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Mr. Wiggles' English Class

Classroom B2, currently designated as Mr. Wiggles' English Class, serves as a space for the facilitation of English lessons by Mr. Wiggles for the student body at the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted. The room features a single entrance on the northern wall, with two wooden doors and glass panels allowing ample light and visibility. Artificial windows line the walls, while additional sets of windows on the southern and eastern sides offer glimpses of the surrounding area. The faint scent of seafood and algae is occasionally present due to Mr. Wiggles' unique aroma. The classroom houses Mr. Wiggles' favorite literature collection, secured with advanced technology to restrict unauthorized access. With post-modern architecture and an open design, Classroom B2 reflects the academy's overall aesthetic. It was completed early in the academy's construction and has evolved into a nurturing environment for English learning and literary exploration.

Purpose / Function

Originally designed to house a variety of classes, Classroom B2 at the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted now finds its identity as Mr. Wiggles' English haven. The room was initially conceived as a versatile educational space, destined to nurture the intellectual growth of the academy's diverse student body. However, its true purpose has crystallized under the stewardship of Mr. Wiggles, a unique and unconventional educator.   With his distinctive approach to teaching, Mr. Wiggles has transformed Classroom B2 into a sanctuary for the study of literature and language. This metamorphosis occurred gradually, a reflection of Mr. Wiggles' personal journey. The classroom's original intent to serve as a conventional education hub has given way to a more specialized role that revolves around the enchanting world of words.   Through Mr. Wiggles' enthusiasm and dedication, Classroom B2 now resonates with the spirit of exploration and discovery. Students step into a realm where the intricacies of language come alive, transcending mere grammar and vocabulary. It's a place where literary analysis becomes an art form, and the pursuit of knowledge transforms into an odyssey of the mind.   Despite its original purpose, Classroom B2 has embraced its new identity with open arms. As Mr. Wiggles imparts his passion for literature and the English language, the room's walls have absorbed the essence of his teachings. It stands as a testament to the transformative power of education and the capacity of a space to evolve in sync with the vision of its occupants.


Classroom B2 boasts dimensions of approximately 30 feet in length and 25 feet in width, creating a rectangular space that offers ample room for students to comfortably interact and engage with the lessons. The walls are solid and sturdy, creating a sense of security and stability.   The room features a classic and functional design, with neutral colors dominating the interior. The walls are painted in a calming shade of light beige, providing a warm and inviting backdrop for learning. The ceiling is slightly higher than average, giving the room an airy and spacious feel.   The ceiling is made of acoustic panels that help to control sound and create a conducive environment for focused learning. The floor is covered with a durable yet comfortable carpeting that absorbs sound and provides a soft surface for students to sit or stand on. This material choice contributes to the overall comfort and acoustics of the room.   Overall, the design and materials of Classroom B2 are chosen with the intention of promoting a peaceful and efficient learning atmosphere, where students can immerse themselves in their studies without distraction.


Classroom B2 has a single entrance and exit located on the northern wall, facing the Classroom Corridors in the Main Lobby. The entrance is marked by two wooden doors with glass panels on either side, providing a clear view into and out of the room. The doors are designed to accommodate larger students and are easy to open and close.   The classroom is equipped with several artificial windows, which allow natural light to filter into the space and create a bright and welcoming environment. Two sets of windows are positioned along the southern and eastern walls, offering views of the outside Main Building area.   These windows are not locked, barred, or reinforced in any way, as they are intended to serve as sources of natural light and to provide a connection to the external surroundings. The open design aims to create a sense of openness and transparency, allowing students to feel connected to the outside world while studying and learning inside the classroom.

Sensory & Appearance

Upon entering Classroom B2, people are greeted by the sight of organized rows of desks and chairs, creating a neat and structured environment. The walls are adorned with educational posters displaying English grammar rules, vocabulary words, and classic literature quotes, offering a sense of intellectual ambiance.   The faint aroma of seafood and algae lingers in the air, which some attribute to Mr. Wiggles' personal habits. This scent can be mildly distracting for some, but it's become something of a quirky characteristic of the room.   The room feels well-lit and well-ventilated, thanks to the artificial windows and the natural light filtering through the glass panels. The desks and chairs are made of sturdy materials, and the seating arrangement promotes an atmosphere of focused learning.   Amid the sounds of shuffling papers and occasional student chatter, the dominant auditory element is Mr. Wiggles' voice. He often engages his students in lively discussions about literature and language, creating an environment of intellectual curiosity and active participation.


Mr. Wiggles is the central figure regularly present in Classroom B2. He is dedicated to his role as an English teacher, often found preparing lessons, grading assignments, and engaging with his students. His distinctive personality and commitment to education make him a constant presence in the classroom.

Contents & Furnishings

Classroom B2 is filled with various items that facilitate the teaching and learning of English. These items include:  
  1. Desks and Chairs: Aligned in rows, these provide seating for students during lessons.
  3. Whiteboard: Positioned at the front of the room, it serves as a visual aid for Mr. Wiggles' explanations.
  5. Projector and Screen: Used to display multimedia content for the class.
  7. Bookshelves: Lined with a diverse collection of literature and reference materials.
  9. Literature Collection: Mr. Wiggles' personal collection of books, featuring classic and contemporary works of literature.
  11. Display Boards: These showcase students' work, creating an interactive and engaging learning environment.
  13. Bulletin Boards: Used for posting announcements, important dates, and student achievements.
  15. Teacher's Desk: Where Mr. Wiggles prepares lessons, grades assignments, and manages classroom activities.
  17. Reading Nooks: Cozy corners with comfortable seating for students to engage in quiet reading.
  19. Classroom Supplies: Writing materials, textbooks, and educational resources.
  21. Plants: A touch of greenery adds a natural element to the room.
  23. Artwork: Decorations related to English literature, inspiring creativity and imagination.
  25. Bookstands: Used to display open books for discussions or readings.
  27. Clock: Keeps track of time during lessons.
  29. Soft Lighting: Provides a warm and inviting atmosphere conducive to learning.
  These items collectively create an environment that supports effective teaching and learning of the English language.


Within Classroom B2, there are a few hidden treasures that can be discovered:  
  1. Hidden Quotes: On the backs of bookshelves and underneath desks, students have written their favorite literary quotes. Some are heartfelt, others humorous, creating a sense of connection and shared enthusiasm for literature.
  3. Mr. Wiggles' Personal Annotations: In some of the books from his personal collection, Mr. Wiggles has left insightful annotations. These notes offer unique perspectives on the texts and provide students with a glimpse into his thoughts as a lover of literature.
  5. Handwritten Letters: Tucked inside the pages of certain books are handwritten letters exchanged between students. These letters reveal friendships, secrets, and emotions, showcasing the bond that has formed within the classroom.
  7. Student Artwork: On the inside covers of textbooks, some students have sketched illustrations related to the literature they're studying. These artistic expressions add a personal touch to their learning materials.
  9. Hidden Book Recommendations: Underneath the bulletin boards, there's a small collection of books recommended by Mr. Wiggles himself. Students who stumble upon these recommendations often find themselves immersed in new and exciting literary adventures.
  These hidden treasures reflect the unique and creative atmosphere of the classroom, fostering a sense of discovery and camaraderie among the students.

Special Properties

Classroom B2 possesses a few special properties that make it stand out:  
  1. Literary Aura: The room seems to exude an aura that enhances students' engagement with literature. When lessons are in progress, students find themselves more immersed in the texts being discussed, making it easier for them to grasp complex themes and ideas.
  3. Inspiration Nook: In one corner of the room, there's a designated "Inspiration Nook" filled with quotes from famous authors, literary awards won by former students, and even a small collection of typewriters and old-fashioned writing tools. This space is designed to spark creativity and encourage students to explore their own writing talents.
  5. Language Clarity: While in Classroom B2, students and teachers notice that their communication and language skills are remarkably enhanced. This effect lasts even after they leave the room, allowing them to carry their improved language proficiency into other aspects of their academic and personal lives.
  7. Selective Noise Cancellation: The room features advanced acoustic technology that selectively cancels out background noise while amplifying the teacher's voice. This ensures that students can hear every word clearly during lessons, fostering a more focused and conducive learning environment.
  9. Library Connection: The room is subtly connected to the larger school library's database. When discussing a particular book or topic, Mr. Wiggles can use a touch-screen panel to instantly access related materials and display them on the classroom's smart board, enhancing the depth of the lessons.
  These special properties not only enrich the learning experience but also create an environment that promotes a deep appreciation for literature and language among the students.


Throughout its existence, Classroom B2 has undergone a series of alterations that reflect the evolving needs and visions of the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted. While its core identity as an educational space remains intact, these changes have shaped the room into its current form, accommodating both practical requirements and the unique preferences of its occupants.  
  1. Adaptive Technology Integration: In response to the ever-changing landscape of education, Classroom B2 has been equipped with cutting-edge technology. Smart boards, interactive displays, and digital learning tools have been seamlessly integrated into the room, enhancing the teaching and learning experience. These alterations cater to the academy's commitment to providing students with modern resources while aligning with Mr. Wiggles' innovative teaching methods.
  3. Customized Shelving and Storage: Over time, Classroom B2 has accumulated a rich collection of literary treasures, thanks to Mr. Wiggles' passion for literature. To accommodate his extensive collection of books, manuscripts, and rare texts, the room's shelving and storage solutions have been customized. Sturdy bookcases, elegantly designed and strategically positioned, serve as a visual testament to the importance of literature in the academy's curriculum.
  5. Acoustic Enhancements: As Mr. Wiggles' teaching style often involves discussions, readings, and group interactions, the room's acoustics have been carefully fine-tuned. Sound-absorbing panels, strategically placed, help create an environment where every student's voice can be heard clearly. This alteration ensures that the classroom fosters effective communication and open dialogue among students and their instructor.
  7. Comfort-Centric Furnishings: Recognizing the importance of comfort in learning, Classroom B2 has undergone alterations to its furnishings. Ergonomic chairs and spacious tables have been selected to provide students with a cozy and conducive environment for reading, discussing, and absorbing knowledge. These alterations align with Mr. Wiggles' belief in the importance of creating a comfortable and inviting space for intellectual exploration.
  9. Inspiring Visual Displays: The classroom's walls have become a canvas for inspiration, adorned with literary quotes, artwork, and visual displays that stimulate creativity and critical thinking. These alterations transform the room into an immersive environment where students are constantly reminded of the beauty and power of language.
  In essence, Classroom B2's alterations have been orchestrated to harmonize with Mr. Wiggles' pedagogical approach while embracing the academy's commitment to innovation and excellence in education. These changes reflect a collaborative effort to create an environment that nurtures intellectual growth, fosters a love for literature, and encourages students to explore the boundless realms of the English language.


  1. Architectural Style: Classroom B2, like many other rooms at the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted, is characterized by post-modern architecture. Clean lines, functional design, and an emphasis on form following function define the room's architectural style. The space seamlessly merges contemporary aesthetics with practicality, creating an environment conducive to learning and engagement.
  3. Construction Materials: The construction of Classroom B2 primarily involved the use of durable and sustainable materials. The walls are composed of reinforced concrete, ensuring structural integrity and sound insulation. The flooring is a combination of polished hardwood and eco-friendly carpeting, providing a balance between functionality and comfort. The ceiling features acoustic panels that enhance sound quality while maintaining a sleek appearance.
  5. Mr. Wiggles' Classroom Adornments: Mr. Wiggles, known for his creative and unconventional teaching methods, adorns his classroom with elements that reflect his passion for literature and learning. The walls are adorned with posters of iconic authors, literary quotes, and artwork that sparks curiosity. Bookshelves, thoughtfully arranged, showcase his collection of books spanning various genres and eras. A cozy reading nook, complete with plush seating and soft lighting, invites students to immerse themselves in the world of literature. In a corner, a small aquarium adds a touch of tranquility, and the aroma of incense lingers subtly, creating an inviting and immersive ambiance that resonates with Mr. Wiggles' unique approach to education.


Classroom B2, being primarily an educational space, does not employ explicit defensive structures. However, the architecture of the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted has integrated certain security measures into its design to ensure the safety of students and faculty.   Security Measures  
  1. Access Control: The entrance to Classroom B2 is equipped with a state-of-the-art electronic access control system. Only authorized personnel with the appropriate permissions can unlock and access the classroom.
  3. Surveillance: The classroom is monitored by a network of security cameras strategically placed throughout the school. These cameras provide real-time monitoring and recording of activities within the classroom.
  5. Emergency Exits: In compliance with safety regulations, Classroom B2 is equipped with multiple emergency exits. These exits are clearly marked and designed to facilitate swift evacuation in case of an emergency.
  7. Intrusion Alerts: The classroom is integrated with a sophisticated intrusion detection system. Any unauthorized attempt to access the room triggers alerts that are immediately relayed to security personnel.
  9. Secure Storage: While not explicitly defensive, Mr. Wiggles' secure library collection is protected by advanced security features. This ensures that valuable literature remains safeguarded.
  It's important to note that the primary focus of the classroom is education, and the defensive measures in place are designed to ensure the well-being of the students and staff while maintaining the peaceful and conducive learning environment.


Inception (2021 - 2022)

  Classroom B2 was one of the first rooms to take shape during the construction of the Main Building at the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted. As the school came into existence, the purpose of Classroom B2 was established as an educational space for teaching English. With its modern architecture and well-equipped facilities, the classroom quickly became a hub for language and literature learning.  

Mr. Wiggles' Arrival (2022 - 2023)

  In the second year of the academy's operation, Mr. Wiggles, a linguist and educator with a passion for language and literature, joined the faculty. Recognizing his expertise and dedication, the administration assigned Classroom B2 to him for teaching English classes. Mr. Wiggles' unconventional teaching methods and deep knowledge of the subject made the classroom a unique and engaging learning environment.  

Curriculum Evolution (2023 - 2027)

  Over the years, Mr. Wiggles evolved his curriculum, incorporating interactive activities, discussions, and creative projects that went beyond traditional language education. The walls of Classroom B2 witnessed lively debates, student-led literary discussions, and collaborative writing projects. The classroom became known not only for its educational content but also for fostering a love for language and literature.  

Red Serpent Rising (2027 - 2030)

  The events of "Red Serpent Rising," a series of conflicts involving superheroes and supervillains, brought about significant changes to the academy. During this time, Bullseye, the former teacher of Applied Vigilantism in Classroom B2, retired. As a result, the administration made the decision to reassign the classroom to Mr. Wiggles, reflecting his dedication to education and the arts.  

The Legacy Continues (2030 - Present)

  With Mr. Wiggles now firmly established in Classroom B2, his English classes continued to thrive. The room's vibrant atmosphere remained a testament to his commitment to fostering a deep appreciation for language and literature. The introduction of cutting-edge technology enhanced the classroom's learning experience, allowing students to explore literature from around the world with digital resources.   Throughout its history, Classroom B2 stood as a symbol of educational excellence, innovation, and a love for the written word. The dedication of both its educators and students contributed to its legacy as a space that nurtured intellect, creativity, and a lifelong passion for language.
Founding Date
October 9th, 2021
Alternative Names
Classroom B2
Room, Education, Classroom
Parent Location
Environmental Effects
Inside Classroom B2, the environment is carefully controlled to provide a comfortable and conducive setting for learning. The air is crisp and well-ventilated, with a comfortable temperature of around 70°F (21°C). The humidity levels are maintained at a moderate level to prevent the air from becoming too dry or too humid.   The room's atmosphere is calm and tranquil, conducive to focused study. The lighting is soft and evenly distributed, providing ample illumination without causing glare on screens or paper. The chairs and desks are arranged in a symmetrical layout, allowing for easy interaction and engagement during lessons.   The air pressure in Classroom B2 is consistent with the rest of the building, ensuring that students and teachers feel at ease without any sensations of pressure changes. The oxygen levels are carefully monitored and regulated, ensuring that there is an abundant supply of fresh air to keep everyone alert and attentive.   In essence, the environment inside Classroom B2 is designed to create a comfortable and optimal setting for learning and discussion. It allows students to fully engage with the lessons and encourages a sense of focus and concentration without any distracting or uncomfortable elements.
Connected Rooms
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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