas, the unlocking of new perspectives, and the expansion of mental horizons. Students uncover the gems of innovative approaches, creative solutions, and the satisfaction of deciphering intricate puzzles. As they collaborate with peers and engage with the curriculum, they unearth the treasure trove of their own potential to navigate challenges with confidence and ingenuity.   In the quiet moments of contemplation, students may find themselves inspired by the teachings of Ms. Frost and the collective wisdom of their peers. These intangible treasures are carried with them far beyond the classroom, enriching their lives as they apply their newfound skills to academic pursuits, professional endeavors, and personal growth.   Indeed, the greatest treasures within Classroom A3 are the skills of problem-solving and critical thinking themselves, providing students with lifelong tools to navigate the complexities of the world and contribute to meaningful change.

Special Properties

Classroom A3 possesses a unique and innovative feature that sets it apart from conventional classrooms. This room is equipped with an advanced augmented reality (AR) system that enhances the learning experience for both students and instructors. The AR system overlays digital information, simulations, and interactive elements onto the physical environment, creating a dynamic and immersive educational atmosphere.   Through the AR system, the walls of the classroom can transform into interactive displays, showcasing 3D models, diagrams, and visual representations of complex concepts. Instructors can use gestures and voice commands to manipulate and navigate these virtual displays, making explanations more engaging and accessible to students.   Furthermore, the AR system enables students to participate in interactive simulations and scenarios related to their coursework. For instance, during a history lesson, the classroom could transform into a historical setting, allowing students to witness events as if they were there. In a science class, the room could simulate laboratory experiments, providing a safe and controlled environment for hands-on learning.   The AR system also supports collaborative activities, enabling students to work together on virtual projects and problem-solving tasks. This fosters teamwork, communication, and critical thinking skills.   With its augmented reality capabilities, Classroom A3 provides a cutting-edge and dynamic learning environment that adapts to the curriculum's needs, making education not only informative but also engaging and immersive.


Over the years, Classroom A3 has undergone several thoughtful alterations that reflect the evolving needs of the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted and its commitment to providing a cutting-edge educational environment. These alterations have been carefully designed to enhance the learning experience and cater to the diverse needs of the students and educators.  
  1. Advanced Audiovisual Integration: One of the significant alterations involved the integration of advanced audiovisual technology. This includes the installation of interactive screens, state-of-the-art projectors, and immersive sound systems. These enhancements allow educators to deliver engaging multimedia presentations, incorporate virtual learning experiences, and provide interactive simulations that enrich the curriculum.
  3. Flexible Seating Arrangements: To encourage dynamic collaboration and adaptability, the room's original fixed seating arrangement was replaced with flexible modular furniture. This alteration empowers teachers to rearrange the seating according to the specific needs of each lesson, fostering a more interactive and participatory learning environment.
  5. Smart Lighting Systems: The introduction of smart lighting systems brought increased control over the classroom's illumination. Teachers can adjust the lighting levels to create different atmospheres that complement the lesson's mood and content. These systems also contribute to energy efficiency by automatically adjusting lighting based on natural light availability.
  7. Climate Control Upgrades: Classroom A3 received climate control upgrades to ensure optimal comfort for both students and teachers. Advanced HVAC systems maintain a consistent temperature and regulate humidity levels, creating an environment conducive to focused learning regardless of external weather conditions.
  9. Enhanced Accessibility Features: In alignment with the academy's commitment to inclusivity, alterations were made to improve accessibility for students with diverse needs. This includes the addition of ramps, wider doorways, and ergonomic seating options to accommodate mobility aids and ensure that all students can engage fully in the learning experience.
  11. Intelligent Resource Integration: The classroom was equipped with smart storage solutions that seamlessly integrate with digital resources. This allows for easy access to learning materials, electronic devices, and collaborative tools, facilitating efficient and organized learning experiences.
  13. Innovative Acoustic Design: A specialized acoustic design alteration involved the installation of sound-absorbing panels strategically positioned throughout the room. This modification enhances the room's acoustics, reducing noise distractions and ensuring clear audibility during discussions and presentations.
  15. Green Initiatives: As part of the academy's commitment to sustainability, alterations were made to incorporate energy-efficient lighting, eco-friendly materials, and advanced insulation. These green initiatives align with the academy's values and contribute to a more environmentally responsible learning environment.
  These alterations collectively showcase the academy's dedication to staying at the forefront of educational innovation, while also creating an adaptable and inclusive space that empowers both educators and students in their pursuit of knowledge and growth.


The style of architecture used in Classroom A3 follows the post-modern architectural theme that is prevalent throughout the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted. This style incorporates a blend of modern and traditional elements to create a harmonious and visually appealing space. The architectural design aims to provide both functionality and aesthetics, enhancing the overall learning experience for the students.   In terms of materials used in its construction, Classroom A3 features a combination of high-quality materials that reflect the academy's commitment to excellence and innovation. These materials include:  
  1. Elegant Wood: Just like the other classrooms in the academy, Classroom A3 showcases elegant wood paneling on its walls, possibly using rich and warm wood types such as mahogany or oak. This choice of material adds a sense of sophistication and durability to the room, creating a comfortable and inviting atmosphere.
  3. Sustainable Elements: The architecture of Classroom A3 incorporates sustainable materials wherever possible, aligning with the academy's commitment to environmental consciousness. These materials not only contribute to the aesthetic appeal but also reflect the school's values.
  5. High-Quality Glass: Large windows featuring high-quality glass provide ample natural light and contribute to the sense of openness within the room. The use of advanced glass technology ensures energy efficiency and acoustic insulation.
  As for how Ms. Frost typically adorns her classroom, she combines functionality with a touch of elegance and personal flair. The room's decoration reflects her keen eye for aesthetics and her dedication to creating a conducive learning environment:  
  1. Artistic Touches: Ms. Frost may incorporate artwork, possibly related to critical thinking, problem-solving, and intellectual exploration, on the walls. These pieces could range from thought-provoking posters to intricate sculptures that inspire creativity.
  3. Thoughtful Arrangement: Furniture arrangement within the classroom is designed to encourage collaboration and engagement. Ms. Frost might strategically position desks and chairs in clusters or circles to facilitate group discussions and teamwork.
  5. Telepathic Aesthetics: Given Ms. Frost's telepathic abilities, she might employ subtle visual elements that reflect her unique talents. For instance, holographic displays or artistic representations of thought waves could adorn the walls, symbolizing the power of the mind.
  7. Functional Displays: Alongside the aesthetics, practicality is key. Ms. Frost could have designated spaces for student work, with interactive digital screens showcasing problem-solving challenges, brainstorming sessions, and collaborative projects.
  Overall, Ms. Frost's classroom reflects her commitment to fostering critical thinking and intellectual growth, combining sophisticated aesthetics with innovative teaching tools. The architectural design and careful adornment work in harmony to create an inspiring and empowering learning environment for the students of Classroom A3.


Classroom A3 is equipped with a series of subtle but effective defensive measures to ensure the safety and security of its occupants while maintaining a conducive learning environment. These measures are designed to be unobtrusive and blend seamlessly with the classroom's overall design:  
  • Reinforced Construction: The walls and structural elements of Classroom A3 are reinforced with resilient materials to withstand various external pressures, enhancing the room's overall durability.
  • Secure Entry Points: The doors leading into Classroom A3 are equipped with advanced locking mechanisms, allowing them to be securely locked from the inside and outside. This ensures that the room can be effectively secured if needed.
  • Emergency Communication: An integrated communication system is in place, allowing teachers to discreetly and efficiently communicate with school security or administration in case of emergencies without disrupting the learning environment.
  • Surveillance Integration: The room features discreetly positioned security cameras that provide real-time monitoring of the classroom. This contributes to the overall safety of the space and helps maintain a secure learning environment.
  • Emergency Exit Protocol: The classroom is equipped with clear signage indicating emergency exit routes. These routes are designed to allow for safe evacuation in the event of an emergency situation.
  • Remote Lockdown Capability: In case of a security threat or emergency situation, Classroom A3 can be remotely locked down from a centralized security control room. This prevents unauthorized access and ensures the safety of occupants.
  • Bulletproof Glass Technology: The windows of Classroom A3 are fitted with advanced bulletproof glass technology that provides an additional layer of protection without compromising the room's aesthetics or the availability of natural light.
  • Soundproofing Features: The room's acoustic enhancements, including sound-absorbing panels, not only contribute to better audio quality but also help ensure that any external noises remain muffled, minimizing potential distractions and enhancing security.
  • Emergency Power Backup: The room is equipped with an emergency power backup system that ensures that critical communication systems, lighting, and security measures remain operational even during power outages.
  These defensive measures are carefully integrated into the classroom's design and function to prioritize the safety of all occupants while preserving the inviting and engaging learning environment that the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted strives to provide.


The Foundation

In the early days of the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted, the construction of Classroom A3 was undertaken with meticulous planning and dedication. It was October 22nd when the foundations were laid, marking the beginning of a space that would nurture young minds for generations to come. The architects and builders worked diligently to ensure that Classroom A3 embodied the academy's ethos of excellence and innovation. The initial design embraced the post-modern architectural style that was synonymous with the institution, setting the stage for a captivating learning environment.  

Evolution of Purpose

As years passed, Classroom A3 evolved to serve the changing needs of the students and the academy. While it started as a standard classroom, it soon became apparent that its unique characteristics could be harnessed to foster exceptional learning experiences. The realization dawned that Classroom A3 possessed special properties that could stimulate creativity and intellectual growth. As a result, the classroom began to host specialized courses, focusing on creativity, problem-solving, and critical thinking. The innovative curriculum attracted students who sought to push their intellectual boundaries and develop skills that would serve them in a rapidly changing world.  

Ms. Frost's Influence

The turning point for Classroom A3 occurred when Ms. Emma Frost, an influential mutant telepath and educator, joined the faculty of the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted. With her telepathic abilities and passion for teaching, Ms. Frost recognized the untapped potential of Classroom A3. She saw beyond its physical attributes and envisioned a space where students could not only expand their intellectual capabilities but also tap into their creative energies. Ms. Frost's unique approach to education breathed new life into Classroom A3, making it a hub for critical thinking and problem-solving under her guidance.  

Telepathic Enrichment

Ms. Frost's telepathic abilities played a pivotal role in the evolution of Classroom A3. With her psychic talents, she created an environment that transcended the physical realm. She designed interactive lessons that engaged students' minds on multiple levels. Holographic projections filled the space, projecting thought-provoking landscapes and scenarios that challenged students to analyze, evaluate, and devise innovative solutions. Through her guidance, Classroom A3 became a realm of intellectual exploration, where students learned to harness the power of their minds and collaborate effectively.  

Legacy of Growth

As the years unfolded, Classroom A3 left an indelible mark on the students who passed through its doors. Graduates went on to excel in various fields, their success stories a testament to the transformative power of the classroom. The innovative teaching methods pioneered by Ms. Frost and the unique attributes of Classroom A3 became a legacy of growth and empowerment. The room's history became intertwined with the success stories of countless students who embraced the challenges and opportunities presented within its walls.  

A Timeless Legacy

Today, Classroom A3 stands as a symbol of innovation, intellectual exploration, and creative empowerment. Its history is one of evolution, driven by the dedication of educators, the ingenuity of students, and the power of a dynamic learning environment. The legacy of Classroom A3 lives on as a reminder that education is not confined to textbooks and lectures; it is an immersive experience that shapes the minds of future generations. Its walls continue to echo with the voices of thinkers, creators, and visionaries, leaving an everlasting imprint on the fabric of the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted.
Founding Date
October 22nd, 2021
Alternative Names
Classroom A3
Room, Education, Classroom
Parent Location
Environmental Effects
Inside Classroom A3, the environment is carefully controlled to ensure a comfortable and conducive atmosphere for learning. The temperature is maintained at a comfortable level, typically around 70 to 72 degrees Fahrenheit (21 to 22 degrees Celsius), providing a pleasant and neutral climate for students and instructors alike.   The air pressure in the classroom is maintained at standard atmospheric pressure, which is around 101.3 kilopascals (kPa) or 14.7 pounds per square inch (psi). This pressure level is consistent with the natural atmospheric conditions, ensuring that students experience no discomfort or changes in their physical sensations.   Oxygen levels are also regulated to match the natural composition of Earth's atmosphere, with an oxygen concentration of approximately 21%. This ensures that students have an ample supply of oxygen for proper respiration and cognitive functioning, creating an environment conducive to focused learning and critical thinking.   The lighting in Classroom A3 is carefully calibrated to provide optimal visibility without causing strain on the eyes. The lighting system may include adjustable LED lights that can be tuned to different color temperatures, mimicking the natural progression of daylight. This helps maintain alertness and reduce fatigue during extended periods of study.   Additionally, the classroom's augmented reality (AR) system contributes to the environment by enhancing the visual experience. The AR displays and simulations are designed to be visually engaging without overwhelming the senses. Visual and auditory cues from the AR system are synchronized to the lesson content, enhancing the overall immersive experience without causing sensory overload.   In summary, Classroom A3 provides a controlled and comfortable environment that aligns with Earth's natural atmospheric conditions. The temperature, pressure, oxygen levels, and lighting are all carefully calibrated to support a focused and immersive learning experience for students.
Owning Organization


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